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Banned From Catholic Web Sites?


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Well, I just got banned from a second Catholic Website. Both times were for some flimsy reasons, but this one, the moderator won't even tell me the reason. I violated no rules as far as I can see, so my only conclusion is, the moderator views me as a liberal. He gave me two warnings, for reasons that made no sense, before banning me permanently.

Anyway, I was wondering if others have been banned from Catholic Websites, or Christian websites for that matter?

I'm also wondering if this should be something that is flattering, especially based on the views at the first Catholic Website I was banned from. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]


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I've actually been suspended recently for about 3 days from a Catholic forum for no other reason than disagreeing that teaching RCIA was a vocation (they said it was, I disagreed). I got no notice until after I emailed the moderator and he told me I "have a narrow view of vocations." :blink:

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One of the interesting things about the latest site that I was banned from, they don't allow private messaging between members.

I wonder why?

I could understand if I was spouting off things that go against Catholic Teaching, or if I personally insulted a person in a post, but neither was the case.

My first ban, was because I spoke out against a petition which a poster was promoting, that would go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, demanding that Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry, be prohibited from receiving Holy Communion.

No whether you agree whether they should be prohibited or not, isn't ours to decide, but rather, their own Bishops.

Anyway, I stated that the petition was akin to the woman caught in adultery, being brought before Jesus, asking what should be done to this women who violated the law?

That was it, I was kicked out.

These two sites state that they uphold Church teaching, but they're hardly Christian.


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[quote name='JimR-OCDS' date='23 October 2009 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1256319227' post='1990310']
One of the interesting things about the latest site that I was banned from, they don't allow private messaging between members.

I wonder why?

I could understand if I was spouting off things that go against Catholic Teaching, or if I personally insulted a person in a post, but neither was the case.

My first ban, was because I spoke out against a petition which a poster was promoting, that would go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, demanding that Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry, be prohibited from receiving Holy Communion.

No whether you agree whether they should be prohibited or not, isn't ours to decide, but rather, their own Bishops.

Anyway, I stated that the petition was akin to the woman caught in adultery, being brought before Jesus, asking what should be done to this women who violated the law?

That was it, I was kicked out.

These two sites state that they uphold Church teaching, but they're hardly Christian.

I signed that ban as well. :)

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='23 October 2009 - 02:38 PM' timestamp='1256319504' post='1990312']
I signed that ban as well. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

Whether you agreed with the petition or not isn't the point. The point being, is it
worthy of being banned from the site because I opposed it?

My own personal opinion is that, I thought the whole idea of the petition was uncharitable. It would do nothing to lead people to Christ, but more to drive them away.


Edited by JimR-OCDS
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[quote name='InHisLove726' date='23 October 2009 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1256318205' post='1990304']
I've actually been suspended recently for about 3 days from a Catholic forum for no other reason than disagreeing that teaching RCIA was a vocation (they said it was, I disagreed). I got no notice until after I emailed the moderator and he told me I "have a narrow view of vocations." :blink:

Depends on if they were saying big "V" vocation or little "v" vocation. It could be considered a little "v" vocation. Just like being a student, PSR catechist, etc. can be little "v" vocations. It wouldn't be a big "V" Vocation.

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I think it has much to do with making people feel uncomfortable.

Many in these websites, are comfortable in their Catholicism. If you present something
that makes them uncomfortable, they want to burn you at the proverbial stake. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I see some young Catholics, many who are converts, who identify themselves with being
Catholic. In other words, they ego identity is Catholic. So, they defend Catholicism to the hilt, not
for the sake of the Church or truth, but rather, they're defending their own egos.

Over the past ten years, I've seen young converts using their conversion as a means of getting attention
from their family and circle of friends, who are not Catholic. The jaw dropping reaction they get when they announce that they're going to join the Catholic Church, is appealing. So, they go full steam ahead and they want the Church to be so distinct from anything else in their life, that it will bring more satisfaction, because their family and friends will understand even less about it, than they do. Its all ego driven of course. Then after a couple of years, when the reactions wear off, and they begin to get bored, they either leave the Church, and become enemies of her, or, they become fanatics, trying to build a greater Catholic culture identity, that they can link themselves with. The more "in your face," the better.

So, I guess they saw me as their enemy, for I threatened their egos, and they constantly complained to the moderator of the first site I was banned from. His reason for banning me, wasn't that I violated a rule, but rather, that I was causing "too much moderation," by my participation at the site.

I know its best to just forgive and move on, which I'm doing, but I was currious as to how many others went through the mil at these websites?

In Christ

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[quote name='JimR-OCDS' date='23 October 2009 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1256322029' post='1990321']
Whether you agreed with the petition or not isn't the point. The point being, is it
worthy of being banned from the site because I opposed it?

My own personal opinion is that, I thought the whole idea of the petition was uncharitable. It would do nothing to lead people to Christ, but more to drive them away.

No, its no reason to ban you for disagreeing with it.
We rarely ban people here [ porn and spam always], you can say almost anything within reason, as long as you do it politely. Personal attacks are not tolerated.

The people to whom the petition was referring have already publicly left Christ, because their public stances are a scandal to the laity and an abomination to God.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='23 October 2009 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1256322980' post='1990329']
No, its no reason to ban you for disagreeing with it.
We rarely ban people here [ porn and spam always], you can say almost anything within reason, as long as you do it politely. Personal attacks are not tolerated.

The people to whom the petition was referring have already publicly left Christ, because their public stances are a scandal to the laity and an abomination to God.

Well I disagree. The politicians haven't brought scandal to the Catholic Laity, because when it comes to religious beliefs, no one really cares what they believe.

However, the petition was scandalous by making Catholics look like something akin to the 17th Century Puritans in Salem Ma.

Only the local Bishops of these fellow Catholics, has the authority to excommunicate a person from the Sacrament.


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[quote name='Varg' date='23 October 2009 - 11:10 AM' timestamp='1256317818' post='1990302']
I have a feeling I'm about to be :P
Phatmass rarely bans anyone.

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[quote name='JimR-OCDS' date='23 October 2009 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1256322803' post='1990327']
I see some young Catholics, many who are converts, who identify themselves with being
Catholic. In other words, they ego identity is Catholic. So, they defend Catholicism to the hilt, not
for the sake of the Church or truth, but rather, they're defending their own egos.[/quote]
So you know what is in the hearts of these converts? How godlike.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='23 October 2009 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1256328923' post='1990366']
So you know what is in the hearts of these converts? How godlike.

Based on what they post in websites, yes.

Things like, "my parents and friends are all up in arms over me becoming Catholic." Stuff like this goes on for awhile, until the same person later on eventually post, " Leaving the Catholic Church."

Of course its not all who convert, nor would I know the hearts of everyone who comes and goes, but there is a common trend in Catholic forums, that I've noticed.


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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='23 October 2009 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1256328763' post='1990363']
Phatmass rarely bans anyone.

Which to me, would be the Christian way of running a Catholic Website.

After all, we're all trying to grow, and help each other in the process, not push political


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