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Young-Earth Creationism


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I personally have never understood the position of young-earth creationism. There is not only scientific evidence that our world is billions of years old, we have no idea how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. They could have been there for billions of years since there was no such thing as death until the first sin. I am just curious if my points are valid or not.

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In my opinion young-earth creationism involves misguided faith in private biblical interpretation at the expense of reason.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='21 October 2009 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1256165837' post='1989249']
In my opinion young-earth creationism involves misguided faith in private biblical interpretation at the expense of reason.
That is also my personal conclusion.

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Never understood why we have to literally interpret Genesis, and then all of a sudden, we can pass off John 6 as symbolism even when the passage strongly suggests otherwise along with historical evidence. Which leads me to a thought, what is the historical case for young-earth creationism? Is there an obvious year of introduction of the idea?

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' date='21 October 2009 - 06:46 PM' timestamp='1256168799' post='1989279']
Never understood why we have to literally interpret Genesis, and then all of a sudden, we can pass off John 6 as symbolism even when the passage strongly suggests otherwise along with historical evidence. Which leads me to a thought, what is the historical case for young-earth creationism? Is there an obvious year of introduction of the idea?
What, the historical case for there being no history?


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[quote name='dentarthurdent95' date='21 October 2009 - 05:54 PM' timestamp='1256165679' post='1989248']
I personally have never understood the position of young-earth creationism. There is not only scientific evidence that our world is billions of years old, we have no idea how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. They could have been there for billions of years since there was no such thing as death until the first sin. I am just curious if my points are valid or not.

Dear 95,

Contrary to Domini's comment, young earth creationism most assuredly may NOT be classified as misguided faith! I've been a YEC for 25 years. The evidence is quite substantial to say the least. The first item on your agenda should be to notice that the Hebrew word for "day" is "yom". It is mentioned over 350 times in Scripture, and in all but one place ("the day of Lord") it refers to a 24 hour, normal lunar DAY. Therefore, there is every reason to simply take the Creator at His word when He says that He created heaven and earth in 6 days. SOOOO much more could be said, but I first will refer you to the article below which in my mind, is proof positive that we haven't been here "in the millions". Dinasour tissue has been found in more than one place, AND THAT TISSUE IS SOFT. Again---SOFT. There is simply NO WAY it could remain soft if they lived millions of years ago. And what pray tell, is the response from the atheistic/old-earth Christian creationist community? Dead silence. See here

[font="Arial"][size="2"][url="http://www.icr.org/article/4827/"]http://www.icr.org/article/4827/[/url][/size][/font][font="Arial"][size="2"][/size][/font] [font="Arial"][size="2"][color="#0000ff"]
[font="Arial"][size="2"][color="#0000ff"]Second, I would invite you to consider visiting the Creation Museum in Kentucky if you ever get the chance. At a cost of over 30 Million (all donated from logical thinking persons such as myself who graciously disagree with your million-year-scenario), it broke ground in 1991, and was just completed last year. Here is a quick video:

Finally, I have a 6 part video set on the creation/evolution controversy, and one of the segments deals with the evidence for a young earth. Because I no longer have a video player, I transfered them to DVD, but now don't need the tapes. Should you like to have them, I will send them to you for free. Simply PM me and send me your addy.

Edited by Stormstopper
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There's no such thing as a 'lunar' day. You should have said 'solar'.

How is finding soft dinosaur tissue possible under the YEC stance? Either God planted a bunch of evidence to appear to be hundreds of millions, or billions of years old (therefore equally ancient dinosaur evidence), or there is no evidence at all.
Unless of course, you're saying that dinosaurs lived 4-6 thousand years ago... in which case I will put forth the hypothesis that you are severely deluded.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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Exactly my thoughts on the issue. THe reason i asked is that i go to a christian school that uses Bob Jones University textbooks for some classes. For those who don't know what that is, it is a very anti-catholic university that teaches young-earth creationism. My principle said that they will not be when i get into high school. I hope that he was telling the trut h.

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[quote name='dentarthurdent95' date='21 October 2009 - 06:54 PM' timestamp='1256165679' post='1989248']
I personally have never understood the position of young-earth creationism.

[quote name='Stormstopper' date='21 October 2009 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1256169478' post='1989286']
Contrary to Domini's comment, young earth creationism most assuredly may NOT be classified as misguided faith! I've been a YEC for 25 years. The evidence is quite substantial to say the least.
Good to see you Storm! I've summarized my opinion on YEC but I agree that to be fair one should read about where serious YEC advocates are coming from. I don't have any links on hand, but I can remember seeing some very lively debates on youtube. The Answers in Genesis people come to mind too. http://www.answersingenesis.org/


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That article that was cited is poor. Its sources DO NOT back up the conclusions. Some of them are even irrelevant.

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[quote name='dentarthurdent95' date='21 October 2009 - 08:03 PM' timestamp='1256169815' post='1989291']
Exactly my thoughts on the issue. THe reason i asked is that i go to a christian school that uses Bob Jones University textbooks for some classes. For those who don't know what that is, it is a very anti-catholic university that teaches young-earth creationism. My principle said that they will not be when i get into high school. I hope that he was telling the truth.

Not sure what to say... Is it the kind of environment where opposing the YEC material would bring animosity? Personally it is not a disagreement that gets me particularly fired up. I definitely have strong opinions about it, but I don't feel the need to attack people who have a YEC world-view. I might be more upset if I was being robbed of an education in mainstream natural science. :idontknow:

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='21 October 2009 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1256170260' post='1989297']

Not sure what to say... Is it the kind of environment where opposing the YEC material would bring animosity? Personally it is not a disagreement that gets me particularly fired up. I definitely have strong opinions about it, but I don't feel the need to attack people who have a YEC world-view. I might be more upset if I was being robbed of an education in mainstream natural science. :idontknow:

I see your point. I am lucky enough to have parents that know about natural science. They both have degrees in biology and my father is a biology professor.

And as far as it sparking animosity, most likely it would start a very good debate, but not deep-seeded hatred. It just gets frustrated getting hit by this theory that basically says that if you don't believe in YEC your not a christian and are going to hell. Not all young-earth creationists, such as the one commenting on this post (I hope), believe that i am a bad person for not think in their own way. It is just the way that these textbooks are written.

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[quote name='dentarthurdent95' date='21 October 2009 - 09:24 PM' timestamp='1256171055' post='1989301']
I see your point. I am lucky enough to have parents that know about natural science. They both have degrees in biology and my father is a biology professor.

And as far as it sparking animosity, most likely it would start a very good debate, but not deep-seeded hatred. It just gets frustrated getting hit by this theory that basically says that if you don't believe in YEC your not a christian and are going to hell. Not all young-earth creationists, such as the one commenting on this post (I hope), believe that i am a bad person for not think in their own way. It is just the way that these textbooks are written.
The idea that the earth was some 6000 years old etc was invented by a protestant preacher in the 1800s, a Mr Darrow I think was his name.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='21 October 2009 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1256173075' post='1989315']
The idea that the earth was some 6000 years old etc was invented by a protestant preacher in the 1800s, a Mr Darrow I think was his name.
I thought the 6,000 year chronology was first advocated by Archbishop Ussher of the Anglican Church of Ireland.

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