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This Is A Weird But Exciting Feeling...

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I'm nearly finished with my application for the postulancy for the Poor Clare Colettines. It seems kinda surreal, but in a good way. I can look back and see that I may have been making a mountain out of a mole hill about getting all this done though. I just need a letter of character recommendation from a priest friend of mine and then it's done!

Then next part will be telling mom that I plan on going forward with this and talking about it with my family. That will be the hardest part. That, and getting loans taken care of.

Wow... how surreal to think where I may be in the future. I love it! ^_^

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='13 October 2009 - 01:47 PM' timestamp='1255452431' post='1984612']
I'm nearly finished with my application for the postulancy for the Poor Clare Colettines. It seems kinda surreal, but in a good way. I can look back and see that I may have been making a mountain out of a mole hill about getting all this done though. I just need a letter of character recommendation from a priest friend of mine and then it's done!

Then next part will be telling mom that I plan on going forward with this and talking about it with my family. That will be the hardest part. That, and getting loans taken care of.

Wow... how surreal to think where I may be in the future. I love it! ^_^

It seems with me, too, that the hardest part of actually doing something is that pre-doing period. :lol: Once you've begun it's kinda of like, "Oh... so that's... it?" Haha! :lol:

I'll definitely be praying for you as you continue along your discernment with the Poor Clare Colettines, especially when talking with your family and getting your loans taken care of.

:sign: God bless!

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Just think...completing the application is half the battle! Once you get the final letter, all you have to do is send it off and wait for your acceptance! It's difficult, but God has led you this far, and won't make you endure anything you cannot handle. I pray that you get the character reference letter soon so you can send the application in. God be with you, and bless you for answering His call to service! :))

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He he that's such a God-incidence. I'm going through the same thing but with the Carmelites.

It feels like it's taken me forever to complete my application. There's the last minute things like my blood profile, etc. to get done ... it's comforting to know I'm not alone ^_^ & Know that Our Lord will send you the graces needed to talk with your family. It was kind of hard for me to not hide it from my mom since her and I are pretty close ... but when the right time came, God truly blessed me in my words to say to the family.

Future Nun, how long did it take you to work on the app?

In Christ,

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[quote name='melporcristo' date='13 October 2009 - 11:12 PM' timestamp='1255489979' post='1984956']

He he that's such a God-incidence. I'm going through the same thing but with the Carmelites.

It feels like it's taken me forever to complete my application. There's the last minute things like my blood profile, etc. to get done ... it's comforting to know I'm not alone ^_^ & Know that Our Lord will send you the graces needed to talk with your family. It was kind of hard for me to not hide it from my mom since her and I are pretty close ... but when the right time came, God truly blessed me in my words to say to the family.

Future Nun, how long did it take you to work on the app?

In Christ,

May I ask which order of Carmelites you are applying to? :)

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Hey missy just wanted to say congrats! One step closer to entering....I pray that God's will be done in your life and that your loans are paid down quickly.

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Yea! Hey, I'm also to be a Poor Clare, God willing, but not a Colettine. :hijack: I'm curious, do you have a devotion to Mother Mary Francis, PCC (From Roswell?) I read [i]A right to be merry[/i] years and years ago (well, three years ago, but it seems like half a lifetime) way before I was thinking of being any kind of Franciscan, and three others of her books since then, and after a while I was really impressed by her plain good sense and what seems like a quiet kind of holiness. It seems like the best of the American spirit. She only died a few years ago, so there isn't a Cause up for her canonization or anything AFAIK at the moment, but she's really grown on me. Do you 'know' her a bit?

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  • 2 months later...
Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' date='14 October 2009 - 08:57 PM' timestamp='1255571867' post='1985619']
Yea! Hey, I'm also to be a Poor Clare, God willing, but not a Colettine. :hijack: I'm curious, do you have a devotion to Mother Mary Francis, PCC (From Roswell?) I read [i]A right to be merry[/i] years and years ago (well, three years ago, but it seems like half a lifetime) way before I was thinking of being any kind of Franciscan, and three others of her books since then, and after a while I was really impressed by her plain good sense and what seems like a quiet kind of holiness. It seems like the best of the American spirit. She only died a few years ago, so there isn't a Cause up for her canonization or anything AFAIK at the moment, but she's really grown on me. Do you 'know' her a bit?
I've read the same book and loved it. I want to read some more of her writing, but that is all I really know of her.

On another note, I finally got all my application papers in and now comes the wait. I keep having this feeling that I will not be accepted, but I really feel at peace about finally finishing it. Also, what does one do if rejected by a community? Do you still keep in contact with them and visit? It would feel kinda weird to just drop them entirely after knowing the community for so many years now.

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Awww, that's wonderful! Glad to see it's all finally coming together. Isn't God good? I am in love with the Colettines - I hope you love them and that all continues to go well with your discernment :)

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Holding you near in heartfelt prayer! I think God's assurance in the application process is that it would be rare for a Community to encourage a woman to apply, then not accept her - unless a medical reason became known from the doctor's reports.

Wishing God's most loving blessings for you!

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Oh wow...congratulations! That is a surreal feeling! Now is it the countdown or do you have to be officially accepted? My prayers are with you, most definitely! :lol_roll:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Two Hearts' date='11 January 2010 - 06:38 PM' timestamp='1263253130' post='2035073']
Holding you near in heartfelt prayer! I think God's assurance in the application process is that it would be rare for a Community to encourage a woman to apply, then not accept her - unless a medical reason became known from the doctor's reports.

Wishing God's most loving blessings for you!

Thanks :) I think I needed to hear that. I really can't think of anything other than my terrible procrastination that would keep me out. Thanks for the prayers. ^_^

[quote name='Guadalupe23' date='12 January 2010 - 08:40 AM' timestamp='1263303628' post='2035317']
Oh wow...congratulations! That is a surreal feeling! Now is it the countdown or do you have to be officially accepted? My prayers are with you, most definitely! :lol_roll:

I have to wait to see if the community accepts me. Then I have to take care of my loans. Oh boy... That will be a daunting task in and of itself.

Thanks for all the prayers. :)

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