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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Our 40 Days For Life Adopt A Day

Fr. Antony Maria OSB

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Hey everyone, I'm in charge of getting people to pray in front of the abortion clinic in my college's area for 40 Days for Life, and our adopted day is this Tuesday. I was supposed to have the information of all of the people praying throughout the day to the person at 40 Days for Life by today and still do not have all of the information I need from one of the people I had get people to pray, and one person has not been able to find anyone to pray during the hours of 10 AM-1 Pm, which is a problem. Please pray that everything works out and that we get all of the people that we need to pray: this is driving me up a wall right now and I also have a HUGE test tomorrow, so please also pray that I can keep what little sanity I have and can do well on my test. Thank you very much!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors!



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