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Christian Confusion On Crucifixion


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Please read in full and text evidence presented before giving objective responses.

With much of the Christian world all making good cases for a Friday crucifixion, Thurday crucifixion and even a Wednesday crucifixion, I decided to take it upon myself to test all that I could find on this topic and put it all to the test using the Prophecies as a baseline for truth regarding this topic. What I have found is pretty solid and amazing yet it poses new questions that have been answered by much of my findings. I am however curious what your answers will be to my questions but first i would like you to review the answers I ojbectively present in the link referenced study so that you will be able to present why your understanding is more correct than what I have discovered.

My questions are as follows:

Why does the bible in it's current state of Preservation not illustrate the fulfillment of the 4 day prophecy in Exodus 12. In exodus 12 the Lamb (Christ) was to be chosen by the people on the tenth day of the first month. On the 14th day Christ (the Lamb) was to be killed. The only event that fits this symbolism of the Lamb being chosen by the people is the triumphal entry, yet the bible does not illustrate this being fulfilled since the anointing At Bethany according to John places the triumphal entry on the 9th Day of the first month. Both Matt and Mark place the anointing Event 2 days before Passover (12 Nissan) and if the triumphal entry happened the next day (13 Nissan), you still do not have the Lamb being chosen by the people on the 10th day per the Law of Moses which Christ claimed to have fulfilled.

There is a non canonized Gospel that was found in 1877 in a monastery in Tibet which illustrates exodus 12 in fulfillment. Why does the bible have Errors when people today claim it is infallible? By making false statements are they in spirit and in truth? Can they not hear God's voice which does tell truth and the full truth?

If the official story regarding the history of the 4 gospels was truth why is this study able to give solid credibile evidence that the 4 bible gospels came from a single written gospel source?

Here is a link that I have built which causes me to ask questions and provide the information which provokes the questions. Can you find any page of testimony presented that is not telling the truth based on what is presented?

By page 36, do you believe the information presented illustrates accurately enough why the Christian world is divided and in a state of denominational confusion? Can you answer any of these questions with certain truth after reviewing the information which provokes the questions?

Are your answers speculation or as God’s child did he speak the truth in your ear to answer these question?


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We don't have any confusion over the crucifixion. The Church doesn't have a issue over it, and nobody has to read a 55 page document to understand it. The Church was there, the Apostles recorded it, the Church has preserved it so its not an issue.
Jesus died on Friday - day one, his body was in the tomb on Saturday - day two, until Sunday morning the beginning of day three. What is so difficult about that? No its not 3 full days, but so what, whats the problem?
One must remember the Scriptures are a library of the collected works of the Old Testament and the Church, not a numerological puzzle to be solved.

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[quote name='todd_vetter33' date='06 October 2009 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1254880783' post='1979582']
If the official story regarding the history of the 4 gospels was truth why is this study able to give solid credibile evidence that the 4 bible gospels came from a single written gospel source?

The argument can be made that the synoptics came from a single written source, but no reputable scholar claims that John came from the same source as Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='07 October 2009 - 12:19 AM' timestamp='1254892774' post='1979715']
We don't have any confusion over the crucifixion. The Church doesn't have a issue over it, and nobody has to read a 55 page document to understand it. The Church was there, the Apostles recorded it, the Church has preserved it so its not an issue.
Jesus died on Friday - day one, his body was in the tomb on Saturday - day two, until Sunday morning the beginning of day three. What is so difficult about that? No its not 3 full days, but so what, whats the problem?
One must remember the Scriptures are a library of the collected works of the Old Testament and the Church, not a numerological puzzle to be solved.

The true worshppers of God will worship in spirit and in truth not rumor and in speculation. The children of God will hear God's voice. Did God give you what to say? How can you say for sure that your explination is solid when this study shared exposes traditional flaws.. The Christian has failed to take the gospel to the world because they don't really know the gospel. They have partial recordings of the gospel but they lack the spirit of god putting the correct words in their mouths to speak. Even Christ did nothing of himself unless it was given to him from heaven.

You may want to carefully review the Errors exposed by putting catholic doctrine (bible NT) up agaist real time. To say the bible is perfect is a lie over exposed by this study.

God Bless

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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='07 October 2009 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1254912356' post='1979769']
The argument can be made that the synoptics came from a single written source, but no reputable scholar claims that John came from the same source as Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

Most reputable scholars have not tested nor discovered what I am objectivly presenting in this study. you may test for yourself what I have found or go on the lacking reputable studies of the past that fell short of making a solid case for Christ as the Messiah.

God Bless

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The phrase "three days and three nights" is Hebrew idiom for three days. It's not meant to be taken as an exact 72hr block of time passing by.

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[quote name='todd_vetter33' date='07 October 2009 - 08:57 AM' timestamp='1254916651' post='1979786']
The true worshppers of God will worship in spirit and in truth not rumor and in speculation. The children of God will hear God's voice. Did God give you what to say? How can you say for sure that your explination is solid when this study shared exposes traditional flaws.. The Christian has failed to take the gospel to the world because they don't really know the gospel. They have partial recordings of the gospel but they lack the spirit of god putting the correct words in their mouths to speak. Even Christ did nothing of himself unless it was given to him from heaven.

You may want to carefully review the Errors exposed by putting catholic doctrine (bible NT) up agaist real time. To say the bible is perfect is a lie over exposed by this study.

God Bless
How do you define who the true worshippers are? What are your qualifications to decide who they are? Someone who thinks they hear God's voice, or the record of the people who actually witnessed the life of Jesus Christ? There are no traditional flaws because you have raised a strawman - there is no issue of time for the Church, only for you. You are trying to solve a non-existant puzzle.
Christianity is taking the Gospel to the world every single day, it hasn't failed, its simply up against our sinful nature, its an uphill battle. Scripture is not a newspaper account of an event, its not an early version of CNN, nor does it claim to be. The evangelists were not concerned with exact timelines, but with recording the work of salvation they had witnessed. Big difference. The Gospels are the Word of God perserved by the Church for the Church, there is no contradiction in the fact. Stop looking at the trees, and check out the forest.

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[quote]The children of God will hear God's voice[/quote]

Are you hearing God's voice, or what you think God is telling you?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='07 October 2009 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1254925380' post='1979823']
How do you define who the true worshippers are? What are your qualifications to decide who they are? Someone who thinks they hear God's voice, or the record of the people who actually witnessed the life of Jesus Christ? There are no traditional flaws because you have raised a strawman - there is no issue of time for the Church, only for you. You are trying to solve a non-existant puzzle.
Christianity is taking the Gospel to the world every single day, it hasn't failed, its simply up against our sinful nature, its an uphill battle. Scripture is not a newspaper account of an event, its not an early version of CNN, nor does it claim to be. The evangelists were not concerned with exact timelines, but with recording the work of salvation they had witnessed. Big difference. The Gospels are the Word of God perserved by the Church for the Church, there is no contradiction in the fact. Stop looking at the trees, and check out the forest.

There are promises made by Christ to the true worshippers. they will be in spirit and in truth. Both spirit and truth implies that there will be no error found. They will walk in the day and no longer stumble in the night... This is truth vs error. Christ said his followers will do all that he could do and more.. is this you? When you talk to God does he answer or does the statue that you kneel before just stare blankly back at you?

God tells you how to know if you are his.

It's up to you to be honest with yourself if you meet these qualifications.

God Bless

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[quote name='Selah' date='07 October 2009 - 09:38 AM' timestamp='1254926281' post='1979828']
Are you hearing God's voice, or what you think God is telling you?

God Told me what to put into the study that you will find in the link. Does the link speak according to the Laws of God and testimony of Jesus? This is how you will know if God sent me to share with you.

<H3 class=search-header>[url="/passage/?search=Isaiah+8:20&version=NKJV"]Isaiah 8:20[/url]</H3>To the [b]law[/b] and to the [b]testimony[/b]! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Most Christians want to claim Christ did away with the Law.. yet this is a requirement for salvation. We can read the doctrines of men all we want and in many cases they testify of God.. We still must come to God. You may find the highlights below to be familiar.

[b]From the Ages of Ages is the Eternal Thought, and the Thought is the Word, and the Word is the Act, and these Three are one in the Eternal Law,[/b][b] [/b][b]and the Law is with God and the Law proceeds from God.[/b][b] [/b][b]All things are created by Law and without it is not anything created that existeth[/b][b]. [/b][b]In the [/b][b]Word is Life and Substance, the Fire and the Light. The Love and the Wisdom, are One for the Salvation of all. And the Light shineth in darkness[/b][b] [/b]and the darkness concealeth it not. The Word is the one Life-giving Fire, which shining into the world becometh the fire and light of every soul that entereth into the world. I am in the world, and the world is in Me,[b] [/b][b]and the world knoweth it not.[/b][b] [/b]I come to my own House, and my friends receive Me not. But as many as receive and obey, to them is given the power to become the Sons and Daughters of God, even to them who believe in the Holy Name, who are born--not of the will of the blood and flesh, but of God. And the Word is incarnate and dwelleth among us, whose Glory we beheld, full of Grace. Behold the Goodness, and the Truth and the Beauty of God!

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[quote name='todd_vetter33' date='07 October 2009 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1254954221' post='1980290']
There are promises made by Christ to the true worshippers. they will be in spirit and in truth. Both spirit and truth implies that there will be no error found. They will walk in the day and no longer stumble in the night... This is truth vs error. Christ said his followers will do all that he could do and more.. is this you? When you talk to God does he answer or does the statue that you kneel before just stare blankly back at you?

God tells you how to know if you are his.

It's up to you to be honest with yourself if you meet these qualifications.

God Bless
There are promises made by Christ to his Church: that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. Individuals can be deceived, the Church cannot, Spirit and Truth are found in her, as is Apostolic Tradition and Authority. Worship is found IN the Church.
A statue is a visual reminder of the greater reality, if it did anymore than just be a statue it would be headline news. Do you have a problem with reminders?

God answers us in His own way and His own time, and sometimes no answer IS the answer for the time being.
God abides.

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