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Melodramatic Sarcasm

Guest nvzbl

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i think, it is hard to determine what is neccesary for a positive foundation for debates. it seems like if the subject is taken too lightly it is dragged off to the lame board. i find sarcasm as seriousness growing into tension and intensity to be dramatically reduced to a lesser degree. with a little less emphasis on the serious side of things can open to doors to perception and hopefully bring it to a [b]higher meaning[/b]. when the lameboard is used in the division of peoples opinions we are forced to be a little less civil and our anxious instinct for survival seems to kick in. im just sayin if we could all float to the deeper meaning of things, maybe we all would sit around and laugh a little more...

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'deeper meaning' shneeper meaning, no one understands me, woe is me

(this thread is begging for sarcasm of both the melodramatic and non, alike

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[quote name='CatherineM' date='24 September 2009 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1253819090' post='1972272']
I was born to be a drama queen, but I will try to tone it down.

Don't you do it!! Don't change one little bit!!

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[quote name='nvzbl' date='24 September 2009 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1253812938' post='1972214']
i think, it is hard to determine what is neccesary for a positive foundation for debates. it seems like if the subject is taken too lightly it is dragged off to the lame board. i find sarcasm as seriousness growing into tension and intensity to be dramatically reduced to a lesser degree. with a little less emphasis on the serious side of things can open to doors to perception and hopefully bring it to a [b]higher meaning[/b]. when the lameboard is used in the division of peoples opinions we are forced to be a little less civil and our anxious instinct for survival seems to kick in. im just sayin if we could all float to the deeper meaning of things, maybe we all would sit around and laugh a little more...
uh, :unsure: what? :wacko: no srsly. idgi.

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[quote name='Lil Red' date='24 September 2009 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1253821733' post='1972292']
uh, :unsure: what? :wacko: no srsly. idgi.
don't think you were supposed to

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I apologize in advance. :mellow: I'm never going to forget this little thread, long ago bumped off Transmundane Lane.

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' date='28 May 2009 - 06:25 AM' timestamp='1243509927' post='1877156']
If Love,truth and fogiveness is the vine than there are many branches not in that there are many roads but that the source of the branch is the cross and the gospels of fogiveness and the holy promises of christ(the sacrements,including confession and admission of sin when and if thought of or overun emotionally to act upon)in defense of the ten commandments and the law of moses in the true light of christ.... yes/no?

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='28 May 2009 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1243564368' post='1877522']
This is a question? Seriously?

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' date='02 June 2009 - 08:31 AM' timestamp='1243949490' post='1881061']
Yes nihil this is a seriouse question i've only been back at church for 4 years but i have already on the yahoo chat engine met people whom push ultimatums on the whole one way approach yet JESUS in his testimonies on the workings of GOD even though there is a straight and narrow in my examinations of the words of the LORD he also totally understands that the straight and narrow is the source(GOD) but that we are the branches not the vine and bearing different quantities of fruit and qualities. What i guess i'm aiming at is a greter acceptance that we are branches and not actually the vine although we strive to be perfect like the father is in our amblings towards the sky and to capture the gifts of heaven like the sunlight and to thirstly drink up what water is given to us by heaven.I guess my walk since coming back to church has led me to the understanding that different people are on different levels spiritually and i can not pass judgement on the condition of another persons soul in as such as some branches are closer to the ground and some tower in the sky some get weighed down by excess fruit and break,some bear sour fruit some sweet some no fruit and are barren, but in this i'm trying to ask am i okay to alert people to there condition that is seen without making judgements upon the condition of there soul or there relationship wth GOD to ensure an even spread in there lives of good fruit and coax them to aim for the heights of virtue and pure fruit so to speak without coming across judgemental, My soul is in anguish over this, is this the spirit telling me to work on my own virtue and fruits before even attempting to work on others? It is a question designed to illuminate the good and get any new christians or youth of the catholic church thinking about GOD and what it all means. :starwars:
I don't think I've ever managed to read this post start to finish.

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='03 June 2009 - 08:57 AM' timestamp='1244037448' post='1881857']
All I meant is that I don't see a question. Just a yes/no? at the end.
I could talk all I wanted and even have enormous run on sentences in the vein of this one but of course you and I both know that adding a question mark at the end in most if not all cases will not turn the enormous run on sentence into a real question?

[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' date='03 June 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1244063761' post='1882275']
lol this is funny i cant understand what anyone is saying there are a lot of ideas jampacked into long unending paragraphs which make no sense without punctuation i am so confused all i can do is laugh so i wanted to write about how funny this post is because it is confusing at least to me when i clicked on the phatmass phorum and talked to the people on phorum and there were posts that were confusing and now i am rambling if you even have read this far this post of mine then i hope you are laughing too because you might find it funny like i do yes/no?

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='CatherineM' date='24 September 2009 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1253819090' post='1972272']
I was born to be a drama queen, but I will try to tone it down.
Me too. *high five*

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