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[quote name='Christopher Brandon' date='21 September 2009 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1253505984' post='1970191']
Astrial Vampires attack by draining the energy out of your astrial body (spirit, soul, w/e) as you sleep, leaving you to wake up in a state of temporary paralisis due to absolute fear of nothing. you know your terrified you just don't know why. Astrial vampires have been seen, they're usualy shapeless purple clouds hovering above their victim, and the symptoms never include halucination.

again, I have no doubts.

It was not a vampire, hun. There is a medical explanation for what you experienced.

Sleep Paralysis: http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='21 September 2009 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1253506164' post='1970193']
It was not a vampire, hun. There is a medical explanation for what you experienced.

Sleep Paralysis: [url="http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis"]http://www.webmd.com...sleep-paralysis[/url]

maybe it was maybe it wasn't.

but that doesn't mean anything about the icons of the saints :)

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[quote name='Christopher Brandon' date='21 September 2009 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1253506820' post='1970202']
maybe it was maybe it wasn't. [/quote]

No, it was sleep paralysis.

[quote] but that doesn't mean anything about the icons of the saints :)

There are so many rational explanations for that. Your emotional/psychological state, the effect of the lights, your imagination (which seems to be quite overactive), and - here is the shocker - you could have been dreaming.

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='21 September 2009 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1253507097' post='1970205']
No, it was sleep paralysis.

There are so many rational explanations for that. Your emotional/psychological state, the effect of the lights, your imagination (which seems to be quite overactive), and - here is the shocker - you could have been dreaming.

For a Roman Catholic you seem eager to dismiss the mericle that had me denounce false gods and seek out the one true God.

go back to [i]your[/i] master, I want nothing of his forked tounge.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' date='20 September 2009 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1253506164' post='1970193']
It was not a vampire, hun. There is a medical explanation for what you experienced.

Sleep Paralysis: http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis
I've had that a few times in the last year. Scares the hell out of me, let me tell you.

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[quote name='Christopher Brandon' date='21 September 2009 - 12:27 AM' timestamp='1253507258' post='1970208']
For a Roman Catholic you seem eager to dismiss the mericle that had me denounce false gods and seek out the one true God.

go back to [i]your[/i] master, I want nothing of his forked tounge.

You align yourself with [i]paganism[/i]. Enough said right there.

And let me get this straight. Because I am offering you RATIONAL explanations for this [i]supposed[/i] phenomena you experienced, I am a Devil worshiper? Silly me, I should have suggested that you drape your room with garlic bulbs while chanting in ancient Sumerian. Medical explanations, what was I thinking???

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='21 September 2009 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1253507782' post='1970224']
I've had that a few times in the last year. Scares the hell out of me, let me tell you.

What scared you, the paralysis or the evil purple mist swirling above your headboard?

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='21 September 2009 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1253507782' post='1970224']
I've had that a few times in the last year. Scares the hell out of me, let me tell you.


As to miracles, the Roman Catholic Church goes through so many rigorous tests of miraculous events to prove their validity at times.

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='21 September 2009 - 12:37 AM' timestamp='1253507876' post='1970227']
You align yourself with [i]paganism[/i]. Enough said right there.

And let me get this straight. Because I am offering you RATIONAL explanations for this [i]supposed[/i] phenomena you experienced, I am a Devil worshiper? Silly me, I should have suggested that you drape your room with garlic bulbs while chanting in ancient Sumerian. Medical explanations, what was I thinking???
first, I only said go back to your Master, I love how you assosiated "your Master" with the Devil.

You attacked with science something I hold dear in my heart as being a sign from God to call me to Him. You tried to put DOUBT in that, so worshiper or not your doing his work.

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[quote name='Christopher Brandon' date='21 September 2009 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1253508214' post='1970236']
first, I only said go back to your Master, I love how you assosiated "your Master" with the Devil. [/quote]

Um, everyone associates "forked tongue" with the Devil, bro.

[quote] You attacked with science something I hold dear in my heart as being a sign from God to call me to Him. You tried to put DOUBT in that, so worshiper or not your doing his work.

There is no such thing as "astral vampires," okay. Who on earth told you that, Silver Ravenwolf?

Still not sure what God you are referring to. Pagans do NOT worship Jesus Christ. You cannot be a pagan and a Christian. Ridiculous.

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silly point to clarify, but I feel the need to: you cannot be a Pagan and a monotheist, either. Monotheism means you believe there to be only one God, that there do not now exist nor have there ever existed any other Gods but that one. perhaps you mean you're a monotheist in that you worship only one God, but if you ally yourself with paganism, you admit the existence of other gods that other pagans worship. if you think that the other people's gods are not real, well, you're not exactly a pagan are you? what exactly would keep you a pagan if you could honestly say "the gods that other pagans worship are not real, only my god is real"?

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='21 September 2009 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1253508485' post='1970243']
Um, everyone associates "forked tongue" with the Devil, bro.

There is no such thing as "astral vampires," okay. Who on earth told you that, Silver Ravenwolf?

Still not sure what God you are referring to. Pagans do NOT worship Jesus Christ. You cannot be a pagan and a Christian. Ridiculous.
as per the "forked tonge" I'll give you that.

and now your telling me I can't worship Jesus? because I do not take comunion with a Church means I can not be apart of that church. that does not mean I can't Love God, how dare you. Again you do the devils work by discouraging me from God.

I love God, and as a creation of God I love you, and I will pray for you.

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='Aloysius' date='21 September 2009 - 12:53 AM' timestamp='1253508816' post='1970251']
silly point to clarify, but I feel the need to: you cannot be a Pagan and a monotheist, either. Monotheism means you believe there to be only one God, that there do not now exist nor have there ever existed any other Gods but that one. perhaps you mean you're a monotheist in that you worship only one God, but if you ally yourself with paganism, you admit the existence of other gods that other pagans worship. if you think that the other people's gods are not real, well, you're not exactly a pagan are you? what exactly would keep you a pagan if you could honestly say "the gods that other pagans worship are not real, only my god is real"?

I do not think pagans would worship something they did not meet. I just do not think they know who they met, example, fallen angels? many shapeshifters in that group.

I do not expect you to understand where I stand. and maybe one day soon I'll accept the Bible and the Church more as I learn more about it, and even come to take comunion with a church. But i'll be dead before I let someone convince me I can't love and worship God.

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[quote name='Christopher Brandon' date='21 September 2009 - 12:54 AM' timestamp='1253508877' post='1970252']
and now your telling me I can't worship Jesus? because I do not take comunion with a Church means I can not be apart of that church. that does not mean I can't Love God, how dare you. Again you do the devils work by discouraging me from God. [/quote]

If you worship Jesus Christ then you believe that He is God. And if you believe that He is God then you are also worshiping God the Father and the Holy Spirit. So then you MUST be aware of the first commandment. And you MUST be aware of all the times Christ said that the only way to the Father is through Him. Therefore you MUST be aware that the Scriptures condemn paganism. You are a walking contradiction, and I really encourage you to get that sorted out as soon as possible.

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"We do not seek a Christ whom we have invented, for it is only in the real communion of the Catholic Church that we encounter the real Christ" -Pope Benedict XVI (then Cardinal Ratzinger)

It is possible to INVENT a Christ with one's mind. It is also possible to be deceived by a FALSE Christ, as the devil appears as an angel of light in order to confuse. What one must always be on guard in dealing with spiritual realities is to ensure that one is never finding the source of one's spiritual progress completely from within ones own self... because it is within our own mind that we can most easily deceive ourselves. To encounter Christ truly, we must have something definitively outside of our control, outside of our own power of manipulation and imagination, against which we test any and all experiences we have.

the mind is quite a tricky thing. so is the devil. one's own imagination and the devil (who may influence one's imagination) are the biggest enemies to true spiritual progress. they'll create a false Christ for you who will affirm everything that you personally wish to be true while rejecting anything you personally wish to be false... effectively making this "Christ" into your cheerleader; sure, it might sometimes challenge you to do better because you personally think that it should be done better, but for the most part it becomes an extension of your own personality, a self-worship personified in the imaginary friend you have created.

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