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The Difference Between Pagan And Christian.

Guest russell f. custureri

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Guest russell f. custureri

[font="Trebuchet MS"][size="2"]hello. i am a pagan follower. but i've noticed that alot of my pagan beliefs are also christian beliefs with that in mind, is there any real major differences in the two religions? or is christianity another subculture of paganism?[/size][/font]

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Guest russell f. custureri

my topic is not meant to offend anyone. i just have the understanding that paganism is basically your own interpretation of your religion. and EVERYONE takes different things from religions that makes those people unique followers. so doesn't that make EVERYONE pagan? or am i incorrect in my personal assesments???

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Christopher Brandon

Well, paganism is open to many Gods but Pagans can be monotheistic as well, Paganism is not a jealous religion, you can be pagan and believe in a God or philosphy not consistent with sterio-typical pagan beliefs. and I think what he's asking is, based on how loosely defined Paganism is, can't Pagans be Christians and vise versa, and I'd have to say no, a Pagan can worship the Christian God, as I do but I think someone who defines their religion as being apart of Christianity cannot call themselves Pagan.

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Christopher Brandon

It's true, many religions fall under Paganism, Wicca for example, but there are many people who are not Wiccan, or Shamanistic, they are simply Pagan. It's like how some people think all spell craft is witchcraft, and that if you practice spell craft you must be Wiccan. It's simply not true.

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Are there any people who fall under the polytheistic "let's slaughter an animal on the altar of Zeus" type anymore? Or is that just too complex? :mellow:

(despite my sarcasm in the latter half, I mean sincerity in the former)

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Pagan is the exact antithesis to Christian. Literally... Christians pretty much invented the word (well, we took it from the old word meaning country-dweller and re-invented it to mean those who continue on in non-Christian religious practices) and defined it as "non-Christian religions"... its modern rebirth as a word in which people of all stripes use it to refer to themselves (I even notice above one who uses "Atheistic Pagan" as his religion) consists of the attempted reconstruction of many religions that Christianity all but wiped out (taking the good from their cultures and Christianizing that, of course) when it won over Europe to the faith. Pagan can accurately refer to any religion which is non-Christian :cyclops:

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I guess a person could call themselves a pagan Christian if they believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died and was resurrected and then ascended into heaven. Oh yeah, also that He is one person in the Trinity and His death was the salvation of our souls, and oh yeah, we must eat His flesh and drink His blood, and what else? you get the picture... for a person to be a pagan Christian requires a lot more than just feeling good about some of the precepts of Christianity... sorry to be a party pooper, but pagan Christian? Not likely....

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' date='19 September 2009 - 12:35 AM' timestamp='1253334909' post='1969034']
Are there any people who fall under the polytheistic "let's slaughter an animal on the altar of Zeus" type anymore? Or is that just too complex? [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif[/img]

(despite my sarcasm in the latter half, I mean sincerity in the former)

there are still shamanistic cultures and comunities that believe in animal sacrifice yes, but mainstream paganism rejects it as counterproductive to apeasing their Gods, and that food, spices, candles ect. make better offerings.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' date='19 September 2009 - 01:35 AM' timestamp='1253334909' post='1969034']
Are there any people who fall under the polytheistic "let's slaughter an animal on the altar of Zeus" type anymore? Or is that just too complex? :mellow:

(despite my sarcasm in the latter half, I mean sincerity in the former)

The Recons don't :hehe:

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it's always weird to see pagans etc. it's like, are you trying to be counterculteral or something? it's like you're trying too hard. just be who you are, you don't have to have a label.
but then, that's my propensity. no labels etc. i do know i used to say the same thing similarly to people like methodists or lutherans etc. it's like, what's so magical about X religion that you'd be it? that's back when i was more catholic oriented, and thought only beinc called catholic, if anything, made sense. but, for some people, X religion, eg methodist, fits them well. even if not perfect. so they call themself mehtodist. i suppose that's reasonable. if that's what's happening for pagans, sure, whatever floats your boat.
i still stick mostly to the 'why have a label' thing, though.
and i suspect most pagans are merely defining themselves by what they are not-- ie, more mainstream religions, instead of what they are. it's a defining yourself by what you're not is surely a weak form of identity if that's what's happening.
most of these people in an attempt to avoid defining htemselves by mainstream, end up defining themselvse by mainstream anyway, from the negative way. they're giving them too much credit.

kind of like, some people refuse to join facebook 'that's what everyone's doing' or liking X sports team. sure, that's true,,, but what d you think about the matter? who cares what everyone else is doing, or not doing. just be who you are, like what you like etc.

just a rant that was on my mind recently, and seemed at least partially fitting to this thread, so i posted it...

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='19 September 2009 - 02:42 PM' timestamp='1253385731' post='1969263']
it's always weird to see pagans etc. it's like, are you trying to be counterculteral or something?

and i suspect most pagans are merely defining themselves by what they are not-- ie, more mainstream religions, instead of what they are. it's a defining yourself by what you're not is surely a weak form of identity if that's what's happening.[/quote]

well, I wouldn't say this is a fair generalization but it's true that some Pagans are in it for all the wrong reasons. But isn't that true of all religions Dairy?

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If you believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man and hold to teachings which do not violate this precept and all it entails, you are a Christian...otherwise not. Paganism insists the contrary or at least a nuanced version of it such that it no longer fits the criteria for Christianity.

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