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Wow...some of the things said there are very hateful...

Do you want help defending Church tradition? Purgatory? Speaking out against sola scriptura? "Man made" tradition?

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I'm not so sure. It's not my forum, I don't even have an account on there. My friend showed me the link and what was happening. There seems to be a vast ammount of copy and pasting.

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[quote name='Winchester' date='15 September 2009 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1253060758' post='1967225']
Cast not your pearls before swine.

Brak is right :yes: They are just flinging insults and misinformation everywhere. Why waste your time?

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I came across the same thing the other day. There were some street preachers giving it to the Church, they approached me with the 'are you saved' line, I eventually told them that I am Catholic and I got blasted. When it was my turn to reply, they walked away not wanting to hear my evil, twisted theology.

I have a great reputation on this site. -2

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[quote name='CorMaria' date='15 September 2009 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1253062263' post='1967257']
I came across the same thing the other day. There were some street preachers giving it to the Church, they approached me with the 'are you saved' line, I eventually told them that I am Catholic and I got blasted. When it was my turn to reply, they walked away not wanting to hear my evil, twisted theology.

I have a great reputation on this site. -2
I don't get it either. I've seen nothing heterodox from you.

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[quote name='CorMaria' date='15 September 2009 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1253062263' post='1967257']
I came across the same thing the other day. There were some street preachers giving it to the Church, they approached me with the 'are you saved' line, I eventually told them that I am Catholic and I got blasted. When it was my turn to reply, they walked away not wanting to hear my evil, twisted theology.

I have a great reputation on this site. -2

In life we run across some people who are not interested in hearing what we have to say, and we can only pray for them. Do not take what such people say personally. We should not let the devil burden us with such flimsy attacks. :sword:

Take my advice and ignore the reputation thing.....some do not vote appropriately. :mellow:

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' date='15 September 2009 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1253063179' post='1967270']
Take my advice and ignore the reputation thing.....some do not vote appropriately. :mellow:
I agree. Don't let that stop you from posting. If you are consistently orthodox and charitable in what you post, your rep will (hopefully) eventually reflect that.

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[quote name='CorMaria' date='15 September 2009 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1253062263' post='1967257']
I came across the same thing the other day. There were some street preachers giving it to the Church, they approached me with the 'are you saved' line, I eventually told them that I am Catholic and I got blasted. When it was my turn to reply, they walked away not wanting to hear my evil, twisted theology.

I have a great reputation on this site. -2

I've defended you

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[quote name='Selah' date='15 September 2009 - 07:16 PM' timestamp='1253060194' post='1967215']
Wow...some of the things said there are very hateful...

Do you want help defending Church tradition? Purgatory? Speaking out against sola scriptura? "Man made" tradition?

Of course you are railing against the word of God when you minimize the authoity of Holy Writ which MUST take precedent over any and all spiritual authorities. Paul says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God MAY BE PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto every good work." (2 Tim 3:16). As usual amongst Catholics, God must never be given the luxury of saying what He means and meaning what He says, but His words are always distorted and squeezed like a dishrag to support anything and everything the Roman Catholic Church says, whom no one must ever question. BALONEY! Let's get to it right here and now Selah. For your position to be true, you would have to name for me JUST ONE good work that the Scriptures are NOT able to thoroughly furnish the man of God for. I defy you to answer the question because the clarity of God's word demands that a THOROUGHLY FURNISHED or "THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED" man (in another translation) has EVERYTHING HE NEEDS. Your position falls to the ground instantly and the subject is closed.

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Christopher Brandon

[quote name='Winchester' date='15 September 2009 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1253060758' post='1967225']
Cast not your pearls before swine.
The sick need doctors.

[quote name='eagle_eye222001' date='15 September 2009 - 08:36 PM' timestamp='1253061377' post='1967241']
Looks like half the side of a conversation with some very serious allegations made without any evidence.
but since when was faith about evidence?

[quote name='Stormstopper' date='18 September 2009 - 04:08 PM' timestamp='1253304509' post='1968755']
Of course you are railing against the word of God when you minimize the authoity of Holy Writ which MUST take precedent over any and all spiritual authorities. Paul says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God MAY BE PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto every good work." (2 Tim 3:16). As usual amongst Catholics, God must never be given the luxury of saying what He means and meaning what He says, but His words are always distorted and squeezed like a dishrag to support anything and everything the Roman Catholic Church says, whom no one must ever question. BALONEY! Let's get to it right here and now Selah. For your position to be true, you would have to name for me JUST ONE good work that the Scriptures are NOT able to thoroughly furnish the man of God for. I defy you to answer the question because the clarity of God's word demands that a THOROUGHLY FURNISHED or "THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED" man (in another translation) has EVERYTHING HE NEEDS. Your position falls to the ground instantly and the subject is closed.

Amen to Gods words being manipulated constantly. But do you think the Catholic church is the only one guilty? every church says the Bible is left open to interpretation. "Your position falls to the ground instantly and the subject is closed." as for that, [i]shame on you[/i]. You will never have the right to discredit someones position like that. We don't [b]know[/b] what is truely right, and what is truely wrong. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe, and she believes what she believes, and we will never [b]know[/b] what is right until judgement, that is why it's called [i]faith[/i].

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