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Sola Scriptura


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Okay Im opening up this debate on Sola scriptura so the one on transubstansiation wont be closed due to red herrings, and so that we all can come to know the truth about sola scriptura.

I will just give a lil at a time but first off.... The Bible does not even say by scripture alone will we know the truth.

So that pretty much kills and buries it. But to dig deeper so that sola scripura's stench wont even be able to rise through the coffins into our nostrils...

St. Paul says in 2 Thess. 2:15...."So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the [u]traditions[/u] which you were [u]taught[/u] [b]by us[/b], either by [u]word of mouth [/u]or [b]by letter[/b]." :unsure:

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I've never been able to understand how you can base your entire belief system on a book. The Bible is a wonderful book no doubt, but it is in no, no, no, no, NO way the final authority.

Or else you end up thinking that people in heaven don't care about you anymore :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Selah' date='14 September 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1252962980' post='1966439']
Moses has a chair? What? :huh:
Walking in the desert is hard work. :mellow:

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[i]MT 23:1-3
1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples,

2 saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses.
3 Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice. [/i]

Basically, the chair of Moses is never mentioned in the OT, it is an oral tradition. Here, Jesus references it.

So, how can Jesus reference (and give weight to) an oral tradition if He meant Scripture to be the only mode of the deposit of faith?

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[quote]So, how can Jesus reference (and give weight to) an oral tradition if He meant Scripture to be the only mode of the deposit of faith? [/quote]

He can't!

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An couple inherent problems with sola scriptura......

1. Sola Scriptura doesn't tell you what books of the Bible are inspired. The Bible comes from Apostolic Tradition which is a big enemy of sola scriptura.

2. Sola Scriptura wasn't practiced until about 1500. So for about 1500 years, Christ's Church was apparently wrong. :mellow: A study of the Church Fathers demonstrates that Sola Scriptura was not practiced or recognized. So from a historical perspective, sola scripturist have a problem.

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I was hoping some of the protestants from phatmass would give us some really tough arguments but it doesnt seem like thats gunna happen.... :unsure:

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[quote]Many Protestants also believe that public revelation ended with the death of St. John. Yet this cannot be proven from scripture alone [/quote]

Really? Wow, I never knew that.

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[quote name='sacredheartandbloodofjesus' date='14 September 2009 - 06:07 PM' timestamp='1252966027' post='1966478']
I was hoping some of the protestants from phatmass would give us some really tough arguments but it doesnt seem like thats gunna happen.... :unsure:

Well....maybe the thread should start of with an invitation for a Protestant to present their case or something like that. Then go from there. Also, at this point, a Protestant would not be likely to necessarily join the conversation as they would get attacked from seven different people and it's very difficult to debate seven people on the other side so we would almost have to limit who could chime in.

Just some thoughts. The debates I've had on here, were ones I jumped into.

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Acts 7:52-53
Gal 3:19
Heb 2:2-3

describe the Mosaic convenant as being given to Moses not by God, but by angels.

Nowhere does the OT mention this, yet the NT writers insist on this as true. They even use this oral tradition as part of the foundation to prove the superiority of the New Convenant vs. Mosaic covenant: as the former was made by angels, and the latter by the incarnate God Himself.

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