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[quote name='CorMaria' date='13 September 2009 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1252820874' post='1965688']
And I do believe that every other religion that isn't Catholic is a 'lesser' religion. In no way do I think any of them are equal. Other than the Catholic Church, they were either founded by humans wanting to make money, spread a false philosophy, or perhaps even by possesed persons.

Who the heck is giving negative points to this? This is what we believe as Catholics!! The Catholic Church holds the fullness of the Truth. No other religion can state that.

I will stand with Blessed Teresa of Calcutta when she says "I love other religions but I am in love with my own. " I have friends and family of other faiths. I love them dearly, I pray for them and ask them to pray for me. I pray that one day they find the fullness of the Truth.

PS If people reading this feel that CorMaria should gain more negative points, I'd ask that they don't give them to him but give them to me instead.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='13 September 2009 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1252865051' post='1965816'][quote name='CorMaria' date='12 September 2009 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1252820874' post='1965688']
And I do believe that every other religion that isn't Catholic is a 'lesser' religion. In no way do I think any of them are equal. Other than the Catholic Church, they were either founded by humans wanting to make money, spread a false philosophy, or perhaps even by possesed persons.
Who the heck is giving negative points to this? This is what we believe as Catholics!! The Catholic Church holds the fullness of the Truth. No other religion can state that.[/quote]
I agree. There is nothing unorthodox in CorMaria's post.

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[quote name='Cruce' date='13 September 2009 - 01:38 AM' timestamp='1252823928' post='1965704']
I don't. It's not a "lesser" religion, it's a false religion.
Last time I checked, lesser meant "not as great", and 'false' would also fall under that term. Yes, they are also false religions. They also happen to all be less than Catholicism.
By the way, I don't find it any less correct to call them "lesser" because many religions contain some limited elements of Truth which point towards the fullness of Truth contained in the Catholic Church.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' date='11 September 2009 - 02:44 AM' timestamp='1252651472' post='1964827']
I don't believe that knowledge makes one religion greater than another. To love your God and your neighbour cannot be out done, therefore any religion that follows this core belief is as good as any other. They have all been corrupted by man and his 'Knowledge' in some way or another.

Hmm...you are absolutely correct that to love God and neighbor well is indeed flawless in itself. However, how does one love his neighbor well? In truth. Christ is the Truth. You cannot feel truth, you can know it though. Those who do not have an education (look at Therese of Liseux or Faustina Kowlska) often love well and in truth.

Our Holy Father illustrates this well in Caritas in Veritate (Truth in Charity)

If you love without truth...it is no more than fuzzy feelings and being permissive. This is dangerous.

You need truth in love.
..and no need to be so down on knowledge, it is our way of experiencing truth. God gave us the capacity to know Him and His truths. Knoweldge is good when it is pursuing truth. :)

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Religions can state that they have the "Truth" until the cows come home. It doesn't mean they really do. What proof do you have that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Only words written by MEN, plenty of whom are dishonest, make mistakes, or are just following a trend. There are plenty of other pre-Christ gods (that Catholics say are false) that men documented as rising from the dead. Please tell me how the Christian resurrection is radically different.

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[quote name='Kitty' date='13 September 2009 - 05:56 PM' timestamp='1252879019' post='1965889']
Religions can state that they have the "Truth" until the cows come home. It doesn't mean they really do. What proof do you have that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Only words written by MEN, plenty of whom are dishonest, make mistakes, or are just following a trend. There are plenty of other pre-Christ gods (that Catholics say are false) that men documented as rising from the dead. Please tell me how the Christian resurrection is radically different.

What is radically different is your first error in your post. Written records are one thing, lives lived and lost are the more genuine proofs. The disciples were weak men who fled at the arrest of Jesus. Yet, somehow these same men unprepared to be arrested that night were ready to die cruel and violent deaths not ten to 15 years later.

The difference is this: [u]No one dies for a lie.[/u].

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[quote]No one dies for a lie.. [/quote]

Yeah, you know, because radical Muslims don't do that at all, do they?

[quote]Religions can state that they have the "Truth" until the cows come home[/quote]

Amen. It's called FAITH and not FACT for a reason. Every religion claims to have miracles of some kind, proofs, etc.

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[quote name='Kitty' date='13 September 2009 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1252879019' post='1965889']
Religions can state that they have the "Truth" until the cows come home. It doesn't mean they really do. What proof do you have that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Only words written by MEN, plenty of whom are dishonest, make mistakes, or are just following a trend. There are plenty of other pre-Christ gods (that Catholics say are false) that men documented as rising from the dead. Please tell me how the Christian resurrection is radically different.
What makes you think your agnosticism/atheism is better?

Specifically RE: pre-Christian religions bearing similarities to Christianity, we actually tend to assert that these are intentional 'precludes' which point directly towards Christ, and have been orchestrated through God's actions throughout history.
Just in case you actually wanted that addressed.

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[quote name='Selah' date='13 September 2009 - 05:59 PM' timestamp='1252882786' post='1965926']
Yeah, you know, because radical Muslims don't do that at all, do they?

Radical Muslims sincerely believe in what they die for.

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[quote]Radical Muslims sincerely believe in what they die for. [/quote]

I know. I was pointing that out :P She said no one dies for a lie, yet if Islam is a lie, the radicals do it all the time.

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[quote name='Selah' date='13 September 2009 - 06:25 PM' timestamp='1252884317' post='1965951']
I know. I was pointing that out :P She said no one dies for a lie, yet if Islam is a lie, the radicals do it all the time.

I would say that no sane person willingly dies a martyr for a cause in which he does not believe.

Edited by Resurrexi
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[quote] I would say that no sane person willingly dies a martyr for a cause in which he does not believe.[/quote]

But they do believe it, silly head! :P
i think you mean

"as a martyr..." [/quote]


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[quote name='Selah' date='13 September 2009 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1252882786' post='1965926']
Yeah, you know, because radical Muslims don't do that at all, do they?

Amen. It's called FAITH and not FACT for a reason. Every religion claims to have miracles of some kind, proofs, etc.


That's actually a pretty good point...

Still however, the fundamental difference between the Apostles radical Muslims is that the Apostles illustrated there lack of faith and then demonstrated heroic faith, something must have occurred which would instigate such a change of heart. If I was too afraid to get arrested for someone that I swore I would never deny...why would I die for someone who was Crucified and I never saw again??

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[quote name='Selah' date='13 September 2009 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1252884317' post='1965951']
I know. I was pointing that out :P She said no one dies for a lie, yet if Islam is a lie, the radicals do it all the time.

...and I am a guy. Servus is masculine :cool:

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