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Dominicans Of The Holy Ghost


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AFAIK this is one of the largest female orders to use the TLM, but previously they didn't have a website. I have met some of them, they are really nice. They run six schools in France.

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I met some of them as well, at the Paris-Chartres pilgrimage! They're beautiful.

What should be noted is that (at this moment at least) they're not part of the Dominican Order, and the sisters do not take vows (instead, they have the Consecration of Virgins). They are, however, in communion.

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' date='05 September 2009 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1252184548' post='1961389'] What should be noted is that (at this moment at least) they're not part of the Dominican Order, and the sisters do not take vows (instead, they have the Consecration of Virgins). They are, however, in communion. [/quote]

According to their webpage they are agregated to the Dominican Order. Besides being Consecrated Virgins they live also poverty and obedience even though without those two vows.

[indent][indent][quote] L'Institut des Dominicaines du Saint-Esprit est une Société de Vie Apostolique de droit pontifical de vierges consacrées, vivant en commun, [b]au sein de l'Ordre de saint Dominique.[/b] Il doit sa formation et[b] son agrégation à l'Ordre [/b]à l'abbé Victor-Alain Berto, prêtre du diocèse de Vannes, lui-même tertiaire dominicain, zélé serviteur de l'Église [/quote]


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What a beautiful community! My French is rusty so I sometimes stumbled over some sentences, but I was able to understand the gist of their pages. I loved their habits. Ils sont tres jolie.

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  • 2 years later...

They definitely have vows. But they don't make the same vows. I just forgot which ones they make. They only wear the black "cape" on special occasions: papal visit, or for great solemnities. Most of the time they wear white.
They are absolutely wonderful and are good teachers as well as educators. They get many vocations: I'd say that there's a good part entering traditional convents after they've been students in their boarding schools. A few of their postulants are former pupils. Not all of them.
They're very open-minded concerning tradition, they aren't fundamentalist. They are fully in communion with Rome.

They are "tertiaires dominicaines" (third order? how do you say it?) but they are definitely part of the O.P.

Well... by the way they need English teachers! So think about it. You could eventually have a stay in one of their schools looking after children and learning French as well. Some people do that.

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Little Flower

methinks i want to join an order in the us. and i want to speak the wonderful language of english

plus i want to be a full fledged nun :nun:

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[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1318130775' post='2318262']
methinks i want to join an order in the us. and i want to speak the wonderful language of english

plus i want to be a full fledged nun :nun:
Same. I like English! But it is a beautiful order all the same!

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There are some women who want to join an active community that uses the Traditional Latin Mass, but I don't think there are any active Orders of Sisters in the U.S. who are both in communion with Rome and use the Traditional Latin Mass. Obviously, I could be wrong about this.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1318187230' post='2318603']
There are some women who want to join an active community that uses the Traditional Latin Mass, but I don't think there are any active Orders of Sisters in the U.S. who are both in communion with Rome and use the Traditional Latin Mass. Obviously, I could be wrong about this.

I know the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are in union with Rome, although they believe in Feeneyism.

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I think that they are a beautiful community too, and I would definitely consider them if I spoke French and was called to a teaching community of sisters.
[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1318187230' post='2318603']
There are some women who want to join an active community that uses the Traditional Latin Mass, but I don't think there are any active Orders of Sisters in the U.S. who are both in communion with Rome and use the Traditional Latin Mass. Obviously, I could be wrong about this.
There is actually a new community of Carmellite teaching sisters in Kansas that has started under an FSSP priest at St. John Vianney's church there called The Sisters of the Transfiguration, but I should probably start a new thread for them. This is where to contact them: [url="http://stewardsofstjohnv.org/index.html%20"]http://stewardsofstjohnv.org/index.html [/url]

Edited by inperpetuity
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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='inperpetuity' timestamp='1318191016' post='2318631']
I think that they are a beautiful community too, and I would definitely consider them if I spoke French and was called to a teaching community of sisters.

There is actually a new community of Carmellite teaching sisters in Kansas that has started under an FSSP priest at St. John Vianney's church there called The Sisters of the Transfiguration, but I should probably start a new thread for them. This is where to contact them: [url="http://stewardsofstjohnv.org/index.html%20"]http://stewardsofstjohnv.org/index.html [/url]

The link didn't work. They sound interesting.

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Sorry, I didn't try it first, but when I pasted it into my browser it worked. :idontknow: Try this one [url="http://stewardsofstjohnv.org/convent.html"]http://stewardsofstj...rg/convent.html[/url]

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/user/5560-freudentaumel/"][color="#272727"]Freudentaumel[/color][/url], I did not mean to hijack your thread!

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[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1318130775' post='2318262']
methinks i want to join an order in the us. and i want to speak the wonderful language of english

plus i want to be a full fledged nun :nun:
Does it mean the Dominicans of the Holy Spirit aren't fully-fledged nuns? Because I can tell you when you see them, they really are working hard and their implication bears fruit. Many of their former pupils become wonderful Catholic mothers or nuns themselves. Though they are a bit less fussy about tradition than the FSSP for instance. I love it, but some people don't. I like their position, so close to Rome, like their founder, Abbé Berto.

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