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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='31 August 2009 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1251744918' post='1958931']
I agree, and Eastern Christian saints have often used specific body postures during prayer, as a part of the meditation process.

[quote name='Apotheoun' date='31 August 2009 - 02:58 PM' timestamp='1251745106' post='1958934']
The practice is called "Hesychia."

[quote name='Apotheoun' date='31 August 2009 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1251745531' post='1958940']
The spiritual writings that explain the Hesychastic method of prayer are found in a multi-volume series of books called "The Philokalia."

Very interesting, thank you for sharing this. I'll have to read more about this practice!

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[quote name='StColette' date='31 August 2009 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1251747526' post='1958950']
This topic was discussed to death (meaning the thread was eventually closed because we were all going in circles) but it could be a good read for those interested.

Whatever happened to Anomaly and Madame V?

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='CrossCuT' date='31 August 2009 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1251746985' post='1958948']
Woah suddenly alot of posts!

I guess Im just confused now if taking part in Yoga with no intention of following the medtation to self god is ok or not.
Maybe Im just dense.
I think the moral of the story is follow your conscience in this matter. The Church has never come out specifically against it as exercise. As long as you aren't conjuring the gods of Hinduism or whatever, I think you're okay.

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Yoga is a part of Eastern religion. It's ridiculous to say, well, I don't follow the religion, I just like the exercise. It's not exercise!

That would be as silly as a non-Catholic saying, well, I don't believe in Catholicism. I just like genuflecting and bowing and kneeling and making the sign of the cross for the exercise. Yeah. Ok. Except it isn't exercise.

Seriously, the people making all the money off of selling yoga mats to the west are laughing at our idiocy.

Yoga is dangerous. Whether or not you are intending to partake in its spirituality by doing so, you are.

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[quote]This topic was discussed to death[/quote]

Yes. Yes it was.

[quote]The godless heathen is correct[/quote]


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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='zunshynn' date='31 August 2009 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1251749308' post='1958963']
Yoga is a part of Eastern religion. It's ridiculous to say, well, I don't follow the religion, I just like the exercise. It's not exercise!

That would be as silly as a non-Catholic saying, well, I don't believe in Catholicism. I just like genuflecting and bowing and kneeling and making the sign of the cross for the exercise. Yeah. Ok. Except it isn't exercise.

Seriously, the people making all the money off of selling yoga mats to the west are laughing at our idiocy.

Yoga is dangerous. Whether or not you are intending to partake in its spirituality by doing so, you are.
Sadly, if performing actions is so dangerous, you should really cease and desist all formally pagan actions and rituals.

Christmas is going to smell of elderberries for you.

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Again the heathen is right! (you know I have to pick on you, lol)

Hate to break it to everyone here, but Christianity as a whole has Pagan symbolism in it, as well as titles for Deities and holiday celebrations. Gonna be against it, be against it all.

By the way, Yoga is an exercise. It is healthy. Making ths sign of the cross...isn't.

Edited by Selah
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Selah' date='31 August 2009 - 02:18 PM' timestamp='1251749892' post='1958968']
Again the heathen is right! (you know I have to pick on you, lol)


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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='31 August 2009 - 02:11 PM' timestamp='1251749498' post='1958966']
Sadly, if performing actions is so dangerous, you should really cease and desist all formally pagan actions and rituals.

Christmas is going to smell of elderberries for you.

It is totally not the same thing. Celebrating Christian holidays around pagan festivals and incorporating some of the traditions that go along with them to make it more familiar for converts is not pretending that the spirituality that it comes from is not incompatible with Christianity. It acknowledges what is incompatible and removes it.

People doing yoga thinking it is exercise and remaining ignorant of it's actual origins and meaning is what is different. The incompatible aspects of Hindu faith are not being removed from its practice simply because people are remaining ignorant of it.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='zunshynn' date='31 August 2009 - 02:23 PM' timestamp='1251750194' post='1958972']
It is totally not the same thing. Celebrating Christian holidays around pagan festivals and incorporating some of the traditions that go along with them to make it more familiar for converts is not pretending that the spirituality that it comes from is not incompatible with Christianity. It acknowledges what is incompatible and removes it.

People doing yoga thinking it is exercise and remaining ignorant of it's actual origins and meaning is what is different. The incompatible aspects of Hindu faith are not being removed from its practice simply because people are remaining ignorant of it.
It is the same thing. The pagan thinking and spirituality were removed from the rituals before they were introduced.

With yoga, the exercise uses the ritual without the thinking or spirituality.

If you want to argue that people are ignorant of the traditional practices and inadvertently practicing Hinduism, that's another story. We're talking about the postures themselves. It's no different than practicing a formerly pagan ritual. We're talking about the physical aspects, not the spiritual ones.

Focus on Jesus on the Cross and pray to him while practicing the postures. It can be likened to having a Christmas tree but decorating it with a Christian theme and blessing it with holy water. The tree is still the same physical object used by pagans, regardless of what belief you place on it. Same with yoga.

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I personally do not think that there is anything wrong with using yoga as a form of exercise, but if a person thinks that it is dangerous it follows that he should avoid using it.

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[quote]It is totally not the same thing. Celebrating Christian holidays around pagan festivals and incorporating some of the traditions that go along with them to make it more familiar for converts is not pretending that the spirituality that it comes from is not incompatible with Christianity. It acknowledges what is incompatible and removes it.[/quote]

Um, yes it is. Christmas is celebrated around Yule, or Winter Solstice. It still has many pagan practices intertwined in it.

[quote]People doing yoga thinking it is exercise and remaining ignorant of it's actual origins and meaning is what is different. [/quote]

I suppose people who celebrate Christmas are unaware of its Pagan origins of Yule. They should stop. The same goes with Easter...or should I say, [i]Ostara[/i].

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[quote name='Selah' date='31 August 2009 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1251750728' post='1958979']
So is trogdor, but you wouldn't name your son that now would you? :annoyed:

I would! ;)

It would help keep him chaste. Can you imagine any female becoming overcome by passion, crying "oh troggy!", and starting to make out with him? :lol:

Edited by txdinghysailor
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