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Government Health Care



32 members have voted

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Vincent Vega

I voted yes.
No one should have to go without healthcare because they can't afford it.
Of course, this is the foundation of the Catholic hospital system, of which I am a big supporter; however we can't serve everyone, and so I believe the government should fill in the gaps.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='22 August 2009 - 11:15 PM' timestamp='1250997352' post='1954698']
I voted yes.
No one should have to go without healthcare because they can't afford it.
Of course, this is the foundation of the Catholic hospital system, of which I am a big supporter; however we can't serve everyone, and so I believe the government should fill in the gaps.

As a college student who just graduated and with a pre-existing condition, a lot of insurance companies exempt from their healthcare. The ones that don't want me to pay astronomical sums of money just for my medication. Now if it weren't for my parents, there would be no way I would be able to afford this, because I cannot even get a part-time job at this moment. I believe that the government could certainly be doing a lot more than it already is doing for citizens, especially the ones who aren't insured because of $$$ or others who keep on getting screwed over by insurance companies.

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In California each county has a medical assistance program, while also running county hospitals and clinics. No one can be turned away from a county hospital.

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Fidei Defensor

The Government should ensure two things: accessibility and affordability.

I don't necessarily think that means they should offer the coverage themselves, though.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' date='22 August 2009 - 11:15 PM' timestamp='1250997352' post='1954698']<br />I voted yes. <br />No one should have to go without healthcare because they can't afford it.<br />Of course, this is the foundation of the Catholic hospital system, of which I am a big supporter; however we can't serve everyone, and so I believe the government should fill in the gaps.<br />[/quote]<br /><br /><br />

I voted no. We do not need government care in order to have health care for all. Let's look at all the things that our governemnt has screwed up. Now, we want to put our HEALTH in their hands? No thanks. I have no problem with the governement trying to set something up or figuring out how it will work but I do not want them running my health care.

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Groo the Wanderer

Looking through the US Constitution....

...national defense - check...

...regulate interstate commerce - check...

...negotiate treaties with foreign powers - check...

nope. I do not see anything in there about providing health [b]insurance[/b] or health [b]care[/b] to anyone.

Besides...one of the first functions the US govt performed was the postal service. 233 years later and they STILL can;t get it right AND they are going bankrupt. You telling me you want the same idiots that can't consistently put my mail into MY mailbox running health care in this country? RIIIGHT! Take the red pill please.

Edited by Groo the Wanderer
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[quote name='picchick' date='24 August 2009 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1251173185' post='1955924']
<br /><br /><br />

I voted no. We do not need government care in order to have health care for all. Let's look at all the things that our governemnt has screwed up. Now, we want to put our HEALTH in their hands? No thanks. I have no problem with the governement trying to set something up or figuring out how it will work but I do not want them running my health care.

I agree, and this coming from one with a pre-existing condition and now constantly trying to fight with medicaid.

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Health Care is too expensive for the government to cover everyone. I think that everyone has to pay something. We can try to cut health care costs as much as we want. Health care will still be expensive. The government is still in debt. How will they now account for the price of health care for all?

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If the government didn't provide for everyone, what about regulating the current system a bit better than it is now? :unsure:

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The current regulating of current system is in large part the problem now. Much of the regulating greatly increases cost.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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The government exists only to protect rights. We have a right to health care, but we are not entitled to health care. It comes with a price, which we sometimes cannot afford. It is not society's obligation to provide health care for people, although it's good for people to do so.

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The biggest problem in the current system, IMHO, has much less to do with the structure of insurance companies and more to do with the rampant perception of litigation as a remedy. Doctors no longer practice medicine in order to heal, the practice defensive medicine from a checklist. People have a misguided belief that doctors can fix anything, and when they aren't able to, that somehow we should just sue them into oblivion.

Not to say that people should not have recourse for true malpractice; of course our system allows for individuals to seek remedy for such instances. However, people think that if they aren't completely cured every time, then the doctors must be at fault. Doctors, in order to head off a lawsuit, order every test under the sun for some of the most mundane symptom sets. Every time a person comes in with a sore leg they get an MRI. Because of this extreme overuse of the most expensive diagnostic tests, insurance companies are forced to structure coverages in order to curtail expense. Not to make the insurance companies blameless, because they are profit-making animals and looking for a way to make a buck. But it is easier to save money when the things you are paying for cost less. Insurance companies can't continue to pay more for procedures and keep premiums low too.

In the end, it all comes down to the overwhelming sense of entitlement in our country. People think that lawsuits fix everything, and they don't. All this is removing the free market's ability to regulate cost and making government intervention more and more likely. It is a vicious cycle with a number of different external variables playing a part.

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