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Lutherans Go With Gay Pastors


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[quote name='thessalonian' date='22 August 2009 - 02:52 PM' timestamp='1250963532' post='1954293']
Your like my 10 year old. Telling me over and over something that I know already. I wasn't born yesterday Junior. I was driving a car while you were still pooping your diapers.

Christian charity, please.

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Pictures of the damage done by the tornado storm.


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='cappie' date='22 August 2009 - 03:01 AM' timestamp='1250924515' post='1954218']
Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. :rolleyes:
Father, if that was directed at my post, I'm not/wasn't happy because their denomination is failing, but that this will perhaps be an occasion for them to enter into God's True Church so that they will have more opportunities for grace. I'm not happy because of the cause, but because of the potential effects.

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[quote name='thessalonian' date='22 August 2009 - 12:52 PM' timestamp='1250963532' post='1954293']
Your like my 10 year old. Telling me over and over something that I know already. I wasn't born yesterday Junior. I was driving a car while you were still pooping your diapers.

At least I know the difference between [i]your[/i] and [i]you're[/i].

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='22 August 2009 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1250972678' post='1954390']
Luckily I was never a Lutheran.

Rather than counting yourself "lucky" why not pray for those who are still in the church?

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[quote name='Selah' date='22 August 2009 - 02:42 PM' timestamp='1250973767' post='1954399']
Rather than counting yourself "lucky" why not pray for those who are still in the church?
I have always prayed for the conversion of heretics.

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Although the snide personal comments between some posters are sad, I do not think that the thread itself has decayed. Stating a position that some people may not like to hear is not the same thing as "decay."

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How the Catholic Church can remain in ecumenical dialogue with groups that continue to move further and further away from any semblance of Christian faith and practice is beyond me.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' date='21 August 2009 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1250913464' post='1954148']
Why y'all quit quibbling about how evil or not evil or whatever the Lutherans are? All Protestant sects lack the fullness of the Truth. We know that. Protestantism itself is a grave scandal. We know that. This latest development just goes to show the error of individual interpretation of Sacred Scripture, the rejection of Sacred Tradition, and the lack of a Magisterium to guide the way. We know that.

Lutherans and most Prots are Christians. Quit bickering about if YOU think they are or not. I suspect there are more people in hell who claimed to be Catholic than who claimed to be Protestant. Many bear more fruit with their two sacraments than many of us do with our full seven...

How 'bout instead of taking this time to bash Lutherans and Prots in general, we sing Glory to the Lord for this historical event? In one swoop, the folly of Protestantism has been exposed by the falling away of the original Prot sect from a basic immovable Christian truth. As such, this shines the light of Truth on the error of Luther's methods (many of his beefs were right, btw) and is a chance for many true Christians to open their eyes, search elsewhere for Truth, and find their way home to the Church.

Glory to God! The error is brought out of the darkness into the light for the world to see! Come Holy Spirit and lead our separated brethren home!

:yes: Thank you! Someone who sees reason. :love:

Calling them heretics--true or not--is not going to change anyone's heart in the ELCA, especially while we turn our noses down at them. How welcomed would [i]you[/i] feel in our Church if her members spoke of you as inconsequential, invalid, and evil?

This is a great loss for the ELCA and, indeed, for the Church as a whole. But as someone else noted, the conservatives will leave. Why not pray for them, that they might help heal the further schism brought about by coming into the fullness of Truth? We need to reach out and open our hearts to them now, not condemn.

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[quote name='MissyP89' date='22 August 2009 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1250976115' post='1954414']
:yes: Thank you! Someone who sees reason. :love:

Calling them heretics--true or not--is not going to change anyone's heart in the ELCA, especially while we turn our noses down at them. How welcomed would [i]you[/i] feel in our Church if her members spoke of you as inconsequential, invalid, and evil?
Lying to them will not help them either. There is no place for political correctness in the Church. When Christ called the leaders of the Pharisees "whited sepulchers" it was not polite, but it was true.

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[quote]Lying to them will not help them either[/quote]

No one is "lying" to them. I think she's objecting to name calling (which this thread seems to have a lot of, lol)

[quote]When Christ called the leaders of the Pharisees "whited sepulchers" it was not polite, but it was true. [/quote]

Yes. Jesus said that. You aren't Jesus.

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