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Taxonomy Of Religion


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Hello, evangelical and charismatic friends,

I have some questions.

Often, protestants smile at Catholic innovations, like veneration of the Blessed Virgin, belief in the real presence, the communion of saints, and the seven sacraments.

I present the following proof for the unbroken Tradition of these in the following. I must clarify, though, that I do not intend to disprove the exception. It is a positive proof, and not intended to refute anything.

In the beginning, there was the undivided Church. Catholics say it had the pope for its head. Protestants say it resembled their worship. We can learn by comparing Christian Churches, proportionate to their historicity, what the early Church must have been like, much like evolutionists with comparative anatomy.

First, we had the early Church. According the some it is not extant, so we must go to a Church that is. That brings us to the non-Chalcedonians. ~ 450AD they broke away from the universal Church over a dispute on the two natures of Christ. I welcome corrections, but I believe they (both Oriental Orthodox and Assyrian Church of the East) have seven sacraments, priests, deacons, bishops, infant baptism, and Mary for their Mother. They also have the so-called "apocrypha" in their bibles.

Next, 1054, we have the Eastern Orthodox. Again, we have the same or similar hierarchy and theology.

It would seem that in the grand scheme of things, only the protestants don't have these things. How can Mary, the Sacraments, etc., not belong to the Christian Tradition?

Edited by theculturewarrior
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  • 11 months later...
God Conquers

That's very interesting....

I've never really thought of applying Darwinian social anthropology to apologetics....

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God Conquers

oh wow.... I didn't notice that. Well... obviously since I only replied now.... I would have.

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