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One Mediator- Jesus, Why All The Hype About Mary?

Guest t1kuslik

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[quote]I guess the problem I have is the fine line of asking for help and treating Mary as an idol. Luke 4:8 tells us "Worship the LORD your God and serve Him only". When I see pictures of Mary typically she is shown with light radiating from her, a magnificent crown, the Holiest of Holies, etc. Now even in Jesus' time He did not say "bow down and worship My mom". He said, "I am the way, I am the truth...Me, Me, Me" All arrows point to Jesus, always. No if's and's or but's. So my question is why turn those arrows to point to Mary? Why not kneel at the throne of Jesus and stay there? Why let all of this logic come in and say "Well, this is a family after all, today I am going to focus on Mary cuz she is the mother of God"?[/quote]

even the popes (at least, JPII that i'm aware of) acknowledge that sometimes catholics take honoring mary too far.
it's not like the extent for honoring goes is a doctrine of the catholic faith.
it's more like, even as a catholic, you could be concerned with peopel taking honoring her too far, or missing Jesus etc.

it's interesting, to draw those distinctions: worship v. honoring. and noting that even the 'hail mary' prayer is from the bible itself, "hail mary, full of grace... etc" as said by the Archangel Gabriel etc (strong 'hail' terminology, like when the soliders mocked Jesus on the cross- "hail, king of the jews") all but the end "pray for us sinners... etc", which isn't in the bible, but is as mentioned about, just asking another to pray for you, mostly from the gospel of Luke. (allong with the "all generations shall call me blessed" as said by Mary in Luke)

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='17 August 2009 - 12:01 PM' timestamp='1250524910' post='1951145']
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I guess the problem I have is the fine line of asking for help and treating Mary as an idol. Luke 4:8 tells us "Worship the LORD your God and serve Him only". When I see pictures of Mary typically she is shown with light radiating from her, a magnificent crown, the Holiest of Holies, etc. Now even in Jesus' time He did not say "bow down and worship My mom". He said, "I am the way, I am the truth...Me, Me, Me" All arrows point to Jesus, always. No if's and's or but's. So my question is why turn those arrows to point to Mary? Why not kneel at the throne of Jesus and stay there? Why let all of this logic come in and say "Well, this is a family after all, today I am going to focus on Mary cuz she is the mother of God"?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

even the popes (at least, JPII that i'm aware of) acknowledge that sometimes catholics take honoring mary too far.
it's not like the extent for honoring goes is a doctrine of the catholic faith.
it's more like, even as a catholic, you could be concerned with peopel taking honoring her too far, or missing Jesus etc.

it's interesting, to draw those distinctions: worship v. honoring. and noting that even the 'hail mary' prayer is from the bible itself, "hail mary, full of grace... etc" as said by the Archangel Gabriel etc (strong 'hail' terminology, like when the soliders mocked Jesus on the cross- "hail, king of the jews") all but the end "pray for us sinners... etc", which isn't in the bible, but is as mentioned about, just asking another to pray for you, mostly from the gospel of Luke. (allong with the "all generations shall call me blessed" as said by Mary in Luke)

Dear Dairy Girl,

St. Louis de Montfort has a beautiful image in his [i]True Devotion to Mary[/i] that helps me. Imagine a poor farmer who wants to bring a gift to the king. The only thing he has to offer is a piece of fruit that is a little bruised. He could just walk into the throne room and right up to the king and hand it to him. But he chooses to ask the queen for her help. She cuts off the part that is bad and places the fruit on a golden dish. Though the king loves the farmer, he also loves his queen very greatly, and so he is even more pleased to receive the fruit of the farmer by the hand of his beloved queen. So if we offer our good deeds to God through Mary, she will purify our intentions and make our work even more pleasing to Him.

Also, the saints point out that Jesus spent thirty years subject to Mary and Joseph and only three in His public ministry. His time with Mary, then, must have been very important. The Son did not have to become incarnate by means of a woman. He could have come out of earth like Adam or appeared out of nothing. But He chose to be born of the Virgin Mary, a fact we remember every Sunday in the Creed with an act of reverence (formerly a genuflection, now a bow). So if He chose to act through her, then if we choose to act through her, we can accomplish our ends more sweetly and easily, and more similarly to Him.

I might not be a very good explainer, or perhaps you would like more detailed references. If so, please ask! This topic is very important to me.
--Mary, aka Thomist-in-Training

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It is because Christ is the sole mediator between God and mankind that the members of His body (i.e., the Church) can offer prayers of mediation for one another. In fact, those who are incorporated into Christ through baptism are made sharers in all of His attributes.

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Guest skotty84

Here is the way I look at it:

a question to get your hamster wheel turning: why did God make angels when he can do everything himself?
answer: Everything that is good comes from the Lord, so why not give the people that love God the tools necessary to do his will. (Think of the chain of command or working as a good team)

examples: The different orders of angels, Mary, Saints, Priests, Nuns,....down to pretty much everyone.

Mary: For her YES to God was a bigger YES to Mary from God. God crowned her queen of heaven and earth full knowing that whenever people ask her for help she is going to God to speak on your behalf. OK. You are a manager for a huge company with the permission to authorize certain requests granted by the owner because of your faithful service. A customer enters the company and asks you "the store manager" a particular question. With your knowledge/skills/expertise you solve the customers request and make a positive impression on the customer. You give your business card to the customer and the customer walks off very satisfied. You just made a loyal customer that is going to make sales to rise and the owner very happy.

Priests: A mans YES to God is Bigger YES to a Priest from GOD. God gives the tools necessary to a priest to: change bread/wine to Jesus's body, forgive sins, and to be a salesman to lead others to the company store mentioned above.

Saints & nuns: ...did it stick yet?

one last try,

Lay people/healers/motivational people that turn peoples life around:

you may know someone who has been given the gift to heal or do some holy stuff from God....the word gets around...people call him/her to come heal a friend of yours...the healing works because God allowed it for whatever reason (faith..etc) The healer was exercising his/her gifts from GOD because of their Faith to do Gods work.

Hopefully this turned on some lightbulbs

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Guest skotty84

Here is the way I look at it:

a question to get your hamster wheel turning: why did God make angels when he can do everything himself?
answer: Everything that is good comes from the Lord, so why not give the people that love God the tools necessary to do his will. (Think of the chain of command or working as a good team)

examples: The different orders of angels, Mary, Saints, Priests, Nuns,....down to pretty much everyone.

Mary: For her YES to God was a bigger YES to Mary from God. God crowned her queen of heaven and earth full knowing that whenever people ask her for help she is going to God to speak on your behalf. OK. You are a manager for a huge company with the permission to authorize certain requests granted by the owner because of your faithful service. A customer enters the company and asks you "the store manager" a particular question. With your knowledge/skills/expertise you solve the customers request and make a positive impression on the customer. You give your business card to the customer and the customer walks off very satisfied. You just made a loyal customer that is going to make sales to rise and the owner very happy.

Priests: A mans YES to God is Bigger YES to a Priest from GOD. God gives the tools necessary to a priest to: change bread/wine to Jesus's body, forgive sins, and to be a salesman to lead others to the company store mentioned above.

Saints & nuns: ...did it stick yet?

one last try,

Lay people/healers/motivational people that turn peoples life around:

you may know someone who has been given the gift to heal or do some holy stuff from God....the word gets around...people call him/her to come heal a friend of yours...the healing works because God allowed it for whatever reason (faith..etc) The healer was exercising his/her gifts from GOD because of their Faith to do Gods work.

Hopefully this turned on some lightbulbs

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One more thing that I forgot, another thing of St. Louis Marie de Montfort's.

"Mary is a traitress." She doesn't keep anything for herself. If you praise her, she immediately turns around and praises God, just as she did at the Visitation to Elizabeth: "What am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" She replies "My soul magnifies the Lord." This is a mystery just as "Mother of God" is a mystery: how can a human being make God greater? I don't know, but it is true and that is her whole function: to magnify the Lord for His greatest possible glory.

She is truly human to the fullest extent and possesses all the virtues, so that any good thing you can think of to say of her is true except that which belongs only to God. A certain saint--I really wish I could remember and have tried to find it on Google--had a vision of her and said that if he didn't already know, he would have thought she was a goddess. So unless you do that, it is impossible to pay her too much respect.

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[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']
Thank you all for your posts. You are appreciated. Let's together get to the bottom of this issue![/quote]

It's about time... 500 years of Reformation are about to end right here in this thread ;)

[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']
It definitely helped clarify the Catholic position. I see how Mary can be called the Mother of God in that she was the mother of Jesus who was God. Makes sense.[/quote]

And to take that one step further, the purpose of this doctrine (that Mary is the Mother of God) is to affirm the Incarnation and the dual nature of Christ as both human and divine. The theme with all Marian doctrines and devotions is answering the question, how is Mary the living model of a Christ-centered life?

[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']
And I definitely agree that people can intercede in the sense of offering up prayers, talking to God, etc. For example, Moses in the book of Exodus interceded between the Israelites and God I.e. Commandments, Instructions on building the tabernacle, asking God to not destroy them after worshipping the Golden Calf, etc. I also agree that you can ask friends and family to pray for you and if they are Christian and they ask according to God's will He will answer. All of these I am fine with.[/quote]

Good... that makes you right ;)

[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']
I guess the problem I have is the fine line of asking for help and treating Mary as an idol. Luke 4:8 tells us "Worship the LORD your God and serve Him only". When I see pictures of Mary typically she is shown with light radiating from her, a magnificent crown, the Holiest of Holies, etc. Now even in Jesus' time He did not say "bow down and worship My mom". He said, "I am the way, I am the truth...Me, Me, Me" All arrows point to Jesus, always. No if's and's or but's. So my question is why turn those arrows to point to Mary? Why not kneel at the throne of Jesus and stay there? Why let all of this logic come in and say "Well, this is a family after all, today I am going to focus on Mary cuz she is the mother of God"? [/quote]

I agree with you that this is the heart of the matter, and what you're talking about here seems to basically be the "hump" that Protestants struggle to get over, even those who (like me while checking out Catholicism) are able to accept Catholic doctrine intellectually while their hearts and guts are sounding off alarms that something doesn't feel right.

First thing to think about is the "both/and" approach versus the "either/or" approach. You're probably familiar with debating faith or works, and obviously James says that we are saved through both faith [i]and[/i] works (not that his words stop us today from debating it... feel free to start a new thread if you wish... ). With a lot of trademark Catholic-Protestant disagreements, like devotiong to Mary versus Christ, the answer for a Catholic lies in accepting both and finding that the both/and answer makes each "side" stronger. Thus, true devotion to Mary not only strengthens one's devotion to Christ, but it [i]is[/i] devotion to Christ. Consider, if you wish to model your life after the life of Jesus, what was the first action of Jesus in coming to earth at the Incarnation?

You might say he prayed a novena to Mary: nine months in perfect physical communion with his human mother. For 18 days, they even shared the same beating heart. There can be no doubt, Jesus cherished a unique and unbreakable bond with his mother, so if you want to be closer to Christ, would there be a better place to begin than getting to know his mother?

If there is any doubt that devotion to Mary won't lead you to Christ, keep in mind her final testimony in Scripture at the Wedding at Cana, "Do whatever he tells you." These are her last spoken words in Scripture. She lives by a prayerful example, as the Church is commanded to do, so that we remain literally at the throne of Jesus. After all, we believe he resides in every tabernacle in every Church in the world. We only have statues of Mary in the Church to symbolize her spiritual presence: Jesus is both spiritually and physically present.

[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']
Another example, the Word tells us that we are the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16). God's Spirit resides in us. Yet, over and over again the Word tells us to look to the Spirit, not focus so much on the vessel. God's Spirit is in us but we don't create pictures with light radiating from the body. "...until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return" (Gen 3:19). Wouldn't you all agree that worshipping the human body would be considered idolatry?[/quote]

Yes... keep in mind that Catholicism is a complete "whole," so every doctrine fits like a puzzle piece among all the other doctrines: thus, the Assumption of Mary body and soul into Heaven fits with believing she is the Mother of God. Her human body, like Elijah's, did not return to dust, but was received by Christ into Heaven. As Christ's chosen vessel, she could not be allowed to suffer the burden of sin. Thus, not only is she the living model of the glorified Church in Heaven, but on a more practical level, she shows us how to be vessels for Christ, even as sinners in this fallen world. The light radiating from Mary is the same light that radiates from all redeemed people: Christ, who is the only source of true light (as opposed to the deceiving "angel of light").

Hope that is helpful... in being Catholic, everything needs to be centered around Christ, most especially Mary and the saints.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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I will answer about the justification issue. I think that one can have errant views regarding doctrine and be in ignorance, and yet the spirit can move them that they may do what God requires. Thus when Jesus says to the sheep "when I was naked you clothed ME, when I was hungry you fed ME....etc.". They said WHEN did we ..... They did not know that they had done the good that is required of us through the spirit working in and through us (eph 3:20-21). But sin, serious sin blinds one to true love of neighbor. So I stand by what I have said.

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[quote name='t1kuslik' date='16 August 2009 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1250450167' post='1950561']I guess the problem I have is the fine line of asking for help and treating Mary as an idol. Luke 4:8 tells us "Worship the LORD your God and serve Him only". When I see pictures of Mary typically she is shown with light radiating from her, a magnificent crown, the Holiest of Holies, etc. Now even in Jesus' time He did not say "bow down and worship My mom". He said, "I am the way, I am the truth...Me, Me, Me" All arrows point to Jesus, always. No if's and's or but's. So my question is why turn those arrows to point to Mary? Why not kneel at the throne of Jesus and stay there? Why let all of this logic come in and say "Well, this is a family after all, today I am going to focus on Mary cuz she is the mother of God"?[/quote]

I haven't read the whole thread, but I saw this and had to respond! I understand it so well. This was the one, the very last issue that kept me out of the Catholic Church for several years: Mary, the saints, and the appearance of idolatry. It just didn't compute.

The first thing, as everyone has no doubt told you, is that Catholics of course do *not* believe in worshipping Mary. But one still has that niggling doubt, "It sure looks like it!"

I can tell you from my own direct experience that it just isn't. The key is in what you said about all the arrows pointing to Jesus. You're right, they do - even Mary's finger! One of the few things we get to hear her say in Scripture is (pointing at Jesus) "Do whatever He tells you." Drawing closer to Mary in love *always* brings us closer to Jesus.

I mean, yes, it's true that *sometimes* love for our earthly mother could get in the way of Christ. But that would only happen if our Mom wasn't totally aligned with Christ, right? Maybe she wanted us to do something that was contrary to God's will, or the like? Most of the time, it works the other way - the closer you are to your mother (or anyone else!) in love, the closer you will be to Jesus. "Whoever hates the brother he sees cannot love the God he does not see." It works the other way too.

But Mary IS totally aligned with Christ, all the time. She is "full of grace". She will always send us to Him with love and prayers. I know so very well how dangerous this seems from the outside; how easy it seems it would be to go too far. But from the inside, it just isn't like that.

I recall very well the trepidation with which I said my first Hail Mary. (My head had been convinced, but my emotions hadn't fully caught up yet.) But I had decided to say it once a day just to give her a chance. Within a week, I was in love. She was my Mom - and nobody worships their Mom! It would feel just silly, don't you think?

Here are two ways of looking at the whole thing that have been helpful to me:

1) St. John always calls himself 'the disciple Jesus loved' to invite us to see ourselves in his place - to realize that Jesus is speaking to us just as much as to him. Well, at the foot of the Cross, Jesus says to the disciple, "Behold your mother."

She is our Mother because she's His and we are part of His Body. And He honors His Father and Mother - it's not like He's going to disobey His own commandments! - and so we should too.

The disciple then from that day took Mary into his home. And we should too. After all, Jesus honored His Father and Mother - he didn't disobey His own commandment - and we should imitate Him, surely?

2) Did you realize that in the Kingdom of Israel, the Queen was not the King's wife (he often had many wives) but the King's mother? Her title in Hebrew was Gebirah, or "Great Lady", and her job in the kingdom was to bring the requests of the people to the King.

You can see this in action in 1 Kings 2 - Bathsheba brings a request of Adonijah to Solomon. Read it and see how King Solomon treats her (even though he has to turn down her request); this appears to be court ritual back then.

So if Jesus is the King of Heaven, the Son of David, the fulfillment of Israel, then Mary is the Queen of Heaven, the "Great Lady", whose role it is to bring our requests to Him. Not that He *needs* her to, of course - it's not like she's doing something He couldn't do Himself. But then God doesn't NEED us to do anything, He LIKES to do things with us, right? And that's the pattern He established in Israel, and it's the pattern He still uses.

That's why the crown (along with Revelation 11), and that's why we love to ask her prayers above all the other saints. It's her job! :) (Yes, I know there's a pagan god, doubtless a demon, that called itself the Queen of Heaven, but then demons always love lies that are close to the truth. The name 'Baal' means 'Lord' - same sort of thing.)

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There is only one Son of God by nature - the man Christ Jesus - but by grace, we may become "sons in the Son" by entering into the Son's Body. Likewise there is only one mediator and likewise is the solution made known.

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[quote name='Ziggamafu' date='25 August 2009 - 07:14 AM' timestamp='1251206060' post='1956026']
There is only one Son of God by nature - the man Christ Jesus - but by grace, we may become "sons in the Son" by entering into the Son's Body. Likewise there is only one mediator and likewise is the solution made known.
Well said.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you love your mother on earth, than love your Heavenly Mother as well. My advice to all protestants who attack Mary is to keep in mind that you are attacking the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord chose to be born of Her, and was subject to Her during His life, he kept the commandment " Honour thy father and mother". If our Lord Jesus Christ Himself honoured Mary, than how much the more should we? As Catholics we do not worship Mary, for worship is due to God alone, we venerate Her. No one says that you have to pray to Mary, we as Catholics encourage the faithful to Marian devotion because throughout the centuries Her intercession has been proven to be very powerful with God.

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Protestants are not attacking Mary. They simply don't see strong biblical support for believing that she was conceived without sin, lived without sin, and assumed body and soul into heaven.

Those who perpetuate theories that Mary had premarital relations (to suggest Jesus was not virgin born) are attacking her.

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Mark of the Cross

[size="2"]To be declared a saint, ordinarily, one should intercede with a miracle. The miracle is a sign that he/she is united with God. God would have performed the miracle upon the intercession of the saint. As for Mary, she is not God. But she was the mother of Jesus. We have veneration("doulia") for Mary, but not adoration ("latria"),which is proper only to God. God must be pleased if we give the proper respect to Mary, because He had the angel Gabriel show respect to Mary. And even Jesus Himself honoured Mary even when "His time had not yet come" at the wedding at Cana. I guess Mary was the closest human being to Jesus, not only in glorious times but as well in Jesus' sacrifice.[/size]

[size="2"]Father A Palomo PE East Timor

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