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Going To Mass

T-Bone _

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1949209' date='Aug 14 2009, 10:05 PM']"Judge not least ye be judge" is a far misunderstood or misused verse. I know for a fact many people leave early to beat the traffic, or other such lame reasons.[/quote]

Knowing for a fact is not judging then. YOu simply know. Judging comes in when you see someone leave mass early and think less of them for this. Although you have no clue to why they are leaving mass. You just assume its because they want to for not legit reason.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1949337' date='Aug 15 2009, 12:20 AM']Try this on for size

Hassan does not exist, it is just a dream in the land of make believe. Ooooooh snap![/quote]

Is a dream not a man too?

Are we not real?

Do we not laugh when you tickle us?

Do we not cry when you hurt us?


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[quote name='havok579257' post='1949176' date='Aug 14 2009, 09:39 PM']don't judge others as Jesus commanded us to do. How do you know that those women left mass earlier just because? How do you know that they don't work on Sunday's and are rushing to work afterwards? How do you know that they are not making an extra effort to come to as much mass as they can, even though they work on Sunday's?

I think its terrible of people to judge others, most of all at mass. Unless you personally know why the person is leaving mass early, you have no right to judge them. Cause it just makes you come off as a holier than thou person passing judgement on people for what you percieve as their short comings.[/quote]

I never said that they did not have a good reason, but I hate seeing someone do this. If they had a good reason, such as being sick or something, then they have every right to leave, but most of the time it's because they want to beat the traffic (i.e. my dad used to do this a lot) or they want to get to breakfast or lunch early.

Edited by InHisLove726
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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1948942' date='Aug 15 2009, 06:46 AM']doesn't make you a Catholic anymore than going to your garage makes you a car.[/quote]

or going to MacDonald's makes you a hamburger :burger: :lol_pound:

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[quote name='cappie' post='1949402' date='Aug 15 2009, 01:43 AM']or going to MacDonald's makes you a hamburger :burger: :lol_pound:[/quote]


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I've left mass early before. Especially when I had morning sickness, and didn't want to hurl on a pew. Since we kept my pregnancies a secret, very few would have understood why I was leaving.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1949429' date='Aug 15 2009, 02:54 AM']I've left mass early before. Especially when I had morning sickness, and didn't want to hurl on a pew. Since we kept my pregnancies a secret, very few would have understood why I was leaving.[/quote]

That's a valid excuse in my book. ;)

I've actually had to leave before because I have asthma, and it was around Easter, so the priest was incensing the liturgy. You would not believe how tight my chest became. We were sitting right next to the altar, so it bothered me very much. :(

Interestingly enough, though, incense doesn't bother me now... :mellow:

Edited by InHisLove726
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I don't think that there is anything wrong with leaving Mass early if it is not a Mass of obligation.

That said, I think that, when one receives holy Communion, he should remain at church long enough to make a proper thanksgiving. This would ordinarily entail remaining at church at least until Mass is over.

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In the parish I attend when I'm in France, the back rows (the last... ten or so) beat Father to the exit. I'm not in favour. :)

We just had a big research thingy here in .nl, where, as it turned out, the number of people calling themselves Catholic exceeded the church attendance numbers at peak days with 0.5 million (which is big in a country of 16.5 million).

So Sunday-only Catholics are actually... doing pretty well here :)

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1949429' date='Aug 15 2009, 07:54 AM']I've left mass early before. Especially when I had morning sickness, and didn't want to hurl on a pew. Since we kept my pregnancies a secret, very few would have understood why I was leaving.[/quote]
Same here. Or I'd go to the outer area where it was really cool, as that would sometimes help. I could still see the priest & altar & Tabernacle that way, just wasn't in the sanctuary.

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Ash Wednesday

Our priest back home got really cranky about people sitting too far back and not moving up to sit closer to the front, at one point he even threatened to have the last few pews removed. Eventually the youth group roped the pews off with white rope and a sign that said "reserved for guardian angels"

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='1949528' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:59 PM']Our priest back home got really cranky about people sitting too far back and not moving up to sit closer to the front, at one point he even threatened to have the last few pews removed. Eventually the youth group roped the pews off with white rope and a sign that said "reserved for guardian angels"[/quote]

That is SO cool!

In our cathedral they removed the pews in the outer isles ten years ago. If they expect more than 900 people they put out folding chairs. And on Christmas Eve we have back-to-back vigil masses.

The folding chairs are kinda ugly, but certainly preferable to staring at row upon row of empty pew during the 360 days a year that it isn't Christmas Day or Easter Vigil or ordinations.

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I got carried out of mass once because of incense. Was on this special pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague, and we all had on these leather ceremonial gowns, it was hot, and I just passed right out. Incense still makes me lightheaded.

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The first time I went to an EF mass it was Pentecost and they pulled out all the stops. I made it to the sequence :(

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[quote name='InHisLove726' post='1949114' date='Aug 14 2009, 08:19 PM']Agreed. I can't stand the people who come and stay during Communion and leave right after. I saw two women in Church last week who did that and I wanted to tell them to sit back down. It makes me very upset. :sadder:[/quote]

Amen. Just came home from Mass and had the woman to my right, wearing a mantilla, slip out once the Reception of the Eucharist was over, and the woman to my left did so during the closing hymn.

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