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Wedding Pictures


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Theologian in Training

  Thomas Michael said:
Don't listen to them, flower. Follow your heart and your conscience. You've got plenty of time to find the right man to get married and have children with. And there's many ways to serve God that doesn't involve pledging lifelong celibacy. Vocations doesn't always mean giving up marriage prospects.

I found the love of my life at the age of 30. (I THOUGHT it was found at the age of 25, but that relationship didn't work out.) Never give up hope.

In all fairness, I never said she had a vocation. All I said was that if the likelihood exists, that 1) it is not a bad thing to have a vocation 2) no matter how much you run, if you have a vocation, God will get you, and 3) only she knows what her heart and conscience are telling her, and if it is one that is pointing to a vocation, I was merely offering a few insights.

She is still young and has time, which I understand, but if a vocation exists, it is best to foster it instead of denying it.

Hope that clears it up.

God Bless

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ha ha theologian is sooo right. HA HA I was promised to another girl before I realized I would never be happy unless it was in seminary. That is where I am at and I am soooo happy and at peace with mysefl that I cant put it into words. It will all work out but you need to pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray annnndd PRAY!

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well, first off i want to say thanks too both theo and michael, yes, this could be a "sign" of sorts but i'm alittle too young to really know for sure...

i really want to get married, i love kids and i know i want to raise a big, catholic family.

but i do also know that its not My will that shall be done, but God's Will. so i understand what both of you are saying....

i could be a nun (like vianney so kindly pointed out to me) and i know that if that IS my vocation, that it willbe where i am most happiest...

i know it sounds like i don't want to be nun, but really, i don't mind, i just want to be where God wants me to be. I know alot of nuns, i went to a daycare for years when i was a young girl and spent all my free time with the nuns who ran it. My mother's aunt is a nun, so i always have someone "pushing" me. and my sister's godmother is one of our good family friends, who also happends to be a nun!

so i think i have all grounds cover, i just have to pray for what God's will is.

i personally think that it would be cool to be a nun. to have all day to pray, to know and serve God, now that is amesome, i also want to be a teacher, so i know that even if i'm a nun, i can be what i always wanted to be. so i do have all options open.

i'm just kinda scared of the whole possiblity of it. like going away and all. i can't picture it......thats all i have trouble with...but if i do know if i'm going to be a nun, i'm going to be obedient of course so i guess it just comes down to praying (which is another thing vianney said: geez! i really do think your my conscience! lol)

so don't worry about me, im cool. i want to get married and be a mother, but if God has other plans such as being a nun or even the single life, i'll follow. but like thomas said, i will follow my heart and that will always lead me to God...

thanks guys! i do'nt know where all this is going but thanks!

God bLess!


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sorry guys (and gals) i just realize that this thread has gone astray in subject and its my fault, please ignore what i wrote for this was not the proper thread to write it in and so please proceed....

i want to see wedding pictures!!!!

:D :D :D

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So, Jake, did you remember your disc today?

And don't worry flowery, that was a nice little aside. :D

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Jake Huether

  marielapin said:
So, Jake, did you remember your disc today?

And don't worry flowery, that was a nice little aside.  :D


Actually, last night Erika and I finally picked out which pic's we want in our album. However, the photos from the photographer weren't on disk. At our reception we put disposable cameras on each table, but we've only developed (and put on disk) like seven (out of 14). And those seven, coincidentally, don't have ANY pictures of Erika and I together! We have another batch coming in this weekend. If any of them are of us together, I will post them.

Sorry to disappoint.

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Jake, you're a turd. lol Just kidding, I wouldn't have any pictures to post either, except people sent me some photos off their digital cameras. I need to get a scanner and then I can post some of our professional pictures.

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  IcePrincessKRS said:
Jake, you're a turd. lol Just kidding, I wouldn't have any pictures to post either, except people sent me some photos off their digital cameras. I need to get a scanner and then I can post some of our professional pictures.

Same here. I also don't have any professional photos scanned. But I WOULD have, if my aunt hadn't sent me her digital pictures. :lol:

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BUMP--- we just got a printer/scanner for ourselves as an anniversary present, so I thought I'd test it out by scanning one of our professional wedding pics. :D Enjoy.

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Hee hee I was wondering where the picture was, i thought i was having a stupid moment! But it is a gorgious picture, I hope mine come out that well......someday that is :)

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