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Wedding Pictures


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Some of PMers who got married a few months ago....ahem...need to share some wedding photos. Katie and I have already shared. Now it is your turn to be on display. :P


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Thomas Michael

Well, isn't this right up my alley... B) I married Kristi on June 7th.


In case you're wondering, I'm the one on the right. :P

Edited by Thomas Michael
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Thomas Michael

Huh?? :blink:

How did y'all do that thumbnail thingy?

Could you get a Mediator of Meh to fine-tune my post and make a thumbnail out of mine???

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  Thomas Michael said:
Huh??  :blink:

How did y'all do that thumbnail thingy?

Could you get a Mediator of Meh to fine-tune my post and make a thumbnail out of mine???

I attatched the image instead of linking to it.

If you look below the smilies you will see where you can attach a file if it below 75K in size. Then it makes a nice little thumbnail. If you have a picture from a website, you can also link to the IMG file like you did. Its just two different ways of doing it and some of the pictures I like to post I don't have on my website.

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BTW, Jake we are still waiting on you. :P

Bro. Adam just got married so he has some time before we start expecting pictures.

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geez, this thread makes me want to get married :blink:

i can't wait to get married!!! :wub:

::JMJ goes and practices her walk down the aisle in her room::

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  vianney said:
ha ha littleflower is gunna be a NUN!!

Don't say that!! :o:o:o:o oh my gosh!! NO!!!!

i want to get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


geez, do i know you vianney? my sisters and i always joke around who's going to be "The Nun" in the family!!! its funny cuz we all want to get married :lol::lol::lol:

and if i am a nun, God's gonna take me kicking and yelling! :lol::lol::lol:

geez, i still can't believe you said that! <_< i hope its not God speaking to me again....

those darn omens.......

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Theologian in Training

  littleflower said:
Don't say that!!  :o  :o  :o  :o  oh my gosh!! NO!!!!

i want to get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:(  :(  :(  :(  :(

geez, do  i know you vianney? my sisters and i always joke around who's going to be "The Nun" in the family!!! its funny cuz we all want to get married :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

and if i am a nun, God's gonna take me kicking and yelling!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

geez, i still can't believe you said that!  <_<  i hope its not God speaking to me again....

those darn omens.......

A little too close to home there jmj? I also denied it for years on end, and desired so much for the calling to leave me. Fact of the matter is, if you have a vocation, God will take you...kicking and screaming, if that is what it takes.

Also, remember the desire to get married is within us all ("it is not good that man should be alone") ("bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh") but that does not mean that God does not give the grace to live a celibate chaste life if that is what He is asking of you. The earthly marriage foreshadows the heavenly marriage...for some He allows them to take part in the heavenly marriage a bit early, for others He allows another to help them to that end. As Cantalamessa says, "it is not a question of a virgin man or woman renouncing a "concrete" love for the sake of an "abstract" one, a real person for an imaginary one. It is a matter of renouncing one concrete love for another concrete love." However, if what he also says applies, then you might actually have a vocation, for he says that "they (celibates and virgins) are people who mysteriously...have realized that another person, a family, children, all of these were not enough for them."

In this sense, the celibate life is eschatological in that foreshadows here on earth the heavenly marriage that will exist for eternity. When a couple are married they also (or should be) helping the other person in sanctity, that what they experience here on earth may bring them to that heavenly reality.

Personally, I don't know why I felt the need to write this, but perhaps it is yet another indication that you possibly may have a vocation.

God Bless

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Thomas Michael

Don't listen to them, flower. Follow your heart and your conscience. You've got plenty of time to find the right man to get married and have children with. And there's many ways to serve God that doesn't involve pledging lifelong celibacy. Vocations doesn't always mean giving up marriage prospects.

I found the love of my life at the age of 30. (I THOUGHT it was found at the age of 25, but that relationship didn't work out.) Never give up hope.

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To be quite honest I thought I would never get married. If I hadn't met Jared I would probably be thinking about becoming a nun myself.

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