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Heaven And Hell In Mormon Theology


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QUOTE: Mormonism teaches that a person is destined for one of six places depending on what he has done or what he has believed. These are: outer darkness (for Satan, his demons, and extremely wicked people) or one of three "kingdoms" known as the telestial, terrestrial or celestial kingdoms. Within the celestial kingdom are three levels, the highest being called "The Church of the Firstborn." It is here, and only here, that Mormon males hope to achieve Godhood and rule over their own worlds throughout eternity. END QUOTE

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[quote]Mormonism teaches that almost every person who lived on earth will end up in one of three heavenly kingdoms: the Celestial, the Terrestial, or the Telestial.[/quote]

Interesting so if I read everything correctly-there is no "hell" according to the mormons just different levels of heaven!

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[quote name='princessgianna' post='1946667' date='Aug 11 2009, 11:32 PM']Interesting so if I read everything correctly-there is no "hell" according to the mormons just different levels of heaven![/quote]
I think the "outer darkness" would be the equivalent of hell.

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[quote name='princessgianna' post='1946667' date='Aug 11 2009, 11:32 PM']Interesting so if I read everything correctly-there is no "hell" according to the mormons just different levels of heaven![/quote]

There is hell but only the most absolute wicked go there. Perhaps hitler, stalin. They say us "gentiles" meaning non-mormons, go to the terrestrial kingdom which is 100 times better than earth and we would kill ourselves to get there if we knew how good it was. So I ask why take the chance on becoming mormon using a pascal's wager type arguement. :lol_roll:

I lived in Utah for 8 years. There were beautiful mountains to the east and I asked a missionary there, those mountains are just a minor part of God's creation and I can't imagine how I could build one and asked them how they could. He looked at me with a serious look and said "with a steamshovel". Now don't get me wrong, I love the mormons. Nice people and I have some very good mormon friends but their beliefs are quite out there. They also still believe in pologamy as God ordained and that it will be restored when Christ comes again. In heaven women are to be eternally pregnant and marriage is for all eternity, though the Bible says otherwise.

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Whoa- um why don't they kill themsleves if it's so much better? Just honestly curious. I know a mormon girl my age who will send me emails time to time. I have never discussed religion with her but it sounds interesting, Though out there. I would like to hear her story,

Wow polygamy- I pity those people, from what I understand one spouse is enough! :idontknow:
So do the women ever give birth? Or they just pregnant all the time and no babies are ever born. From what i hear pregnancy is a beautiful thing though nine months is a long time. And After everything you go through-is a baby ever born>?

Guess I ought to email this girl.
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Personally, I'm aiming for the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom, where I can become a god and rule over my own world for all eternity. This will be especially rewarding since my goddess wife and I will be kept busy populating my world with our spirit children. :wacko:

Edited by Katholikos
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:lol_pound: One time in literature we got talking about Mormons. I was the only Catholic every one else was protestant. It was the only time we discussed religion and agreed 100% on something. :mellow: That they were "out there".

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='princessgianna' post='1947771' date='Aug 13 2009, 06:22 AM']Whoa- um why don't they kill themsleves if it's so much better? Just honestly curious. I know a mormon girl my age who will send me emails time to time. I have never discussed religion with her but it sounds interesting, Though out there. I would like to hear her story,

Wow polygamy- I pity those people, from what I understand one spouse is enough! :idontknow:
So do the women ever give birth? Or they just pregnant all the time and no babies are ever born. From what i hear pregnancy is a beautiful thing though nine months is a long time. And After everything you go through-is a baby ever born>?

Guess I ought to email this girl.
Now playing: [url="http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/john+powell/track/bourne+on+land"]John Powell - Bourne On Land[/url]
via [url="http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/"]FoxyTunes[/url][/quote]
Yes, they give birth to spirit children who would then populate the world of which their husband is god. And they'd better have blissful pregnancies and labour and delivery if they're doing that for eternity. :unsure:

ETA: At least I think I have that right. It's been a while since I've spoken with Mormons, to be honest.

Edited by Archaeology cat
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