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Can't Get A Hold Of My Spiritual Director :(

Fr. Antony Maria OSB

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Well, the title pretty much says it all. I e-mailed my sd July 13 and got an automated reply back saying he'd be away until the 16th, so I thought okay, he'll get back to me sometime after that. I called him two days ago now (the 26th), left a message on his voicemail, and still haven't heard back. Part of me is wondering if I should call/e-mail someone else in his community and inquire into his whereabouts, and/or whether he is okay, but another part of me is doubting whether or not I should do so out of being polite to him. I can't go over to the community since I'm 17 hours away right now home from college, so e-mail, phone, and snail mail are my only options. Anyone have any advice? I do need to talk to him, and in the meantime I am getting together with one of my parish priests Thursday afternoon, but yeah. Has anyone ever experienced something like this before?

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My former SD was rather difficult to get a hold of at one time. Not as difficult as yours is, but still, it's hard to wait around when you have to speak to them urgently.

If he's part of a religious community, he may be on leave for a home visit. Or he may be really busy. I would recommend that if you really need to get in touch with him to contact his community and politely ask if you can speak to him. Maybe his voicemail is not working?

I hope you get in touch with him soon! God bless.

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I would second the suggestion of calling the community and try to get a hold of him that way.

I've never really encountered this situation... My s/d has a secretary who schedules his meetings (including phone meetings), and if I *really* need to get a hold of him, he has given me his cell number.

Good luck!

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Some priests get literally hundreds of e-mails a day; it's possible that the one you sent him got lost in the deluge when he came back. This is more often true of pastors, but all priests are in demand these days. I would at the very least re-send it or write him another email, saying something like, 'hey, I don't know if this message went through, but...'

You're only a stalker if you try the same form of communication 3 times without a response. There's little point in leaving him three seperate voice messages anyway, but you can try to call back.

I would do these things before bugging the community, but certainly that is the next step.

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the lords sheep

I would try to call him again. Usually when you come back from vacation you have to make up for the week/weeks of work and correspondance that you need to catch up on. If it's really urgent that you speak with him, specify it in your message and follow up with an email.

God bless!

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Deus te Amat

I just googled his name, and an emu did not eat him, no need to worry. :mellow:

While that is true, there also weren't any news articles saying anything, which I take as a good sign. :thumbsup:

Prayers, brother.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Thank you all very much for your input, advice, and prayers. I just e-mailed him again, and I'm thinking if I don't hear back from him by Sunday afternoon/evening I will try calling his community (I'm going on retreat this weekend so if he doesn't reply by Friday afternoon I won't be able to talk to him until Sunday evening, anyway). Hopefully I shall hear from him soon, though.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Alright, I just got an automated reply saying he'll be out of the office until August 3rd. If you could, please pray that I may make the right decisions until then and that I can get some sound advice from some priests here: I really need it, lol. Thank you!

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Deus te Amat



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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Okay, thank you all very much for your prayers! I got an e-mail from him today, and hopefully we will be talking tomorrow at some point on the phone. Thank you all again!

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[quote name='NazFarmer' post='1936145' date='Jul 31 2009, 12:18 AM']Okay, thank you all very much for your prayers! I got an e-mail from him today, and hopefully we will be talking tomorrow at some point on the phone. Thank you all again![/quote]

Glad to hear it! ;) Bless you!

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

[quote name='Deus_te_Amat' post='1936421' date='Jul 31 2009, 05:42 AM']Whoo! Why didn't you tell me?![/quote]
I hadn't checked my e-mail before we were talking on the phone!

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