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What Is Your View On Creation?


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Personally, I take the six days of Creation to be literal. However, I am also open to the possibility of the six days to be six "God days", meaning millions of human years. His concept of time is not the same as ours.

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Thanks, Paddington. I'm open to all the help I can get on how to make my profile/posts better. So, creation...your thoughts/your mom's thoughts.

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She went out to eat.

My own thought is kinda non-existent.

I just tried messaging you and it wouldn't let me cuz you're not special enough yet.

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So you don't believe in Creation? So evolution? Big Bang? One thing led to another? Also, do I have to refresh to check and see if a reply has been posted? Or will it just automatically appear? Also, I tried uploading a pic...it wouldn't let me :(

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[quote name='Mapache' post='1920855' date='Jul 15 2009, 03:51 PM']Personally, I take the six days of Creation to be literal. However, I am also open to the possibility of the six days to be six "God days", meaning millions of human years. His concept of time is not the same as ours.[/quote]
that's an interesting thought. :think:

welcome to phatmass! :)

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I believe in God. So, I guess I believe He is responsible for the created stuff.

I don't know about evolution and big bang stuff too much. :(

Sometimes refresh, sometimes automatically appear. But when you post, everything gets refreshed. Or something.

It seems slow here right now. Usually at night there is more action.

EDIT: Lil Red is pretty cool. She's kinda a big deal around here. Having authority and whatnot.

Edited by Paddington
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I'll make sure to stay on Lil Red's good side. Would also like to know why she said my thought was "interesting". Was it interestingly insightful or interestingly ignorant?

Padd, not knowing is cool. Again, I don't really think it's really crucial to have right/wrong answers about how God created the world, i.e. six literal days/millions of years/a story told to children (which is what my dad thinks). It's just "interesting" to discuss.

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Yea, I would lean to the whole "doesn't matter" thing as long as it didn't include the crazy options.

When people say they know for sure that they have human fossils and artifacts from more than 6,000 years ago, then ummm....I don't know [edit] how that squares with the Bible [/edit].

I never knew much about this topic and I know even less now. :sadder:

[quote name='Mapache' post='1920893' date='Jul 15 2009, 07:21 PM']Was it interestingly insightful or interestingly ignorant?[/quote]

Yea, like when people say you are amazing. It feels good at face value...

Edited by Paddington
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[quote name='Mapache' post='1920893' date='Jul 15 2009, 04:21 PM']I'll make sure to stay on Lil Red's good side. Would also like to know why she said my thought was "interesting". Was it interestingly insightful or interestingly ignorant?[/quote]
interesting as in "i've never thought about it that way before" :)

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[quote name='Paddington' post='1920899' date='Jul 15 2009, 04:26 PM']Yea, I would lean to the whole "doesn't matter" thing as long as it didn't include the crazy options.[/quote]
yeah, i guess i don't think about it much, if at all. it's just not something that impacts my daily faith life.

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[quote name='Paddington' post='1920899' date='Jul 15 2009, 07:26 PM']Yea, I would lean to the whole "doesn't matter" thing as long as it didn't include the crazy options.

When people say they know for sure that they have human fossils and artifacts from more than 6,000 years ago, then ummm....I don't know [edit] how that squares with the Bible [/edit].

I never knew much about this topic and I know even less now. :sadder:

Yea, like when people say you are amazing. It feels good at face value...[/quote]

I have Clovis and Cumberland point arrowheads older than 6000 years. The number 6000 was arrived at by a protestant minister named Mr Darby in Scotland in the 1800s, so its an invented tradition of men.

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[quote name='Mapache' post='1920855' date='Jul 15 2009, 05:51 PM']Personally, I take the six days of Creation to be literal. However, I am also open to the possibility of the six days to be six "God days", meaning millions of human years. His concept of time is not the same as ours.[/quote]
Yep, this is how I sorta see it to.

We did not come from monkeys. We were made from the image of God. God created the earth. He created it from nothing. But, how and how long He decided to take? I don't know. I'll talk to God over coffee on that one.

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