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The Us Is A Republic - Not A Democracy


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US Constitution:
[b]Article IV[/b]
Section. 4.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government

< for those wondering why I posted this, it was because of a post many months ago >

God Bless,
ironmonk :tiphat: :clap: :smokey: :afro: :gotee: :graduate: :wavey: :thatsfunny: :topsy: :heymon: :pimp: :knockout: :cheer: :group: :beer:

You love me and you know it... I keep you on your toes.

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Not quite ironmonk, lol the "republician form of goverment" is little r republician. At least assumeing this is an anti- Kerry anti dem post.

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i'm sure it's in reply to people who are like "the US is a democracy so vote democrat" (i have heard ppl say that, ppl can be crazy)

anyway, the word republican means the people vote for people who decide things, and democrat means the people vote to decide everything.

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Ash Wednesday

It's a reminder to all the idiots out there that say "we are a democracy", and whine how "unfair" it is that Bush didn't take the popular vote but still won the election.

"It's the electoral college, stupid!"

If anyone says "we're a democracy, vote democrat" ask them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance....
v e r y... s l o w l y.....
so they can .....u n d e r s t a n d........

"And to the .....R E P U B L I C...... for which it stands..."

I mean, really. Talk about a rhetoric that backfires by that logic! People aren't just crazy. They're stupid. I wonder how many voters out there know how many branches there are in the U.S. Government, and what they are.


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To muddy the waters even more, here is what the CIA says in the World Factbook for the US (us):

Government type:
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition


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[quote name='thicke' date='Mar 31 2004, 08:05 AM'] To muddy the waters even more, here is what the CIA says in the World Factbook for the US (us):

Government type:
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

[url="http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html"]http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html[/url] [/quote]
Maybe it was a democrat who wrote that... does it matter what the CIA says compared to the US Constitution?

We don't vote of everything. If we voted on everything the country would revert into the lowest common denominator... Republican form of government helps keeps those who are mentally challenged from making laws... it "should" keep smarter people in office that make the choices.

God Bless,

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[quote]And that is why it is the greatest nation on God's green earth! [/quote]

Actually, the US is one of the WORST nations on the Earth, for the US rejects the idea of a religious institution for government, accepting the condemned secular rule (condemned by Pope Leo XIII and other good Popes). Also, the US allows the first amendment, quite possibly the worst governmental document ever. It was explicily condemned by Pope Leo XIII. I think Thomas Woods wrote the article in Latin Mass magazine (the second most-recent issue) about this idea of the US government. If anyone wants to read the whole thing, I would get that issue for that one article. God bless.

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Yeh, ironmonk has it right. And if I say that becuase I never admit to being wrong except maybe to ironmonk (u closed the other thread I just wanted to say that I was not saying the the repbulican aren't the number party for God today but I ask that we take it on a case by case level there are some good dems prolife dems out there, saved me a PM and it is kind of humbling).

Ash Wednesday, what is the percent? I think it is like 80% of teens don't know who the VP is and 40% don't know who the pres is! So I think that the 3 branch system is probly down around 5% (LOL I hope it is higher).

CatholicCrusader, the 1st amendment and secluar goverment are really good things. How would you respond if G. W. Bush (I am only saying this becsue he is the current pres) said that we all must becoming Mormon. Or be thrown in jail. What would you do? The 1st amendment was based on protecting the citizens of a nation from an offical religion (Like the Church of England). And as a secluar goverment is pretty good seeing as it is not really all that secluar. It is based on Jedu-Christian ideals.

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First of all, it is Judeo-Christian, not Jedu-Christian. Secondly, the United States is not based on Judeo-Christian, but rather deist and "Enlightenment" ideals. These are all in direct opposition to Church teaching. The Church has already condemned secular government as a legitimate means of governing, so you are incorrect in your statement concerning secular government. The United States has a system which is not compatible with Catholic teaching. It supports ideas of pluralism and tolerance of error. If you have read the founding documents of America (and the contemporary American writings), you will see the many errors and condemned concepts. These beliefs are very prevalent in the Federalist papers. Read these and attempt to claim that America is a good system. God bless.

Edited by amarkich
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[quote]And as a secluar goverment is pretty good [/quote]

Pope Leo XIII and other Popes have condemned the idea of a secular government or one that is not Catholic (theocratic government of puritanism in the early US).

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we are a democracy.. we are for the people.. therefore this nation is democratic.
we are a rebublic.. we have representitives.. thereofore this natin is republican.

a democrat would deny the latter and a republican would not deny the former. frankly, this whole labeling thing does more harm than good if people are going to be so all or nothing.

[quote]Maybe it was a democrat who wrote that... does it matter what the CIA says compared to the US Constitution?[/quote]
if this thread has shown anything, it's shown his and other's bias to read into the words like that.

Edited by megamattman1
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We are a representative democracy, or in other words a republic, or in other words a form of democracy. <_<

Seriously though, the Founding Fathers were pretty clear that we are a republic.

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[quote]The 1st Amendment was based on protecting the citizens of a nation from an official religion (like the Church of England)[/quote]

And having an official state religion clearly does allow the state to legally discriminate against it's citizens.....aside from the Anglican bishops sitting in the House of Lords and therefore directly voting on our legislation in the UK even though the numbers of people claiming to be anglicans are decreasing year on year, we are still not allowed to have a Catholic as the head of our state.

While I think the idea of having a non secular government sounds very attractive in principle (as long as it's my religion, thank you very much! ;) :D ) I'm not entirely convinced it works well in practice.....

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