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...I can understand having a talk with God, and asking Him for light in the darkness, but to always approach Him submitting ourselves to Him in humility... not like a demanding little brat...

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"When You're Evil" by Voltaire..... Bad song by Catholic standards; However, again I must admit that I like this song. It has a good beat, and good music-wise.... Just not so Catholic-friendly lyrics

When the Devil is too busy
And Death's a bit too much
They call on me by name you see,
For my special touch.
To the Gentlemen I'm Miss Fortune
To the Ladies I'm Sir Prize
But call me by any name
Any way it's all the same

I'm the fly in your soup
I'm the pebble in your shoe
I'm the pea beneath your bed
I'm a bump on every head
I'm the peel on which you slip
I'm a pin in every hip
I'm the thorn in your side
Makes you wriggle and writhe
And it's so easy when you're evil
This is the life, you see
The Devil tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

While there's children to make sad
While there's candy to be had
while there's pockets left to pick
While there's grannies to trip down the stairs
I'll be there, I'll be waiting round the corner
It's a game. I'm glad I'm in it
'Cause there's one born every minute

I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I am told, Lord Beelxebub
Has never seen a soldier quite like me
Not only does his job, but does it happily.

I'm the fear that keeps you awake
I'm the shadows on the wall
I'm the monsters they become
I'm the nightmare in your skull
I'm a dagger in your back
An extra turn on the rack
I'm the quivering of your heart
A stabbing pain, a sudden start.

And it's so easy when you're evil
This is the life, you see
The Devil tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

It gets so lonley being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying though my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


if you want to watch it

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[quote name='QuoteMan' post='1905876' date='Jun 29 2009, 10:43 PM']"When You're Evil" by Voltaire..... Bad song by Catholic standards; However, again I must admit that I like this song. It has a good beat, and good music-wise.... Just not so Catholic-friendly lyrics[/quote]

What do you expect from a band with the name Voltaire?

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1905864' date='Jun 29 2009, 10:34 PM']One member of the band said this about this song:

"I kept getting these phone calls from home - tragedy after tragedy... If there is some kind of person in charge of this planet - are they sleeping? Smoking? Where are they? I just imagined running into God standing on a street corner like Bruce Springsteen, smoking a cigarette, and I'd have it out with him."

That does not seem very reverent to me.[/quote]

It may not be reverent, but it certainly does make some sense. There are many, many times in my life I have wanted to have it out with God. I've certainly felt angry with God at times in my life. He never said you couldn't. Anyone who's dealt with massive grief may have shook their hand to the heavens and yelled why.

To never be angry, never question .... well, honestly, if you can say that, good for you, but I believe that the majority of us go through that at one time or another. And expressing that through music is cathartic and quite possibly could end up bringing you closer to God.

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[quote name='Azriel' post='1906149' date='Jun 30 2009, 08:53 AM']To never be angry, never question .... well, honestly, if you can say that, good for you, but I believe that the majority of us go through that at one time or another. And expressing that through music is cathartic and quite possibly could end up bringing you closer to God.[/quote]

I think what you picked up on here, is quite true. People will express their feelings through song; if they're mad at God for some reason, they might make a song against God. Also, I think you're right to say: "To never be angry, never question .... Well, honestly, if you can say that, good for you, but I believe that the majority of us go through that at one time or another". I think everyone once had a time when they felt totally alone, and separated from the world. Furthermore, I think everyone has gone through a time in their life when God has helped them through something; they may not have even realised it, but God must have helped them at some point.

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[quote name='QuoteMan' post='1905552' date='Jun 29 2009, 04:55 PM']I hate the people who like death-metal, or songs that promote Satan... :annoyed:[/quote]You can't just say you hate everyone who listens to a type of music that you don't like.

Edited by Varg
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You're a little late on that conversation Varg...... I already went through this with USAirwaysIHS
(see page 1)

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