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Should The U.s. Apologizing For Slavery


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[quote name='picchick' post='1900584' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:53 PM']The thing that I don't think the government takes into account is that not all the African Americans are ancestors from slaves. A majority sure but not all. How will they separate that out.

Furthermore, I did not decend from slave owners. My ancestors came over from Ireland and Poland in the 1800's after the whole Civil War stint.

Hasn't America already apologized? We cannot change history. We could apologize a million times but it still will not erase the fact that slavery existed in America. However, we need to learn from history. We saw the devestation that slavery brought about. Why not instead take the apology and turn it into action?

I always thought that people needed to back up words with action to "prove" their emotion. When you say "I love you" you "prove" it by trying to show that person in little ways that you do truly love them. When you say "I am sorry" then the same thing applies. You amend what you did so that it doesn't happen again or you work to stop it.[/quote]

well said, Picchick.
[quote]We cannot change history. We could apologize a million times but it still will not erase the fact that slavery existed in America.[/quote]
millions and millions of people (my family included) migrated here less than one hundred years ago and did not support, condone, take part in or approve of the use [b]slavery.[/b]

furthermore, apologizing is a sign of weakness and is a useless gesture.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1900427' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:19 PM']Sadly, and to their shame, many who write the "history" text-books are Commie sympathizers and fellow-travelers.[/quote]

I'd love to see your proof for this

[quote]PC "history" typically preaches more against the evils of "McCarthyism" than it teaches about the very real horrors committed by Communist regimes. One hundred million murdered, and counting.[/quote]

Shocking as this observation may be, it is sometimes very difficult to get accurate information regarding the inner workings of an authoritarian regime. Sometimes even less information gets out when we happen to be fighting alongside that despotic state which is being run by a monster like Stalin.

If you can find a popular public school text which depicts Stalin in a positive light and promotes the USSR as some utopian beacon of liberty I'd be very interested in seeing it.

Edited by Hassan
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[quote name='apparently' post='1900859' date='Jun 24 2009, 06:26 PM']well said, Picchick.

millions and millions of people (my family included) migrated here less than one hundred years ago and did not support, condone, take part in or approve of the use [b]slavery.[/b]

furthermore, apologizing is a sign of weakness and is a useless gesture.[/quote]

Well champ the apology is probably not going to be so much focused on your familie's activity as the involvement of the US government in the slave trade and maintaining the institution.

"apologizing is a sign of weakness and is a useless gesture"

That must be an interesting way to go through life.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1900386' date='Jun 23 2009, 10:53 PM']Anyone that ignorant of recent history has no business teaching it in my book.

The history of Communist oppression is worse than that of the Nazis, and is well-documented for anyone who bothers to do some easy research.

However, what you say is sadly unsurprising, given the politically-correct ignoring of such facts in the liberal "educational" establishment, with its pinko head-in-the-sand "no enemies to the Left" mentality.[/quote]

Do you have any hard data to support your claims?

Edited by Hassan
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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='apparently' post='1900859' date='Jun 24 2009, 06:26 PM']furthermore, apologizing is a sign of weakness and is a useless gesture.[/quote]
I certainly disagree. At least in most cases. :mellow:

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1901561' date='Jun 25 2009, 07:36 PM']I certainly disagree. At least in most cases. :mellow:[/quote]


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Hassan' post='1901563' date='Jun 25 2009, 07:37 PM']:unsure:[/quote]
I say in most cases because if you're completely innocent and the other person is a jerk, then an apology might be weak...... but you catch my drift, I'm sure.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1901567' date='Jun 25 2009, 07:45 PM']I say in most cases because if you're completely innocent and the other person is a jerk, then an apology might be weak...... but you catch my drift, I'm sure.[/quote]

I never apologize because I am always right and everyone else is always wrong (when they disagree with me that is).


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"i have mixed ancesters"

good call. i don't know where that would put you.

i think it would be folks who are more blatant in their ancestry, and it would be more symbolic. even as a country someone should even if there's qualifications here and there. arguably.

i see it less to be the case they should, considering we're all mixed etc.

look up "pope apologizes" on google, and you'll see 'to jews', 'to galilaeo', 'for holocaust', 'for inquisition' etc
definitely a lot to be sorry for, in at least some sense

ya don't hear those popes complainin (tho some others might..

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1901586' date='Jun 25 2009, 08:58 PM']Right. Of course.

(Tell that to all the slaves in your illegitimate caliphate.)[/quote]

There are no slaves in my SULTANATE.

I do tell it to all the political prisoners in my jails, however. :mellow:

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You may wish to explore a bit of history.

Following the Battle of States Rights, and based on a "knowledge" that it would be unlikely that white and black could be cobbled into a smooth society, several shiploads of white and black people made the journey to Monrovia in Liberia.

This was, to some extent, an effort at restitution for the transgressions of slavery.

In terms of making restitution to the black community for slavery, I have no problem with making restituion to anyone directly affected. Bring the 160 year old woman who was beaten by her "master" when she was 14 to Washington DC, and she should be given a few million dollars.

Her son, no, her grandson, nope, her great-great-great-great-great grandson, not hardly.

As a French-Canadian, North American Indian, Catholic person raised in a WASP area, discrimination was a normal item ( yes, even in the 1950's ). Let me see, how many people can I extract some serious dollars from for transgressions....

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[quote name='Dan' post='1902241' date='Jun 26 2009, 02:24 PM']As a French-Canadian, North American Indian, Catholic person raised in a WASP area, discrimination was a normal item ( yes, even in the 1950's ). Let me see, how many people can I extract some serious dollars from for transgressions....[/quote]

When I re-read that statement, it appeared to me that it came off a bit more angry than I had intended.

The intent was simply to show that discrimination did not end after 1865, 1955, rather it was much later.

Oh well, less anger on / in future posts.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1901556' date='Jun 25 2009, 09:32 PM']"apologizing is a sign of weakness and is a useless gesture"

That must be an interesting way to go through life.[/quote]
i sleep well, champ!
how about you? :P

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