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Heck, why not? I'll help you get your bride back.
My L.A final just ended, so I guess I'll help.
I can be like a double agent for you. I know all of Hassens battle plans... So I should be able to hep you... :lol:

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Dear subjects,

With deepest regrets, We now announce that Sultan Hassan has not only taken Our beloved fiancee, but he has murdered her as well. When We had vanquished his troops, We went to get Isabella, but we found her dead. :( Tomorrow will be a day of mourning for her death.

As for Us, We have decided that it would be best that We make a vow of celibacy and never marry. Thus We shall become a monk-king.

In sorrow,
Ixerruser, Latin King

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Nihil Obstat

The High Lord Duke Joseph of the Western Realm, Marshal of the Western Assembly, Administrative Archduke of Acre, laments at this truly sorrowful turn of events and expresses His deepest condolences.

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