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Evangelization. Should we or shouldn't we? If we should, then who should we evangelize to, and who should we leave alone?

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Yes we should, everybody, because no one should be immune from salvation found the Catholic church.

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Here are some quotes by Pope Benedict on Evangelization:

Evangelization Serves Society, Says Pope

[quote]"Evangelization is the best service that Christians can offer to heal the wounds of society. To establish a fully reconciled society it is necessary to begin with Christ, the only one able to definitively offer this grace to human beings," said the Holy Father.

For this reason, the Pontiff added, "the work of evangelization is an urgent necessity."

To achieve this goal, Benedict XVI underlined the importance of catechists and priests to "proclaim the word of God to their brothers and sisters."

The Bishop of Rome insisted on the importance of the formation of the laity so that they can "commit themselves to social life and to working toward the common good."

"The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church is a valuable instrument for the formation of everyone and particularly of the laity," said the Holy Father.

The Pontiff said of the laity: "Their involvement in public life, through respect for life, the promotion of justice, the defense of human rights and integral human development, is a witness offered to Christ.

"In this way, the faithful participate in the construction and development of the nation as well as the task of evangelization."

The Pope said "such relations are indispensable for ensuring concord and harmony among all citizens, and for promoting the shared values of humanity."

He added: "Through the formation of persons who are knowledgeable of the ecclesial institutions created to promote interreligious dialogue, you are favoring better reciprocal knowledge, in charity and truth, to achieve effective collaboration in the field of development of persons and society."[/quote] [url="http://www.zenit.org/article-19953?l=english"]SOURCE[/url]

It is considered so important by my Archbishop that he has made evangelization the main focus of this diocese for the next 5 years. The campaign is called, "Nothing More Beautiful."

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And the primary means of evangelization? Living a holy life and purifying yourself of the passions. If you become a Saint, God will send you people that need healing, even if you've tried to seclude yourself from all society.

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Vasilius Konstantinos


St. Francis of Assisi once said "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."
Witness to all people of all types.
But never lose or compromise your faith in the process.
Those whom are of the faith may be humbled or lifted up by your witness.
Therefore, be a witness to all at all times.
And most importantly, pray without ceasing.

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White Knight

Well thats a good question I think the answer is everyone though.

1) The Catholic Base: to fully inform all Catholics of what the real Catholic faith is and not all the misconceptions, basically to bring clarity to confusing issues, such as, Papacy, Virgin Mary Veneration (not Worship); The Saints, Baptism, Confession, Tradition and "t"radition, The Real Presence, Idoltry, and countless others.

2) To our Seperated Christian brothers and sisters, all though they may or may not accept certian teachings of what is considered Christian Doctrine, they aleast accept some of the teachings that are critical for Salvation of souls. They believe the Sacred Scriptures to be the Sacred Word of God, the Written Word. They believe in Jesus Christ's mission to bring Salvation and Redemption to repenting sinners, they believe in everlasting life and condemnation, Also this is good to bring unity to the base of believers all around the world.

3) To the Pagans, and non Christians. By living examples of Christian living, both Protestants and Catholics can effect the world and convert sinners by the Grace of the Lord to Himself, actions speak louder than words, Jesus said be doers of the word, not hearers of the word. the fact is All Christians can be more effective in this area of preaching, by living the faith to the best of their abilities supplied by the Grace of the Lord.

[size=4][color="#000000"][b]The best advise that can be given is this. in order to Evangelize both Catholics and Protestants have to live their faith as best they can and then let their actions speak for themselves, and if they have too, use words.[/b][/color][/size]

White Knight

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