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Anglican Nuns Going Roman


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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1891345' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:50 AM']+J.M.J.+
agreed. please do not use the VS to debate on the teaching of EENS. take it to the debate table. :)[/quote]

Yes, sorry.
Good on the sisters!

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Grace06' post='1890320' date='Jun 14 2009, 11:25 AM']I don't quite understand why you would pray for them to change. They are a wonderful community (and have been a spiritual blessing in Boston for decades).

I'm happy for the community who is changing because it is what they want and believe it is what God has called them to do, but most of these posts seem to be celebrating more that they are becoming Catholic. There are many, many non-Catholic religious communities who serve our Beloved authentically and beautifully.[/quote]
There is no one that God doesn't want to be Catholic. :)

But lest it spiral into a debate, I'll say no more, other than what great news this is, and to the sisters, (tentatively) welcome home! :D

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I hope no one will take offense at this, because no offense is intended... but what if one of the Anglican sisters is reading these posts? I am a sister, and I'm reading them.

That being said, I do not often come to these phorums because it seems that at the least little word, posters are offended. The first comment has a bit of a sting to it, but then the following comments get a bit more defensive, and on it goes. Perhaps the best thing to do when we read a post that stings a bit would be to bear wrongs patiently and respond in kindness, not in kind.

Does that make sense?

RE: the original topic -
Welcome to the church, sisters! May God grant you peace, and the grace of perseverance.

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I want to ask Dame Agnes about her source that the ASSP sisters are being received into the Catholic Church on September 3rd. Their web site does not make this announcement, so where is the verifiable source? Perhaps you know this community personally and they have told you?

For discerners on VS who are not Roman Catholic and yet are discerning religious life, you just need to know that there are a number of very very traditional types on this forum who think that outside the RC church there is no salvation or not the fullness of it... but the resource for info about religious life discernment and current developments here is one of the best on the web. Just ignore the vitriol and bigotry.... and follow God's call. Even if it's not to Rome....

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Graciela' post='1892100' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:40 PM']For discerners on VS who are not Roman Catholic and yet are discerning religious life, you just need to know that there are a number of very very traditional types on this forum who think that outside the RC church there is no salvation or not the fullness of it... but the resource for info about religious life discernment and current developments here is one of the best on the web. Just ignore the vitriol and bigotry.... and follow God's call. Even if it's not to Rome....[/quote]
God's true call will always be to Rome, as God would not call away from the Truth.

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[quote name='Graciela' post='1892100' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:40 PM']I want to ask Dame Agnes about her source that the ASSP sisters are being received into the Catholic Church on September 3rd. Their web site does not make this announcement, so where is the verifiable source? Perhaps you know this community personally and they have told you?

For discerners on VS who are not Roman Catholic and yet are discerning religious life, you just need to know that there are a number of very very traditional types on this forum who think that outside the RC church there is no salvation or not the fullness of it... but the resource for info about religious life discernment and current developments here is one of the best on the web. Just ignore the vitriol and bigotry.... and follow God's call. Even if it's not to Rome....[/quote]

Was sent the info by someone who knows the sisters.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1892121' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:51 PM']God's true call will always be to Rome, as God would not call away from the Truth.

I agree, and dislike the title of bigot getting hung around the necks of those voicing support for that Truth.

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[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1892146' date='Jun 16 2009, 05:05 AM']Was sent the info by someone who knows the sisters.[/quote]

It's since also been published on the [url="http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2009/06/anglican-convent-of-all-saints-to-be.html"]New Liturgical Movement, whose sources are pretty good[/url].

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1892155' date='Jun 16 2009, 05:08 AM']I agree, and dislike the title of bigot getting hung around the necks of those voicing support for that Truth.[/quote]


Edited by puellapaschalis
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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1892121' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:51 PM']God's true call will always be to Rome, as God would not call away from the Truth.

So Episcopalians called to (Episcoplal) Benedictine life - there are Episcopal Benedictines, and I think one or two Lutheran Benedictine monasteries in this country - are being called away from the Truth? Do none of the other Christian churches have any part of the truth? There is only Absolute Truth (in the Catholic Church) and Absolute Untruth (in non-Catholic churches).
Just asking for clarification, 'cause Homey dont' get it.

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OraProMe wrote: Any soul that does not have Our Lord in the Eucharist such as the Anglicans is indeed spiritually poor and I rejoice that they're converting to the true faith.

The Anglicans do have Our Lord in the Eucharist. They believe in transubstantiation, not just the symbolism of bread & wine as the body & blood of Christ, and they have the unbroken apostolic succession.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Luigi' post='1892411' date='Jun 16 2009, 12:32 AM']So Episcopalians called to (Episcoplal) Benedictine life - there are Episcopal Benedictines, and I think one or two Lutheran Benedictine monasteries in this country - are being called away from the Truth? Do none of the other Christian churches have any part of the truth? There is only Absolute Truth (in the Catholic Church) and Absolute Untruth (in non-Catholic churches).
Just asking for clarification, 'cause Homey dont' get it.[/quote]
I guess the thing to ask is:
Does God call to imperfection?
He founded one True Church for a reason.
[quote name='Luigi' post='1892421' date='Jun 16 2009, 12:40 AM']The Anglicans do have Our Lord in the Eucharist. They believe in transubstantiation, not just the symbolism of bread & wine as the body & blood of Christ, and they have the unbroken apostolic succession.[/quote]
:no: :no: :no:
The Anglicans do not have valid orders, succession, or sacraments (barring baptism, of course).

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[quote name='Graciela' post='1892100' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:40 PM']For discerners on VS who are not Roman Catholic and yet are discerning religious life, you just need to know that there are a number of very very traditional types on this forum who think that outside the RC church there is no salvation or not the fullness of it... but the resource for info about religious life discernment and current developments here is one of the best on the web. Just ignore the vitriol and bigotry.... and follow God's call. Even if it's not to Rome....[/quote]

I, like Catherine, dislike being called a bigot for believing what my Church teaches. It's got nothing to do with "traditional types". The Church is not a political party divided into left and right. It's just Catholic doctrine that the Catholic Church is the only Church founded by Christ. If someone knows that this is what the Church teaches but doesn't believe it then they should stop calling themselves Catholic. Simple as that.

Lets be honest here, these sisteres are leaving a denomination that was founded by a man because he wanted a divorce.

[i]Just ignore the vitriol and bigotry.... and follow God's call. Even if it's not to Rome....[/i]
God doesn't call anyone away from the Catholic Church :)

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[quote name='Luigi' post='1892411' date='Jun 16 2009, 12:32 AM']Do none of the other Christian churches have any part of the truth? There is only Absolute Truth (in the Catholic Church) and Absolute Untruth (in non-Catholic churches).
Just asking for clarification, 'cause Homey dont' get it.[/quote]

Catholics believe that seperated Christians do indeed have aspects of the truth (the creed, scripture, belief in Christs divinity etc). However only the Catholic Church has the "fullness of truth" which has been revealed. They believe that the Catholic Church was founded specifically be Jesus and entrusted to St. Peter and his succesors.

It's not that there is "absolute untruth" in non Catholic denominations. There are many aspects that a protestant and I would agree with. It's just having little bits and pieces of the truth isn't enough. Imagine if your car only had half the motor parts it required, would it work very well?

I hope that's clarified? :)

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[quote name='Grace06' post='1891276' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:13 AM']Would you please relax? I have [b]never[/b], [b]ever[/b] experienced such uncharitable behavior in my life!

Lighten up! This site is filled with some of the most unkind, bigoted people - and it makes me cringe to think you call yourselves Catholics. It is folks like you who give the church a bad name, it is why others dislike us.

As a church we've come such a long way in [b]accepting all[/b], not only those who are Catholic ~ but comments here take us back, to yes, pre-Vat II - a time when we were unkind, uncharitable and down right mean-spirited.

You can say what you want - but comments like "poor soul" would never come from one who professes to follow Jesus - and we can do that very well, as holy women and men, Catholic or not.

People like you read what you want in to any church teaching or document and without a change of heart, you will never see the light - nor will you be on the highway to heaven, my friend.[/quote]


Wow, I didn't see any name-calling before this post. I'm not sure how "bigoted" and "unkind" could be considered charitable... :-(

This poster seems to not be able to follow her own advice.

And finally, sigh, why is it when people advocate for a right and wrong and supply evidence they are then titled "bigoted" and "unkind". That is just a complete non-sequitur.

I wish the poster above, she is welcome here, but she might do well to listen a bit before calling names.

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[quote name='Luigi' post='1892421' date='Jun 16 2009, 12:40 AM']OraProMe wrote: Any soul that does not have Our Lord in the Eucharist such as the Anglicans is indeed spiritually poor and I rejoice that they're converting to the true faith.

The Anglicans do have Our Lord in the Eucharist. They believe in transubstantiation, not just the symbolism of bread & wine as the body & blood of Christ, and they have the unbroken apostolic succession.[/quote]


No, they don't have unbroken apostolic succession.

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