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Late Term Abortion Provider



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[quote]Abortion Doctor Shot to Death in Church

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Published: May 31, 2009

George Tiller, a Wichita doctor who was one of the few doctors in the nation to perform late-term abortions, was shot to death on Sunday as he attended church, city officials in Wichita said.

Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few late-term-abortion providers, was killed Sunday in church.

Dr. Tiller, who had performed abortions since the 1970s, had long been a lightning rod for controversy over the issue of abortion, particularly in Kansas, where abortion opponents regularly protested outside his clinic and sometimes his home and church. In 1993, he was shot in both arms by an abortion opponent but recovered.

He had also been the subject of many efforts at prosecution, including a citizen-initiated grand jury investigation. In the latest such effort, in March, Dr. Tiller was acquitted of charges that he had performed late-term abortions that violated state law.

The shooting occurred at around 10 a.m. (Central time) at Reformation Lutheran Church on the city’s East Side, Dr. Tiller’s regular church.

Wichita police said that the shots were fired from a handgun in the church lobby during the morning service. The authorities gave few details, but said they were searching for a powder blue Taurus made in the 1990s that had been seen leaving shortly after the shooting. They said witnesses had described seeing a white man departing.

“This is going to be a larger search than maybe just Wichita,” said Brent Allred, a police captain, who said that the FBI and state police had been called to the scene. By noon, few parishioners remained at the church, a modern, red brick facility that seats about 500 people. Police cars surrounded the building.[/quote]

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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i can see some people arguing, we can't take the law into our own hands. and this sort of things is hindering possible change by hardening the other side.

would you say the same thing, if someone were lining up catholics, and shooting them, where these shootings were legal? like the halocaust?

if you say that 'oh, another abortion docotor will just do it anyway'... would you say the same thing in a halocaust situation, where catholics are being shot? 'oh, another noncatholic would have shot him anyway. it makes no difference. no point in trying"

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in march he was acquitted of charges of violaing state law.... ie, not obtaining a second opinoin before performing the late term abortions.

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i read that he's admitted to doing over 60,000 abortion over his long career.

www.drtiller.com (not operating, currently, except through cache searching -- probably related to his death) says that he performs elective later term abortions

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I spent most of yesterday evening at the wedding reception of two Catholic-"nerd" friends of mine at the Eastern Orthodox church less than 200 feet away from the Lutheran ecclesial community where this shooting took place (the wedding itself was in the Catholic EF, not Eastern Orthodox)...


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'late term abortion, cause the mom says she had too many kids'

[quote]"Jessica speaks out"

I wanted to say that I was a "patient" if you will of Dr. Tiller back in [2000]. I was married at the time & had just had my [4th] child very recently & had become pregnant again as my husband didn't want to wait. [b]Anyway, we decided having 2 babies under 1 year old was not going to work for us with [5] children total, so after thinking about it we decided upon an abortion[/b] though it was painful to think about.

Well unfortunately I chose to use Dr. Tiller. We set up our appointment and this was a late term abortion by the time they got me in. I'm thinking now this was on purpose, its as if he likes doing them later term. [b]I was I believe 26 weeks along which is pretty far in my book, but anyway.[/b]

First day was taking blood, sonogram to see exactly how far along I was, etc... which they wouldn't let me see the sonogram photo when I asked. They then gave me the shot into my cervix to insert the laminaria pack, which is the worst pain I have EVER to this day had in my life!! Don't think that was normal. I was then told to go back to the motel room (we were from another town) and be there at 10:00 am the next morning for the abortion.

Well I awoke around 7:00 am and from what I can figure was in FULL BLOWN labor. I was having contractions like I did with my other [4] children while in labor. I was feeling an urge to push even which was very odd, but I was in labor & mostly in pain. My husband FINALLY reached a nurse there (said it was a 24 hr number yet no one answered). They told me it was MY fault and that I was to be at the clinic at 6:00 am... yet the paper they gave me said 10:00 am and I was told 10:00 am.

Anyway... we got to the clinic, they didn't seem to even care that I was in so much pain. They took their time getting my IV in my arm & finally got me some pain medicine. There were about 5 other girls in this room with me (like a small waiting room with beds, etc...) and they all had already had their abortions done. I was last for that part of the morning. I'm guessing because I was farthest along. They all literally looked like zombies just lying there. It was creepy. I was not allowed to have my husband come back to see me or comfort me. Finally it was my turn. [b]I was taken in & given a drug to almost knock me out. It's one where they say you don't remember things, but I do. I can remember Tiller half-delivering my baby, jabbing the scissors into his head, & killing him. Then just kind of throwing him to the side and finishing up.[/b]

When leaving there, they don't escort you out or anything. I could barely walk... it was about 2 degrees with lots of snow on the ground and protesters outside pounding on our car as we tried to leave.

The power went out IN THE MIDDLE of my abortion. It was only off about 5 minutes, but how safe does that make you feel? Then my husband was out front freaking out knowing I was back there & of course they wouldn't let him see me, didn't answer his questions or anything.

Anyway I'm sorry to go on. It's very upsetting. The worst part of this ordeal is ever since having this done, I have had NOTHING but problems with my female parts. I have had cervical dysplasia, which is bad cells in your cervix that require many painful treatments. I have pain with sex, which never happened before and just have general hard core cramping on a daily basis. I have doctor statements telling me my abortion caused the problems I now have.

[b]I wanted to share my story. I'm glad your getting the word out about how horrible a man he is. [/b]I'm not saying I'm not to blame as well. I chose to do this, but I was told it wouldn't be a bad experience... it would be something that would be easy for me to do & have to go through. But instead, its been nothing but trouble since the day I had it done.[/quote]

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[quote][Tiller gave out a video called] "Philosophies and techniques of late term abortion services at Women's Health Care Services". In this video, Tiller talks openly about the reasons women come to Wichita for late-term abortion which include "occupational issues" and "financial issues".[/quote]
[quote]Luhra (Tivis) Warren, a former Tiller employee, wrote the following:

"I was required to falsify the medical records. But not just that, related to that, I was required to lie to the women over the phone. And the way he'd explain it to me was, without coming right out and saying it, these are really third trimester abortions, but we're going to tell them they're only in the second trimester. They would say, well, I've already had a sonogram, and my bpd was 7.8 or 8.3 or whatever. He said, when they tell you that, don't turn them away as being too far along. Tell them to come in, and we'll do our own sonogram, and it will show they're not that far along. Tell them that sonogram reading is an art, not a science. He explained to me that the bpd is a measurement of the angle of the baby's head, where at that angle, the baby's head is roughly egg-shaped. The usual way that you measure the bpd is from the top of the egg to the bottom of the egg, which is at the widest point. But we measure it from side to side, at the narrowest point." from Celebrate Life Sept/Oct 1994 "Where is the Real Violence?"[/quote]

[quote]Dr. Paul McHugh is a Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. McHugh was hired by the then-Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline to review some of Tiller's records. McHugh said the records show Tiller performed abortions for trivial reasons. One woman even said she was having a late-term, abortion because she wanted to go to a rock concert. Click here to see Dr. McHugh's interview in Lenexa, Kansas on June 11, 2007.

after reading that story and these other things etc.... im almost pretty sure, if i was pretty sure i wouldn't get caught, i would have killed him myself

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1879265' date='May 31 2009, 02:24 PM']after reading that story etc.... im almost pretty sure, if i was pretty sure i wouldn't get caught, i would have killed him myself[/quote]


I see his actions as vile and contemptible just as much as everyone else here, but we must follow the Pauline principle that one may never do a moral evil that good may come of it.

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Nihil Obstat

I don't care that he was an abortionist. The ends don't justify the means. Yea, that's a frustrating little rule, but we still have to stick to it.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1879332' date='May 31 2009, 03:45 PM']I don't know how you say that you support life, while taking a life.[/quote]

Just war, self-defense, and just use of capital punishment for starters.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1879364' date='May 31 2009, 05:16 PM']Just war, self-defense, and just use of capital punishment for starters.[/quote]

None of those are met in this scenario.

How about right authority? And just action? You have to have all of the criteria met.

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Those are all examples of taking a life while supporting life...

I never said that they did meet the scenario.

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This was not just "probably morally wrong", it absolutely is wrong. There is absolutely no justification for the late term abortion provider to be killed.

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