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Was St. Monica Black?


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Probably could've put this in the Q&A section but wanted to leave it open to ppl. I'm doing some character development work for a novel I'm working on and trying to figure some things out. I believe Augustine's dad was Roman or something of the sort, but was Monica black? I've heard different accounts some saying that she was and others not. Maybe we don't know for sure? I need to re-read Augustine's confessions, I know that this is where a lot (most?) of what we know about her comes from, but I don't think Augustine paid much mind to physical description.

Sorry if me using the term is insensitive. African-american wouldn't be technically right since there was no america then :), besides I'm not much of a fan of political correctness :ninja:

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As far as I'm aware, North Africans during the Roman Empire, like those from other Mediterranean countries, would have had olive-colored skin.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1876825' date='May 27 2009, 08:40 PM']As far as I'm aware, North Africans during the Roman Empire, like those from other Mediterranean countries, would have had olive-colored skin.[/quote]


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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1876827' date='May 27 2009, 07:41 PM']Green?


Or black ;)

thanks res... that's probably right

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St. Monica was not black that I'm aware of (though if anyone has solid evidence to the contrary, I could stand corrected).
It's pc in certain circles to call any historical figure from anywhere on the African continent "black," (including the ancient Egyptians) but that's simply not accurate, historically, nor in the present day. Most people from the northern coast of Africa were (and are) of the "white" race (no, not fair like northern Europeans, but not of the black race either).

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yup makes sense. And I think you're right about the pc thing. I was looking, catholic.org has a page of saints they list as black/african though many on it definitely were lighter.

thanks peoples.

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anybody know which of the popular paintings/icons would be a decent representation?

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FWIW, Wikipedia says that St. Augustine and St. Monica were both Berbers.

Edited by Resurrexi
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I have no idea what St. Augustine looked like, but this painting by Botticelli strikes me as very much how I would image St. Augustine:


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