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Is Heaven A Physical Place?


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The dogma's of the ressurection and the assumption seem to imply pretty strongly that it is. If it contains physical bodies then that means it has confines of space and is itself a physical place. Material objects can only exist in a material place. Do you think this is a childish view of heaven? Perhaps a left over from a time when we didn't know so much about science, the universe and physics?

I always thought of heaven as being a spiritual place, where our souls were united to God (beatific vision).

But the bodies of Mary and Jesus, that's physical.

Thoughts, guys?

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It may not necessarily be physical, but glorified bodies (note: glorified) can "live" or "exist" there.

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At the final judgment the Earth will be restored to what it was before mans fall so it would be a physical place and spiritual do to the presence of God and the Angels

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Heaven is a very physical place!

Read a Travel Guide to Heaven by Anthony DeStefano, its a light read but the book is really touching and has really excellent reflections on heaven.

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Callidius' post='1876871' date='May 27 2009, 10:52 PM']We were not destined to be bodiless spirits to live in a non-physical world[/quote]


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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1876612' date='May 27 2009, 01:14 PM']It may not necessarily be physical, but glorified bodies (note: glorified) can "live" or "exist" there.[/quote]
I am with HCF on this one.

Heaven is beyond Space/Time, since it is with God who is Eternity. If it were physical one could argue that given the technology one could eventually find it somewhere in the Universe, which is impossible since no-one may stumble upon it by their own power. It is supernatural. It is like a spaceship with a cloaking device. It exists, it is a creation, yet one cannot see it, or locate it on radar, etc. since it is with God. To be with Eternity (God) is to be beyond Time, Place, extension, duration, dimension, etc. etc. etc.

It is a sort of supernatural container-containing glorified Jesus and Mary, the Angels and the Souls of the Elect.

After the General Judgment God creates a New Heaven for the newly resurrected Elect who reunite with their bodies at the General Resurrection.

How a glorified body which retains physicality is contained in a realm beyond Time and Place is a mystery.

God also creates a New Earth. This will be a physical place perhaps connected to the New Heaven, so that the Elect may descend their and do things there according to God's will. The New Earth will be quite different than our First Earth. Who can say what is will be like?

Edited by kafka
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I think Heaven is definitely physical. Of course I'm not rooted enough in Church teaching to know if this goes against it or not, but why would we not think that heaven is a recreated universe-including Earth? With our glorified bodies, we'd be able to go anywhere and explore everything. If this is against church teaching, I will stand corrected. But I read a book that stated things similar to this. And we were created as PHYSICAL beings and worship God spiritually and PHYSICALLY. So it stands to reason, I would think.

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[quote name='buzzoff1031' post='1877743' date='May 29 2009, 01:53 AM']I think Heaven is definitely physical. Of course I'm not rooted enough in Church teaching to know if this goes against it or not, but why would we not think that heaven is a recreated universe-including Earth? With our glorified bodies, we'd be able to go anywhere and explore everything. If this is against church teaching, I will stand corrected. But I read a book that stated things similar to this. And we were created as PHYSICAL beings and worship God spiritually and PHYSICALLY. So it stands to reason, I would think.[/quote]
you are referring to the New Earth, which in my personal interpretation is implied a whole new creation of the Cosmos sometime after the General Judgment.

Still the New Heaven is beyond the New Earth and the entire Universe since it is with God.

Edited by kafka
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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1877857' date='May 29 2009, 11:43 AM']According to the Go-Go's, heaven is a place on earth[/quote]
lot of profound theology going on in that song.


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Guest KevinSymonds

According to John Paul II, heaven and hell are states of being, not actual places.

He got a lot of flack for that in the press with headlines such as, "Pope says hell does not exist."

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Heaven is the participation of the redeemed man in the uncreated light and glory of God, which of its nature involves the whole of his created being, i.e., both his body and his soul. Thus, heaven must not be reduced to some kind of immaterial reality or a mere mental state, because it includes the human body, which was given immortality through the incarnation, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1881253' date='Jun 2 2009, 03:02 PM']Heaven is the participation of the redeemed man in the uncreated light and glory of God, which of its nature involves the whole of his created being, i.e., both his body and his soul. Thus, heaven must not be reduced to some kind of immaterial reality or a mere mental state, because it includes the human body, which was given immortality through the incarnation, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.[/quote]
The new bodies of the resurrection are spiritual (1 Cor 15) as well as physical, so they are designed to dwell with God in Heaven beyond Time and Place, as they are also designed to dwell in the New Earth which will be an actual Place, and in which Time will continue.

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