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Pornagraphy, Major Problem


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i haven't read through the whole thing, but...

One of my protestant friends was having an issue with this. He mentioned once this website that helped him to overcome the addiction: [url="http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/home/"]Setting Captives Free[/url]. It has lots of different courses (which span a couple months). It is Protestant, but I never encountered anything when I was doing the food issue course that was contrary to anything I believe as a Catholic. I recommend all of their courses very much. Very Biblically based.

Catholic CD: [url="http://www.catholiccompany.com/catholic-gifts/5003020/Pure-Heart-Breaking-Free-from-Porn-CDs/"]http://www.catholiccompany.com/catholic-gi...-from-Porn-CDs/[/url]

Prayers for you. :sign:

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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One thing that is bugging me is that everyone thinks I am addicted, I am NOT addicted and just thought there needed to be a thread on this for discussion. I in fact quite regret making this thread

Edited by Callidius
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To be honest this was supposed to be general discussion of the topic NOT an interrogation of me :))

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1874940' date='May 25 2009, 02:52 PM']+J.M.J.+


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[quote name='Callidius' post='1875104' date='May 25 2009, 05:51 PM']???[/quote]
no, the mods will not delete your thread just because you want us to.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1875106' date='May 25 2009, 07:51 PM']+J.M.J.+
no, the mods will not delete your thread just because you want us to.[/quote]

ahh ok

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it is a real problem that people deal with and whether you suffer from it or not there are people who do and they need resources to help them overcome it and become healthy in mind and soul.

One time St. Therese was accused of breaking a vase when she was not at fault. Instead of arguing she sank to her knees and begged forgiveness. Her pride did not keep her from allowing others to think bad of her when she really hadn't done anything bad at all. She offered it up to our Lord as a "little sacrifice." She didn't say, "I wish I never would have touched the vase." She understood that it only matters what God thinks of you.

Be at peace. The thread has been made, and no matter what anyone thinks you and God know the truth so what does it matter? People might read something in here that could help them in their own struggle...


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I do apologize if you took my post as an accusation that you have this problem. I was merely speaking to everyone. I know I had a lot of second person in it, so I apologize for that. I was just trying to answer your first post in that "how can we help solve the problem" for those who do struggle with this.

Again, I'm sorry if you took my post personally, I was posting for ANYONE who may be looking for help and encouragement. ^_^

God Bless!

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[quote name='RemnantRules' post='1875115' date='May 25 2009, 07:59 PM']I do apologize if you took my post as an accusation that you have this problem. I was merely speaking to everyone. I know I had a lot of second person in it, so I apologize for that. I was just trying to answer your first post in that "how can we help solve the problem" for those who do struggle with this.

Again, I'm sorry if you took my post personally, I was posting for ANYONE who may be looking for help and encouragement. ^_^

God Bless![/quote]

Ahh Ok I didn't understand what you meant. DISCUSS ON! :D

Best wishes and prayers to everyone I hope anyone with the problem can look here for guidance

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Callidius' post='1875109' date='May 25 2009, 06:53 PM']Well I wanted it deleted because it has become a attack on me and not general discussion[/quote]
I don't think anyone has attacked you - only attempted to provide you with guidance.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1875136' date='May 25 2009, 08:14 PM']I don't think anyone has attacked you - only attempted to provide you with guidance.[/quote]

Sorry if i used the word "attacked" but I thought that everyone was "Leading the Witness" on me, but I didn't understand what you meant by it. You meant that it was guidance for me and others and for people who have fallen victim to sexual sin Sorry If I was irrational about it. :))

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[quote name='Callidius' post='1875092' date='May 26 2009, 06:10 AM']One thing that is bugging me is that everyone thinks I am addicted, I am NOT addicted and just thought there needed to be a thread on this for discussion. I in fact quite regret making this thread[/quote]

I think you might have missed the post where I explicitly stated my understanding that you were not a porn user or porn addict. :)

I'll quote from it.

[quote name='Innocent' post='1874737' date='May 25 2009, 12:15 PM']I second that advice.

Callidius,[b] if you are already struggling[/b] with pornography use, it would make sense to discuss the problem of pornography.[color="#FF0000"] [b]But since that is not the case[/b][/color], you would be better off focusing on the positive side (i.e., love as a virtue) rather than the side to be avoided (i.e., pornography and various aspects of the problem of pornography.)

&c., &c., .....[/quote]

[quote name='Callidius' post='1874809' date='May 25 2009, 10:07 PM']...I am trying to find the prayer you say before connecting to the internet.[/quote]

I believe the prayer you're looking for is the one written by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf? You can find it here:[url="http://wdtprs.com/blog/a-prayer-before-connecting-to-the-internet/"] WDTPRS? :A prayer before connecting to the internet [/url]

[quote name='Callidius' post='1874809' date='May 25 2009, 10:07 PM']I haven't read any romance novels but before I read any large (500+ pages) books I am going to take a course on how to speed read, Some people can read so fast that they could read the book for half a second and be able to recite every word in the book (Wow).[/quote]

Um... just to be clear, the books I mentioned are not "romance novels" in the popular sense of the term. They're classic fiction depicting relationships filled with virtue.

Anyway, my opinion on speed-reading (I've read the Tony Buzan book when I was roughly your age) would be, don't worry too much about being able to speed read, and don't refrain from starting to read large works just because you can't speed read yet. Making a conscious effort to be sure you don't skip back, and avoid sub-vocalisation, and that should be generally enough. Mortimer Adler was not a fan of speed reading literary classics and said that speed-reading was something he used only for newspapers.

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