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This Roman Catholic Woman Got My Respect


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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1875427' date='May 25 2009, 11:21 PM']Absolutely Nihil. And lets hope that these parents make that difficult choice that will lead to Daniel's life being saved.

I do think maybe the blogs and just the people hearing this story in general could be a bit more sympathetic toward the situation. We can acknowledge that what she did was wrong without being so harsh toward her and the boy. She is watching her child die and he is dying. They don't need to be on the worst parents blog or being talked about on a forum by people saying that she never deserved a child.[/quote]

Without her and her husbands stupidity their child would have a 95% chance of survival. I believe that chance drops to about 15% without the proper medical treatment. I'm sorry they are obviously not mature or responsible enough to have a child under their care, some people arn't, but the child deserves guardians who are capeable of being, well, parents.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1875430' date='May 25 2009, 11:26 PM']It would be tough love, but true love nonetheless.[/quote]

I understand how heartbreaking it is for parents to see their child ravaged by such a wicked cure. I understand how amazing it would be if drinking the right sort of water and a correct diet could take the place of chemo.

But true love requires parents to push aside what they wish to be the case and focus rather on what is the case.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1875428' date='May 26 2009, 12:22 AM']Hope in the irrational and moronic is not a luxury affordable to parents, who have a responsibility to the children under their care to make tough, difficult decisions and be the adult. I'm sure lot's of parents whose children are stricken with a horrible illness which will require a brutal cure to overcome would love to venture into comfortable escapism, grasping onto some stupid, fraudulent hope. The problem is that parents do not have the freedom to abdicate their duties to their children to be the adult, to be the one in the relationship willing to make tough minded, unpleasant decisions for the well being of their child, who does not have the capability to make such decisions. Particularly when the child is an illiterate with a learning disability, and obviously not capable of making the decision for himself.[/quote]

Well grasping after anything is what people who believe themselves in desperate situations do, whether you judge they are "afforded that" or not. Every parent who has a sick child does this. In the end, most are capable of reasoning and concluding that they have to do the hard thing, but some aren't. Some make stupid choices.

She did not give the decision to the child. She took the child and ran. In the end, it was up to her. And in the very end it was up to her that they came back.

Maybe you don't understand it, but ... I can. My mom can. The mom in my homeschool group whose five year old has cancer can. It is understandable why she reacted the way she did. Wrong, but understandable.

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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[quote name='Hassan' post='1875432' date='May 26 2009, 12:27 AM']Without her and her husbands stupidity their child would have a 95% chance of survival. I believe that chance drops to about 15% without the proper medical treatment. I'm sorry they are obviously not mature or responsible enough to have a child under their care, some people arn't, but the child deserves guardians who are capeable of being, well, parents.[/quote]

Yes, why don't while the child is dying and experiencing something he never wanted to experience take away from him the two people he loves most in the world and that have raised him fine up until this point, as far as we know, and who understand him and his disability better then anyone else in the world.

Real smart. That will make everything better.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1875438' date='May 26 2009, 12:32 AM']But true love requires parents to push aside what they wish to be the case and focus rather on what is the case.[/quote]

Well, right now she is doing that.

She made a wrong decision. She made the right decision by coming back.

Taking the child away from her and taking her from the child is not the right thing to do and, given the information we have, I sure hope they don't do that.

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1875442' date='May 25 2009, 11:36 PM']Yes, why don't while the child is dying and experiencing something he never wanted to experience take away from him the two people he loves most in the world and that have raised him fine up until this point, as far as we know, and who understand him and his disability better then anyone else in the world.

Real smart. That will make everything better.[/quote]

I wouldn't remove the contact between the parent and the child. I agree that would be stupid. I would remove the parent's right to make medical decisions pertaining to their childn's cancer treatment and enact other protections to ensure the child recieve the treatment that will almost certianly save his life.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1875446' date='May 26 2009, 12:41 AM']I wouldn't remove the contact between the parent and the child. I agree that would be stupid. I would remove the parent's right to make medical decisions pertaining to their childn's cancer treatment and enact other protections to ensure the child recieve the treatment that will almost certianly save his life.[/quote]

Well before you go take the parents rights away and make a big ordeal about everything why don't we just see if tomorow or the next day the child resumes treatment, which is what the child's return seems to indicate.

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[u]And the child will receive treatment. [/u]


[quote]A rural Sleepy Eye boy whose parents refused chemotherapy for his cancer will be examined by doctors today at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis... ahead of the start of treatment.The Hauser family was back in court Tuesday after Colleen and her son Daniel return from a week on the run...A Brown County judge ordering Daniel be returned to the custody of his parents and begin chemotherapy immediately. According to court documents Daniel Hauser is set to begin chemotherapy treatment Thursday...[u][b]Colleen and her husband Anthony say they now understand their son needs chemotherapy[/b][/u]...And a judge has agreed to let both parents keep custody of Daniel as long as he follows the treatment plan.Tom Hagen says, "We're just glad that the judge found that the parents are loving, and that Danny, you know, is at home, where he needs to be. And also we've come to an agreement that Danny is gonna do some chemo, and along with that, he's gonna do some alternative health to supplement it."A new website has been set up to raise money for Daniel Hauser.An attorney for the Hauser family says the site will also allow Daniel to communicate with people.To find it, just head to our website at keyc dot tv and click on featured links.[/quote]

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Nihil Obstat

They made the right choice after all. :) Good for them.
Hopefully their son realizes in time what they've done for him.

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Quite a lot missing from this thread.

I saw it awhile back in the Star Tribune: The mother and son wanted a low
(lower? Low-ish?) dose of chemo, along with the alt. treatments. And the
issue was the court refusing that plan, that it was standard doses of chemo.

I've mixed feelings. When I had Graves' Disease (GD) and thyroid hormone levels
very elevated, I wanted alt. treatment and nothing else. However, lacking an
out of pocket experienced practitioner, it was western drugs my best shot.

That was the way to do it and I found out, for a lot of GD folks. At first. Once
stability is gained in levels and the trend seems to remain, then back off the Western.
That's what I did, wvery involved regimen + lots of "alternative" things, some
very simple. It all added up to Remission which I've enjoyed over 4 years.

Dunno about Hodgkins if it's comparable to Graves' in principle (ie blast it in the
beginning then level off - quickly!).

But it makes very much sense to me, whom the Endocrinologist's mismanaged and
would've made me sicker with precisely too high dose of meds...that this mom knows her child, including medical. Dose also (SHOULD) have to do with weight and disposition
physically - sure did in my case, and an old lady of 39 and 40 at that time, the "standard adult dosage" prescribed made me very sick and it's not like a cold where you recover after a few days.

From a related youtube, I see that the court seems now to be playing ball TOO - that
alt. treatment being embraced along w/ the chemo.

So..from my having read that the ct refused to allow a modified chemo/alt program, that freaked me out. OTOH, maybe the mom, like me, found out you do have to lay hard on chemo at first.

I know, I know, it sounds ignorant of me...except that I (and many others!) went against
the [b]standard[/b] Graves' treatment, yeah deviated from the Mayo clinic et al. We read so many test studies and endo journal history of treating Graves...it was crazy how much time we devoted, us sick people, to understanding labs, antibodies, dosing, triggers. And how - a lot like with non Catholic moral principals in public govt etc - [b]the[/b] top docs were...as if missing some big pieces. And people, when they accepted that and by hook or crook tweaked their western dosages got better.

But one sometimes has to do a LOT of research and life-style changes.

Anyway, a lot of people are documented on the little Graves' forums. Wouldn't have believed such a crazy world existed, until I got sick.

[i]And until I got myself cured[/i]

Which this Phorum had a lot to do with, praying me the deliverance from Graves' back there in '03 and '04.

Edited by Donna
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