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'jesus In Jeans' Sculpture Unveiled


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[quote name='prose' post='1870066' date='May 18 2009, 12:13 AM']... Looks like he is falling off of that wall....[/quote]

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[quote]"On the continent you often encounter modern representations of Jesus but it is not so common over here. We wanted a figure of Christ not in suffering but dynamic and welcoming."[/quote]

Dynamic and welcoming my eye. From what I've found in my interpersonal experiences and reflection that people are able to identify with Christ precisely because of his sufferings. To be a human person is to suffer and to experience pain. My Lord and God embraces me and every individual in a truly "dynamic and welcoming" way when he suffers and takes on the burdens of my life. Anyone can give you a hug, but it takes a special committed friend to suffer with you.

Yep, he does look like he's wearing pajamas...wouldn't have known they were jeans unless you said so. From my point of view, he looks kinda drugged, cocky, and definitely creepy. :blink:

Edited by virginiancatholic
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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1869728' date='May 17 2009, 09:43 PM']+J.M.J.+
at least it's not in use for an altar crucifix/cross[/quote]


[quote name='fides' Jack' post='1869780' date='May 17 2009, 10:49 PM']I have to agree. This is just disrespectful and sacrilegious. I don't like people blurring the truth to try to make it more accessible to those they don't think can handle it.[/quote]

I don't know that I'd go so far as to call it sacrilegious, but I am certainly not a fan of the "art." It's just, IMHO, kinda ugly. It doesn't look like Jesus to me (despite the halo).

I see no problem with having a representation of Christ "not in suffering"--He walked on this earth for 33 years, there are a lot of other moments from His life that we can meditate upon in addition to His sufferings.

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Brother Adam

[quote name='fides' Jack' post='1869780' date='May 17 2009, 10:49 PM']I have to agree. This is just disrespectful and sacrilegious. I don't like people blurring the truth to try to make it more accessible to those they don't think can handle it.[/quote]

I'm not sure I'm ready to call it sacrilegious, but that is the first thing that popped into my head. I'll have to think about the christology they are attempting more. I'm inclined to say sacrilegious. This is in very bad taste at the very least.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1870024' date='May 17 2009, 09:48 PM']I think it's pathetic.[/quote]


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Theologically it's [i]meh[/i], but it's also iffy art, too.

I mean, the idea of having Jesus with his arms outspread in a statue is not bad: [img]http://www.kaccents.com/Pictures/95676.jpg[/img]

But the picture above is a much better [i]statue[/i] than the one in the article. The billowing clothes were not handled well. Jeans do [i]not[/i] do that, regardless of how windy it is. The sculptor seemed ambivalent about the use of more modern dress, and so tried to blend it with another style, resulting in incoherence.

This particular statue is not as bad as "Buddy Christ," but at least that one was [i]intended[/i] as parody! There is plenty of tacky religious artwork out there, but most of it is not so expensive and commisioned on purpose - it is cheap and made of plastic.

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I don't think it's sacrilegious, it's just.... ridiculous :rolleyes:

Edited by rizz_loves_jesus
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[quote name='MithLuin' post='1870271' date='May 18 2009, 03:10 PM']The billowing clothes were not handled well. Jeans do [i]not[/i] do that, regardless of how windy it is. The sculptor seemed ambivalent about the use of more modern dress, and so tried to blend it with another style, resulting in incoherence.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm fine with the idea, but this sculpture isn't good.

The expression is strange too. I gather once it's up on the roof, it'll be looking down at people at street-level, but it kind of looks like, "Woops! Did I drop something down that hole?"

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fides' Jack

Yeah, I still think it's sacrilegious, in that it's disrespectful to what we hold Sacred. It's taking Jesus down to our level by ourselves. It's not art.

You might argue here that Jesus did come down to our level, but that's not really true. He became man by taking to Himself a human nature, but He didn't exactly join the ranks of sinners. We should be holding Him up as our God, as He is, and our art should respectfully reflect that. Does the artist think of Jesus as God (our Creator, a Being to be unceasingly praised and worshipped), or as a friend they only turn to when they need something from Him? I can't say for certain about the artist, but based on the evidence in hand, it's probably closer to the latter.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1869732' date='May 17 2009, 08:52 PM']Looks more like pajamas.[/quote]

:yes: I've never seen a pair of jeans do that.

[quote name='prose' post='1870066' date='May 18 2009, 02:13 AM']... Looks like he is falling off of that wall....[/quote]

lol :lol:

It's just absolutely horrible!

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[quote name='XIX' post='1870342' date='May 18 2009, 05:23 PM']It's definitely kinda cheesy.

[b]It's a bit over the top to call it disgusting or sacreligious.[/b][/quote]

I concur. The definition of sacrilege is "the violation or profanation of anything sacred or held sacred." I will wholeheartedly agree that as art it's just plain bad, tacky, etc., but I don't believe that the intent was to violate or profane the sacred. If anything they wanted to draw more people TO the sacred... they just chose a less desirable way of doing that.

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The Bus Station

[quote name='virginiancatholic' post='1870134' date='May 18 2009, 10:36 AM']Dynamic and welcoming my eye. From what I've found in my interpersonal experiences and reflection that people are able to identify with Christ precisely because of his sufferings. To be a human person is to suffer and to experience pain. My Lord and God embraces me and every individual in a truly "dynamic and welcoming" way when he suffers and takes on the burdens of my life. Anyone can give you a hug, but it takes a special committed friend to suffer with you.[/quote]


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