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Mincing Words

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
:detective: Peace, (unsure whether this is the right table to offer this in?)
I'm unsure about the way some words are used, i t might be me trying to grab at something that doesn't actually exist unsure, like the word which, the most common use for the word is a selection between two objects,places etc (or so i thought) but the meaning to me is seemingly getting lost and the word overused in it's lesser meanings, this is confusing me, eg. To which i ? is this not an incorrect use of the word, should it not be, In that ? i'm seeing so many examples of that being swapped with the word which. This is just one example, With our much greater educational training far away from the dark ages where people could get into a joust over incorrect use of words, should we be far more elequent and care(full) especially when writing to allow for total understanding of not only sentance structure but also the in's and outs's of adverbs and pro-nouns to allow for a fuller reading experience?
I might be grasping at straws and possibly with maths and english we try and cram to much into high school education instead of allowing the selections in college and leaving 50 percent of people with a bit of confusion on how to explain the selves well in conversation and only the tenacity to tackle a gossip magazine. Does this remind us of an O.T book.... the destruction of the tower of babble and the consequences of a confused populace?

Thanks for anyone reading this,
All things good pertain from GOD.
p.s. please pray for me and about this, and please alert me to where i am grabbing at straws and where im bearing fruit.
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I read what you said. I'm not quite sure what you mean. Is it the many uses of the word which?

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Vincent Vega

Welcome to Phatmass.
I read through your post a couple of times, but I'm really not sure what you're trying to ask or debate or what have you.
Could you...restate it another way?

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