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What Is Our Catholic Response To This?


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All human beings deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, even criminals. There should be something similar to a halfway house for sex offenders if the authorities feel it necessary to isolate them from other criminals. Since the authorities feel they should also be severely separated from the community, it would make the most sense for their special halfway house to have tighter restrictions (as well as the electronic monitoring). The offenders would have their own rooms, not to mention sanitary living conditions (proper restrooms). It is not a "reward" to have these things, but a basic right as a human being.

Edited by HisChildForever
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i wonder how many of these sex offenders are Catholic?


I am one to place the blame on us. We haven't done enough to catechize and shape and form consciences to battle the sexually saturated society we have become. It seems everyone is guilty of some sort of sexual sin these days. And whereas the world glamorizes sinful sexuality, here is the harsh reality of it... it leaves souls damaged, drained, like animals.

I agree with HCF. Every human being needs to be treated with dignity.

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Well......while horrible crimes were committed.....their current condition seems to be inappropriate.

Halfway house seems like a decent idea. Nothing fancy. obviously but basic.

This situation reminds me of the lepers in the Gospels.

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Same type of thing was happening in St. Pete. I can't remember the law now, but they weren't allowed to live within so many yards of a school, play ground, etc. There is a trailer park just outside where the circles intersect that was owned by or managed by a woman whose son was a register sex offender. She started renting these run down trailers to them, and the sheriff has a place that they can keep tabs on those who might be acting up. If one of them is going to re-offend it usually starts by them getting back on drugs or something, and the park manager can let the cops know. Putting them into this leper's colony at least gives them a place to live. Under a bridge is a bad idea. All it does is gives them incentive to move someplace new, and not register so the cops don't know to watch out for them. When a kid goes missing, the cops can sweep this trailer park. If they have gone off the grid, the cops don't know to look there, and then you are going to end up with more than one kid missing.

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