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Aren't you glad I asked if she was hungry?


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Dear Hassan,

His wife is lovely. But they also get cute from me. ;)

If you ever insult them again, I will hunt you down and make your life miserable.

still outraged at the insinuation.

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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1857114' date='May 3 2009, 11:07 PM']Dear Hassan,

His wife is lovely. But they also get cute from me. ;)

If you ever insult them again, I will hunt you down and make your life miserable.

still outraged at the insinuation.[/quote]

Dear Missionseeker.

I mean no disrespect to your family. Sometimes genetics do funny things. You seem perfectly normal, I'm sure your parents are lovely people, and your nieces are adorable. Sometimes you just have a genetic anonomoly. You have a perfectly nice, normal family but one of the members (Jason) just looses big times in the genetics crapshoot.


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Dear Hassan,

You are still insulting my brother. You should be sure to look behind you when walking down dark alleys.

I have connections. You will be watched.

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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1857127' date='May 4 2009, 12:12 AM']Dear Hassan,

You are still insulting my brother. You should be sure to look behind you when walking down dark alleys.

I have connections. You will be watched.[/quote]

Dear Missionseeker.

Obviously you don;t know this but Sultan's are fearless. In a few moments I will be walking to the library and shalln't fear a thing!

As for your brother, I'm really just being honest. You all must have known that at some peoint some brave young man would accidenctly blurt out the truth and he would hear it, furthermore he insults my wife on a regular basis. Often times calling her fat indirectly.

So there! :P

-A Very Unintimidated Sultan

Edited by Hassan
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Dear Hassan,

You forget I am a southern farm girl and know how to use weapons. Even ones that don't look like weapons.

I am also pretty sure that you insult your wife more than Jason does.

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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1857141' date='May 4 2009, 12:19 AM']Dear Hassan,

You forget I am a southern farm girl and know how to use weapons. Even ones that don't look like weapons.

I am also pretty sure that you insult your wife more than Jason does.[/quote]

Dear Missionseeker.

As a Sultan, I have faced death on a regular basis from the time I was 4.

My "love jests" are never taken as insults.


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Dear Hassan,

You underestimate my abilities. I have faced death regularly since I left the womb.

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Dear Mikolbe,

I don't understand a guy as cool as you think you are, can root for a hockey team named after a friggin' disney movie!

the ducks are yucks!



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