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[quote name='laetitia crucis' post='1860605' date='May 7 2009, 04:31 PM']No worries, it's not too personal, and well, I'd probably want to know the same thing. :)

To answer your question, I would have to say I think my superiors knew before I did. :blush: :scratchhead: Or if I did know it beforehand, I really didn't [i]want[/i] to know it -- I hope that makes sense. :think:

Throughout my experience with that order, I kept telling myself like VeniteAdoremus said, "Well, you can't have everything". So I "settled" and would push these things aside telling myself they were just "temptations against my vocation here," but now that I'm able to see more objectively, I don't think those were temptations at all.... I so longed for a life of more austere poverty and penance. Also, I desired a stricter schedule (one, like VeniteAdoremus mentioned, that wouldn't change to fit the apostolate), to sing all the liturgy, more contemplation, etc. So, now I have the chance to further investigate these "temptations". :detective: I mean, God wouldn't put these desires in one's heart without a reason, would He? :idontknow: Perhaps I'm in for a big surprise. :)

Please pray for my discernment. :sign: :pray: :D[/quote]

Yay! You had it too! I'm not mad! :D ;)

To be absolutely clear: I don't think there's something wrong in principle with changing the schedule times to fit the apostolate (especially not if you do get in all the prayer time, even if it's ten at night - SSVMs are hard core). Missionary orders especially have to [i]be there[/i] when the Lord comes calling in the shape of a child or destitute person. But I wouldn't be able to pull it - I need a lot of structure.

Laetitia, maybe you should take a look at my congregation ;) :whistle:

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I've been holding off on replying here because I've posted my story so many times! LOL! ;)

The way I knew was I really loved the community. I mean, I thoroughly enjoyed everything. I was able to sleep well (better than at home!), eat the food, and talk as if I knew the Sisters all my life. I felt so comfortable there. I felt like I could really grow and be part of something beautiful.

The first day I knew was when I was in Chapel, and the Sisters were preparing for Sunday Mass. They stepped outside the doors and put their cream-colored mantles on. I don't know why, but I started to cry because of how beautiful they looked. Then we sang a song during Mass about discipleship and I could feel the Lord tug on my heart, and again, I started to cry. Then, when I was in Adoration, that Sunday right before I left, I just knew, spiritually, that this is where God was calling me. It was a perfect fit, and everything was right (well maybe not everything; but it was very close!).

On the way to the airport, the novice mistress asked me if I would like an application and if I would like to enter. I was really stunned because the first community that I ever visited (which was the same order, just a different province) told me it would not be possible to enter because I had a history of depression, but when I wrote the novice mistress before my visit, she seemed very enthusiastic. I couldn't answer right away because of the shock of it all. I told her I would contact her. So, I got my bags, gave her a huge hug, and walked into the airport. I went through security, and then I had to go to the bathroom because I could feel the happiness almost burst out of me. I wanted to shout for joy! But it came out in happy tears. I had a huge smile on my face! I just really wanted to get home and write her an email requesting an application.

I got home and went to sleep to see if the excitement faded, but it didn't and I wanted more than anything to be back there again. So I sent her an email. It took about a week to get to my house, which was ample time to see if I really wanted to do this. I talked to my SD that same week while waiting, and he agreed that this was THE place after I explained it to him. So I got the application (with teary eyes; I'm a hopeless romantic), and put in my drawer for a week. I guess I wanted to see if it wasn't just my imagination. I went to Adoration and prayed VERY hard to make sure it wasn't a "spur-of-the-moment" decision and that I really thought it through. Well, to make a long story short, I filled it out, got my autobiography written, and sent it back. I felt very confident about it.

About a week later, I got an email from the novice mistress telling me she had gotten my application, and would I like to work in the Children's Home to pay off my debts? I passed it up at first because I was worried about moving away from home. But then the Provincial Superior emailed me and it became clearer that this would only be temporary. I could feel Jesus tell me this was right, so I agreed. I'm leaving in 8 more days!!! Though I haven't heard about whether or not I'm accepted, there is really no doubt in my mind that says it will happen otherwise. I just hope that I can get my debts paid off so that I can enter this fall if it's God's will. I'm so excited!!!!

And, I too, know what Mother Teresa of Calcutta meant by:

"She knows. She knows."


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I just wanted to say how inspiring this is for someone who hasnt found that perfect community yet, that the right one is out there :) thanks peeps!

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Just my insight -- as a Sister of almost 16 years....

Please do not judge a Community on whether they change the schedule for the apostolate. Sometimes it is necessary. For example, part of our apostolate is teaching in Catholic Schools. It's impossible for the teachers to keep the same schedule as here in the Regional House.

I ditto the above though -- You just know. I like to compare it to "knowing" when you meet the right man. I've heard married couples say, I knew he was the right one. I just knew it. (It fit.)

You guys are very inspiring! God's grace is pouring down upon this land! Accept it with gratitude!!!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1861050' date='May 7 2009, 07:12 PM']To be absolutely clear: I don't think there's something wrong in principle with changing the schedule times to fit the apostolate (especially not if you do get in all the prayer time, even if it's ten at night - SSVMs are hard core). Missionary orders especially have to [i]be there[/i] when the Lord comes calling in the shape of a child or destitute person. But I wouldn't be able to pull it - I need a lot of structure.[/quote]

Just wanted to "ditto!" this, too. :)

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  • 2 years later...

I am so happy I found this thread, what a beautiful moment to discover it! :) I love the Mother Teresa quote, especially since she is my patron saint! :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' timestamp='1241505421' post='1858195']
Tinytherese, that's very good advice!

I went to several communities and just knew that it wasn't them. I liked them well enough, but could never see myself there. Then I met the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara - I loved the sisters, liked the apostolate, and also their formation process etc. There were a couple of things I didn't like as much (for example, in the mission houses they don't have a very strict daily schedule, they often have to adjust the time for Vespers, to name one thing, if the apostolate requires it), but I thought "well, you can't have everything".

Then my friends forced me to go on a visit that had already been planned for months, I walked into the chapel there, and the rest, as they say, was history [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img] There are still some things I don't like (with the SSVM at least I knew that *some* sisters were in my country, even if I was sent elsewhere, here I am likely to be stuck in England indefinitely), but somehow they're just not relevant anymore. Everything *fit*. As Tinytherese said, I ate, I slept, I prayed, I bantered, talked the ears off the novice mistress (fortunately the veil kept them in place), cleaned every window within reach, asked for papers, and everything was peachy.

Unfortunately I had to go back to the Netherlands to graduate [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]

These sisters also told me to wait two weeks. So I wrote my letter in chapel, put it in my bag, went home, talked to my parents and best friend, and then sent it off.

Any followup on Venite?

She has not posted for a long time.

She was friends with Puella Paschalis?

Any followup on Puella?

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