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God In Public Schools


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same goes for other things. ten commandment in the courtroom. prayer in class. etc. consistency if it's gonna be done.
and not going so far as teh state espousing or 'endorsing' a religion etc.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1856574' date='May 3 2009, 03:28 PM']Public schools?[/quote]

Yep. I believe that the Catholic religion should be the official religion of the state to the exclusion of all other forms of worship.

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The public school my boys went to had more Catholics than the school attached to our church. It was $7000/year/kid, so not many of us Catholics could afford it. It was filled with rich yuppie larva who didn't want their precious children going to school with black or poor white kids.

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The reason I would choose to send my kids to a parochial school is not so they can be instructed in the faith. That job would be MY job, as a parent. To many parents abdicate their primary responsibility as their children's instructors in matters of faith and morals. So really, it not so important to me that they hear about God in the classroom every day, in an overt way.

That being said, I think the important thing a truly Catholic education can impart is the framework through which to interpret the world (worldview). That's why I chose the law school I chose, because I think learning facts about history, reading, writing, and so on is only half the battle. You also learn how to interpret data, and the way you interpret things makes all the difference.

As I take a look at the types of things kids are learning in public schools, it's really just not the atmosphere I'd want my kids immersed in, especially since I don't think I'd be fighting an even battle in terms of parental influence. The time imbalance is too great. So, public school would be a last resort for us.

Ideally, I'd like to find a classical Catholic school. Or, maybe I'll just give my kids a classical Catholic education at home.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1856797' date='May 3 2009, 07:35 PM']Yep. I believe that the Catholic religion should be the official religion of the state to the exclusion of all other forms of worship.[/quote]

Well, no offense because I like you personally, but I'm really glad you have you consequential power in the US.

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A few things about public schools would bother me for sending my children there if I would be called to marriage; sexual education or "comprehensive" sexual education, the academic reputation of the school, and the criminal activity possibly going on among the students. I realize that not all public schools are swimming in criminal activity, it's just that some of them are like that. I know that my catholic high school wasn't speaky clean when it came to the behaviors of the kids, but compared to the kids at the public schools we were little angels. My catholic middle school and high school were very academically challenging and as a freshman in college in my english composition class I was the only one in who had done term papers before. I had started papers like that in eighth grade. So I'd feel torn. I suppose that it depends on the school.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1856973' date='May 3 2009, 11:27 PM']Well, no offense because I like you personally, but I'm really glad you have you consequential power in the US.[/quote]

I take it you're probably glad, then, that Bl. Pius IX didn't either...

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1857151' date='May 3 2009, 11:24 PM']I take it you're probably glad, then, that Bl. Pius IX didn't either...[/quote]

Yep. Al-Ghazali as well

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[quote name='tinytherese' post='1857116' date='May 3 2009, 11:07 PM']A few things about public schools would bother me for sending my children there if I would be called to marriage; sexual education or "comprehensive" sexual education, the academic reputation of the school, and the criminal activity possibly going on among the students. I realize that not all public schools are swimming in criminal activity, it's just that some of them are like that. I know that my catholic high school wasn't speaky clean when it came to the behaviors of the kids, but compared to the kids at the public schools we were little angels. My catholic middle school and high school were very academically challenging and as a freshman in college in my english composition class I was the only one in who had done term papers before. I had started papers like that in eighth grade. So I'd feel torn. I suppose that it depends on the school.[/quote]

We had really good sex education in parochial school. They wanted to make sure we knew what it was we weren't supposed to be doing.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1857156' date='May 4 2009, 12:26 AM']Yep. Al-Ghazali as well[/quote]

I think everybody should be Catholic, no exceptions.

Edited by Resurrexi
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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1857165' date='May 3 2009, 11:34 PM']I think everybody should be Catholic, no exceptions.[/quote]

I think Jesus agrees with you on that one.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1857162' date='May 4 2009, 12:33 AM']We had really good sex education in parochial school. They wanted to make sure we knew what it was we weren't supposed to be doing.[/quote]

If it was about chastity then I'd be all for it (provided that they didn't scare the kids into doing it.) Sexual education in public schools however just sickens me. Living pure in today's world is rough enough as it is without teenagers being lured at school into thinking that premarital sex is fine or that they should at least use contraceptives if they want to do it (which is a load of bull that only encourages such behavior and doesn't even inform the kids on what the contraceptive companies are hiding regarding the side affects of their products.) I've heard that even supposed "comprehensive" sexual education classes in public schools cross the line of decency big time.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1856424' date='May 3 2009, 10:43 AM']I think that all public schools should teach Catholic theology and try to convert the children to Catholicism, and that if a parent doesn't want their children to be proselytized and taught Catholicism, that parent ought not to send their children to public schools.[/quote]

I am a devout catholic but what gives us the right to force our religion on others in a public school? Why do other religions not get to do the same thing? Your comments come off as very ignorent. public school are schools that can not and should not adheare to one specific religion, that's what religious schools are for. to force any religion on people is wrong period.

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[quote name='havok579257' post='1858047' date='May 4 2009, 08:55 PM']I am a devout catholic but what gives us the right to force our religion on others in a public school? Why do other religions not get to do the same thing? Your comments come off as very ignorent. public school are schools that can not and should not adheare to one specific religion, that's what religious schools are for. to force any religion on people is wrong period.[/quote]

Our God is God. What right do we have to deny Him, His right to be placed at the forefront of all things and all people[color="#000000"]?[/color]

We would rather be f[i]oo[/i]l for Christ, than to claim to follow Him yet ban the Holy Host of Heaven from anywhere or anyone.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='havok579257' post='1858047' date='May 4 2009, 09:55 PM']I am a devout catholic but what gives us the right to force our religion on others in a public school? Why do other religions not get to do the same thing? Your comments come off as very ignorent. public school are schools that can not and should not adheare to one specific religion, that's what religious schools are for. to force any religion on people is wrong period.[/quote]

I would be against forcing parents of non-Catholics to raise their children Catholic But the ideal relationship of Church to State would be one where Catholicism would be the official state religion and where the Church would be given special privileges given to no other community, whether religious or secular. It would only make sense, then, that Catholicism would be taught in all government schools. If a parent did not want their child proselytized, then that parent would home-school their children or send them to a private school.

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