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Prayers For My Nephew Brodie---updated


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They finally got in to see him (a little over an hour longer than they thought it would take). Brodie had some minor post-op complications but he's being closely monitored and they've given him more meds and red blood cells to help. He's going to be ok. :) Thank you all so much for your prayers. They've helped our family, my sister especially, through a really long day.

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He's uncomfortable (I would be, too, if I were in his shoes) and is running a fever. Sara said his bp is off, and his heart rate is faster than it should be. It's going to be a long night for them so any prayers you can offer for their peace of mind and Brodie's health and comfort are still greatly appreciated.

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Sara said these aren't uncommon complications, it just makes him a lot more uncomfortable. She's staying the night with him. I know I keep repeating myself, but the prayers you guys have been saying for him (for the whole family) really mean a lot to us. I can't begin to thank you enough.

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i only wish i could do more. i can't even imagine R going through open heart surgery at his age....i would be a wreck. :(

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Thank you. I've gotten a few more updates this morning.

Sara's latest update: [i]Brodie hasn't made much progress over night. He had another chest xray & echo (for diagnostic purposes). The cooling blanket is the only thing keeping his temperature down. And he was "bagged" a cpl more times throughout the night.[/i]

[i][size=4]His little body is trying to process an whole new blood flow, so adjustment time has to be expected. He is a strong boy with a lot of people praying for him.[/size][/i]

She texted me this morning that he has a full-time nurse monitoring him around the clock (he's her only patient) and one of his cardiologists stayed in the PICU to watch over him all night, he's got a respiratory specialist keeping tabs on him, and the PICU pediatrician. He's got a great team looking after him. But prayers that that dang fever would go down would be much appreciated. I know once the fever is gone it'll go a long way to putting our hearts and minds at ease.

She also just texted me a few minutes ago that the cardiologist and pediatrician have agreed that Brodie is experiencing a particular type of tachycardia and will be administering meds to bring his heard rate down and then hook him back up to his pacemaker to regulate the beat. His fever and breathing will be reassessed after that.

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