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Did Jesus Want An Organize Religion


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[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848647' date='Apr 26 2009, 02:41 AM']That is why I am not big on doctrines.[/quote]
Best stay away from the Bible, then. It's full of doctrines.

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For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

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"The Lord said to Peter, ‘On this rock I will build my Church, I have given you the keys of the kingdom of heaven [and] whatever you shall have bound or loosed on earth will be bound or loosed in heaven’ [Matt. 16:18–19]. . . . What kind of man are you, subverting and changing what was the manifest intent of the Lord when he conferred this personally upon Peter? Upon you, he says, I will build my Church; and I will give to you the keys" (Modesty 21:9–10 [A.D. 220]


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1848889' date='Apr 26 2009, 02:19 PM']For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.[/quote]

I could use that example and say, despite the fact Genesis 1 holds 10 scientific truths, there are many who will gratefully listen to people say it is only a metaphore, and is just a story of metaphorical truth.

I would explain what the 10 truths are, but that would be another discussion, and I don't want to tear people down, like you seem to want to.

So, I don't want to continue, and tear people down, and say, my understanding of doctrine is better than yours, so please, if you want to show Christian Charity, and would like me to show Christian Charity, please don't go any further down this.

Edited by Kurall_Creator
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Um it appears my question was overlooked. I would appreciate it if you would address it. It is post number 56 on page 3 of this thread.


Edited by eagle_eye222001
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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1848733' date='Apr 26 2009, 08:43 AM']How do you know this?

Again....how do you know this?

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via [url="http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/"]FoxyTunes[/url][/quote]

I know it by faith, because I know God wouldn't want us in confusion as to what is right and wrong doctrine.

Like, which should we believe about the creation - was it 4.5 billion years or 6-days. Right now, I think both sides will just have to accept each other exists, and put up with our differences, and say, we both say God created life on Earth, and therefore, lets learn to accept what each has to say. . .

Are you getting me?

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[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848914' date='Apr 26 2009, 03:12 PM']I know it by faith, because I know God wouldn't want us in confusion as to what is right and wrong doctrine.

Like, which should we believe about the creation - was it 4.5 billion years or 6-days. Right now, I think both sides will just have to accept each other exists, and put up with our differences, and say, we both say God created life on Earth, and therefore, lets learn to accept what each has to say. . .

Are you getting me?[/quote]

No. How do you know this by faith? How do you know this is Christ's teaching and not Satan's?

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1848915' date='Apr 26 2009, 02:13 PM']No. How do you know this by faith? How do you know this is Christ's teaching and not Satan's?[/quote]

No one (and I mean no one) can truly know if they are deceived or not.

I will not suffer your questions anymore. It seems you are looking for a fight more than anything else, which upsets me.

This is degrading into something really bad, really quickly.

Moderators, I would like this thread closed down, because it just seems to me that is going around in circles, and it's just going to become an entirely negative experience for all!

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[quote name='Angel*Star' post='1848917' date='Apr 26 2009, 02:14 PM']Maybe that is why Christ started the Catholic Church![/quote]

Well, why is it then that half the Catholic Church thinks the first chapter of the book of Genesis is not scientific, until I point out 10 scientific truths to them, and then they change their tunes. . .

I don't want to continue this. It's degrading fast.

Lets just agree to disagree.

As I said before, I am asking the moderators to close this thread, because I don't want to focus on what is right and wrong doctrine, because I am willing to overlook our differences, so I ask for the same courtesy.

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[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848921' date='Apr 26 2009, 03:20 PM']No one (and I mean no one) can truly know if they are deceived or not.

I will not suffer your questions anymore. It seems you are looking for a fight more than anything else, which upsets me.

This is degrading into something really bad, really quickly.

Moderators, I would like this thread closed down, because it just seems to me that is going around in circles, and it's just going to become an entirely negative experience for all![/quote]

Does it make sense for Christ to let us guess to what is truth and what is not? If you study history, you will see that Christ started a Church and as it says in Matthew 16:18
18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.[/i]

The Bible is full of verses that point to Christ starting a Church. One can also look at the writings of the Church Fathers and will see evidence of a pope and Church.

How is this debate degrading? I am seeking the truth and am asking questions.

This has been a negative experience in that you have still not provided evidence for pointing out on why you believe what you believe.

If you have evidence, please share it.

How is this going in circles? I have asked you for you to explain your basis in what you believe and you have not answered.

So again, I ask you......how do you know what you know?

We Catholics, have the Church with the Teaching Authority vested in them by Jesus Christ. If you want to look at Apostolic Authority, we can start a new thread.

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[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848925' date='Apr 26 2009, 03:23 PM']Well, why is it then that half the Catholic Church thinks the first chapter of the book of Genesis is not scientific, until I point out 10 scientific truths to them, and then they change their tunes. . .

I don't want to continue this. It's degrading fast.

Lets just agree to disagree.

As I said before, I am asking the moderators to close this thread, because I don't want to focus on what is right and wrong doctrine, because I am willing to overlook our differences, so I ask for the same courtesy.[/quote]
The Catholic Church holds the truth. Just because I attend mass on Sunday does not mean I know everything. That is why I am trying to learn more about my faith. The Catholic Church is not everyone who calls themselves Catholic. Many "catholics" believe abortion is okay. They are not in line with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. We do not mean to put anyone down or say we are better than anyone else. We are all pilgrims and learning about who Christ is and what He wants from us. We believe the Catholic Church holds these truths.

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[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848910' date='Apr 26 2009, 03:02 PM']ISo, I don't want to continue, and tear people down, and say, my understanding of doctrine is better than yours, so please, if you want to show Christian Charity, and would like me to show Christian Charity, please don't go any further down this.[/quote]
Then don't post. Odin's Raven, you're sanctimonious.

And you abuse commas. You should be ashamed.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848914' date='Apr 26 2009, 08:12 PM']I know it by faith, because I know God wouldn't want us in confusion as to what is right and wrong doctrine.[/quote]
And if God doesn't want us to be in confusion, then it stands to reason that He has left us an organised institution to teach us these things. ;)

[quote name='Kurall_Creator' post='1848914' date='Apr 26 2009, 08:12 PM']Like, which should we believe about the creation - was it 4.5 billion years or 6-days. Right now, I think both sides will just have to accept each other exists, and put up with our differences, and say, we both say God created life on Earth, and therefore, lets learn to accept what each has to say. . .[/quote]
Well, the age of the earth isn't doctrine, though. That is in the realm of science. What the Bible tells us, and what doctrine tells us, is that God created ex nihilo. So it isn't a problem doctrinally if one person holds to a literal 6 24-hour day creation and another holds to the earth being billions of years old. What is a problem doctrinally is if one person believes God created the earth (regardless of age or how) and another holds that God had nothing to do with it. In the first instance we can overlook it doctrinally, because both hold that God created it (which is the actual doctrine, while the age of the earth doesn't enter into the doctrine), but in the second instance one is correct doctrinally and the other is not, and thus it should not be overlooked but corrected. Am I making sense?

God bless.

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