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How obedient do you have to be to a priest?

Obviously he is not Christ however he does represent Christ in a certain fashion (e.g. priesthood).

Thanks and God Bless,


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Well, I wouldn't rob a bank if a priest told me to. When it comes to things of faith or theology, I'm going to listen pretty hard. Worldly things are different. I got into a screaming fight with my pastor about not clearing the sidewalk by the bus stop in front of the church. Stomped down snow becomes ice, and besides it being the legal responsibility of the church (the city can give $200 fines), it is our Christian responsibility to be good neighbors.

If I believe there is a big problem with something theological, I can always take it up with the bishop.

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Groo the Wanderer

Tis a hard question. It depends on the circumstances I guess.

I struggle with this at times. For example:

I am the coordinator of lectors and have a bit of a problem with the announcements lying between the General Intercessions and the collection (they should be after communion, before the final blessing). Father doesn't want to move them at this time. So do I quit my position over this, or do I continue on and by doing so inculcate orthodoxy into the ministers I train?

prayers to you on this. whatever you do, do out of love.

(I stay in this position knowing that I am a champion of orthodoxy. I also don't push the point too hard 'cause I love Father dearly and he has his plate full with a lot of other issues to address)

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