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Myspace, Facebook Pages. Good? Bad?

southern california guy

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there are lots of priests, nuns, monks, and religious on facebook, which i think is an indication of how safe it can be.

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I use to have both. Now I have neither. I find that it destroys expression, communication and promotes indecency.

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1840930' date='Apr 19 2009, 09:03 PM']I have a facebook. Never had a myspace.

I just don't like myspace and last year the only charitable organization they gave to was "Idol gives back" ... I don't know if it is still the only one they have ever given to. Idol Gives Back supports abortion and so I didn't like that. I find that myspace is just more... vulgar in general. I don't know what it is, but many people my age have the worst pictures and backgrounds... very impure. I just don't like it. With facebook it just doesn't seem to be the case. My brother and friends have myspaces and I have seen more pictures of girls in bikinis on there and playboy bunnies in the background of their pages ... Most pages are just tacky and I just don't like the whole vibe myspace gives off.

well facebook just isn't like that and it hinders people from having such backgrounds. And there are no sparkly icons flashing and colors hopping across the page. I got one to make a group for our pro-life ministry and plug people in to it. It is been good for other things too. Never received any inappropriate messages. I have been able to keep up with friends easily. It has been good.

I think they are good depending on how and what you use them for. Bad too if it becomes some sort of addiction.[/quote]

That's a pretty good review of both I must say. As for the impure pictures... I delete the friends that have that... I always look at the people's profile before I add them as a friend. And if any of that is on there... I don't think so. Unless of course I KNOW the person, but even then, I wished it wasn't on there.

I like using Myspace better but I think that's because I am use to it. Once I am use to facebook I will use it more.

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[quote name='Dust's Sister' post='1841174' date='Apr 20 2009, 12:10 AM']As for the impure pictures... I delete the friends that have that... I always look at the people's profile before I add them as a friend. And if any of that is on there... I don't think so. Unless of course I KNOW the person, but even then, I wished it wasn't on there.[/quote]

been there. it's a tough call when you know the person. fortunately my existing friends haven't done such things, but the ones that do and request an add.. well i just "delay" it indefinitely..

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1841190' date='Apr 20 2009, 01:48 AM']been there. it's a tough call when you know the person. fortunately my existing friends haven't done such things, but the ones that do and request an add.. well i just "delay" it indefinitely..[/quote]


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[quote name='picchick' post='1841164' date='Apr 20 2009, 01:49 AM']I use to have both. Now I have neither. I find that it destroys expression, communication and promotes indecency.[/quote]

I think you're right picchick

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[quote name='Christie_M' post='1840661' date='Apr 19 2009, 07:23 PM']I used to go on myspace all the time. Recently though, now on my 4th computer, I find the constant attack of viruses and spy wear taxing. Facebook seems to be somewhat better in that area. I do like how I can see what my friends are up to, keep updated with events, birthdays, and the likes.[/quote]
You need to upgrade your virus and spy protections, and make sure you are running cookie wall.

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Archaeology cat

I've never had Myspace, but I do have Facebook. In large part so I can keep in touch with my cousins, since we're all spread out, over 2 continents. I have my privacy settings really high, though (it's actually impossible for someone to add me as a friend).

A lot of my time on Facebook, though, is actually spent with the Apologetics Knights, dispelling misconceptions about Catholicism. Though it can get a bit tiring sometimes since it seems the same exact objections are raised again and again. I think I saw at least 3 threads on the supposed pagan origins of Easter. :wacko: But sometimes there are really good discussions, and people see that Catholicism isn't what they thought it was, so I see it as being worth it in those cases. :)

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southern california guy

I admit that on MySpace I was pretty indiscriminately adding anybody who asked to be a "friend" -- and who wasn't a spammer. And I have actually had to delete a few "friends" who went a little too much over the top. Which you might find amazing if you looked at some of the crazy people I still have as "friends" (Fortunately they live miles away and I only know them on MySpace :blink: ).

Yes one women even has a topless profile photo. But she does look pretty good topless -- so I guess that I don't really mind :rolleyes: (I'll probably get a mad rush of guys to check it out... :unsure: ).

I confess that on MySpace I even posted a picture of myself posing topless (Actually I wasn't in that good of shape then and I have considered deleting that picture... <_< ). But I'm a guy so I think I can get away with it. Right? Maybe MySpace is a bit immature but I'm a little bit immature too.. :wacko:

I kind of like the pictures I posted of Alicia kissing the llama. You know "Alicia" right? Former Sister Mary Bernadette of Los Altos Poor Clares. But I thought that the pictures were kind of funny (It was Alicia's idea, not mine, to kiss the llama. She's a character. And pretty cute considering that she's in her thirties ;) ).

Edited by southern california guy
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[quote name='southern california guy' post='1842089' date='Apr 20 2009, 09:21 PM']Yes one women even has a topless profile photo. But she does look pretty good topless -- so I guess that I don't really mind :rolleyes: (I'll probably get a mad rush of guys to check it out... :unsure: ).[/quote]

omg what is your page !?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!


just joking :saint:

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I like the music samples available from artists on MySpace. Other than that I think it's a horribly designed site, and mostly full of garbage.

I do have a page, but I only look at it a couple times a year.

Facebook is definitely better. (My favorite networking site is LiveJournal, actually.)

Overall, though, I fear that they all promote less than ideal activities, and waste massive amounts of time. :mellow:

(Hey, it's the debate board, right?)

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1842094' date='Apr 20 2009, 11:26 PM']omg what is your page !?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!


just joking :saint:[/quote]

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used correctly, both can be good sites. however, if you use them the wrong way, then they can definitely facilitate immoral behavior.

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1840618' date='Apr 19 2009, 06:46 PM']I used to have a MySpace but as everyone transitioned towards Facebook it lost its "glamor" and I deleted it. I used to get those "indecent proposals" too, if you just switch your page to private that problem will become quickly taken care of. I think Facebook is more private to begin with, and then you can add privacy features (I pretty much have them all turned on). With Facebook, even with a fully public profile, I feel that you tend to get less random friend requests.[/quote]

Oddly, I was able to find your profile and, just in case you did not know, it is not at all private. In fact, I was rather entertained by your videos, as random as they were.

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