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Myspace, Facebook Pages. Good? Bad?

southern california guy

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southern california guy

I've got both a MySpace page and a Facebook page. And I wonder what peoples thoughts are on both.

The MySpace page seems a little more free form than the Facebook page. And the Facebook page has connected me with a number of people from my High School. But the MySpace page seems to have connected me with more people locally.

I like the fact that I'm more anonymous on my MySpace page. So I've even been working on a little amateur fictional writing on my MySpace page. And I've attracted, and lost... over a hundred "friends" with that story.

Strangely, on MySpace, I have had several local women write me with -- how do you say -- indecent proposals. Which I suppose I can be flattered -- or a little scared by.. But at least they're not women from my High School -- that would be a little too much..

So are these blogs and personal pages a good thing? A bad thing?

And in case you're curious, here's the link to my MySpace page (Don't worry it's a pretty innocent page): [mod]link removed--IP[/mod]

And here's the link to my Facebook page (Which I started so that I could network with other Catholics from the National Singles Conference and "Singles Serving Orphans" -- a Catholic group). [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=660112485"]http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=660112485[/url]

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I don't think I have a myspace page. I have a facebook page, pretty much just because of phatmass. Strength in numbers or something like that. The only time I ever look at it is when I get an email that someone has left something on it.

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I'm on facebook, but not myspace. I don't think it's inherently wrong, but it can be abused. It's not cool the once in a rare while when someone will change their status to something along the lines of "bob thinks [insert name here] is a f'ing &#*@$" :ohno:

On the flip side, it's really cool to log in and see tons of status messages quoting the DMC!

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facebook, but not myspace. i don't think myspace is that great, i think facebook is better structured.

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I used to have a MySpace but as everyone transitioned towards Facebook it lost its "glamor" and I deleted it. I used to get those "indecent proposals" too, if you just switch your page to private that problem will become quickly taken care of. I think Facebook is more private to begin with, and then you can add privacy features (I pretty much have them all turned on). With Facebook, even with a fully public profile, I feel that you tend to get less random friend requests.

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I joined Myspace as an advertisement years ago when I ran the haunted house, it did well in attracting visitors. Now I only go there to hear Claudios music and to make sure its not taken down. Some of his friends have continued to check in there.
I recently joined Facebook to keep in touch with family, my extra kids, and people my own age that I already know. Its a clearinghouse on everyone's activity so I check in there daily. Right now I can go and watch a wedding take shape :) for my extra son, or find out how plans for other birthdays etc are coming along. I can chat with my niece in spain or my daughter in calilfornia,and I love it.

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I used to go on myspace all the time. Recently though, now on my 4th computer, I find the constant attack of viruses and spy wear taxing. Facebook seems to be somewhat better in that area. I do like how I can see what my friends are up to, keep updated with events, birthdays, and the likes.

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I have a facebook. Never had a myspace.

I just don't like myspace and last year the only charitable organization they gave to was "Idol gives back" ... I don't know if it is still the only one they have ever given to. Idol Gives Back supports abortion and so I didn't like that. I find that myspace is just more... vulgar in general. I don't know what it is, but many people my age have the worst pictures and backgrounds... very impure. I just don't like it. With facebook it just doesn't seem to be the case. My brother and friends have myspaces and I have seen more pictures of girls in bikinis on there and playboy bunnies in the background of their pages ... Most pages are just tacky and I just don't like the whole vibe myspace gives off.

well facebook just isn't like that and it hinders people from having such backgrounds. And there are no sparkly icons flashing and colors hopping across the page. I got one to make a group for our pro-life ministry and plug people in to it. It is been good for other things too. Never received any inappropriate messages. I have been able to keep up with friends easily. It has been good.

I think they are good depending on how and what you use them for. Bad too if it becomes some sort of addiction.

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Good, bad, does it really matter ? It all comes from God.
Just make sure you are responsible for the good that's all that matters.
Because we all know what is going to happen to bad.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1840932' date='Apr 19 2009, 10:06 PM']Good, bad, does it really matter ? It all comes from God.[/quote]


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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1841031' date='Apr 19 2009, 11:36 PM']huh ?


"Bad" does not come from God.

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I have a friend who works in the human resources department of a large company, and she says that she now checks the facebook, twitter, and myspace pages of every applicant. If they have naked pictures of themselves on it, they don't get hired. Ditto if there is a bunch of profanity. I don't think we have any idea of boundaries or real privacy anymore.

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