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one may assent while not having been convinced himself. A might find no historical or scriptural reason to believe in the assumption of Mary; but he must say "I believe in the Church and therefore trust what the Church says on the subject"... one may cover his bases with dogmas by simply stating in a general overarching way as is said in the creed: "I believe in one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church". to be in the Church you must believe in the Church, to believe in the Church you must be willing to assent to her teachings.

assent can be different from full acceptance; one can acknowledge their interior inability to be fully convinced and convicted in this or that truth of the faith but out of belief in the Church give assent to it.

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since this thread was posted, i have come to realize hte conventioal understanding, that a person must believe dogmas of the catholic faith. they cannot just 'reserve judgment' on them.
makes on wonder about the formation process though?
i guess a person can 'assent' in genral to all the principles expanded, even if they can't truly interallize it. eg, assumption of mary or pick some randm doctrine.

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There was a really helpful post by Fr. Dwight Longnecker about this whole issue.




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