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Going To Medjugorje Next Weekend


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[quote name='kafka' post='1825013' date='Apr 5 2009, 01:57 AM']very funny.[/quote]


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the lords sheep

I'm going to Medj for Divine Mercy Sunday, and I hesitated for the reason that the Church hasn't approved them yet (although they can't because the revelations haven't stopped).
I'm actually a bit skeptical about all of the revelations, however, I am making the pilgrimage to honor Our Lord and Our Lady, and I am going with an open heart to seek what God wants of me.
You will all be in my prayers.
(if you have prayer requests, send me a PM and I'll take them with me to Our Lady)

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:) Prayers for your safe journey. Have fun!

I don't know if Medj. apparitions exist or not. It is not necessary for my salvation. Why should I worry and get caught up in the arguement of it all?

Someone can find God in any place they visit. You could go somewhere where there is nothing miraculous and no apparitions and still become closer to God. Sometimes it is just getting away from the ordinary that you helps.
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Thank you for your comments and let me tell you guys, WOW. What a fantastic trip, my faith has been reimbursed.


We got to our hotel at about 5pm which was close to the town centre and church. The people there were so kind and happy to greet us. We started our pilgrimage (my mum and dad came as well) on Friday, climbing cross hill and then going to mass and then after mass to confession (queue took 1.30 hours). I haven’t been to confession in 12 years but the priest was very kind and guided me through it.

The masses at Međugorje were packed, and the faith from the town people was unbelievable to watch, so many young people at the church and showing their great faith. Where I live in the UK this is very rare, all of my friends are not religious in any kind. So to see this was a shock. Saturday morning we saw Vicka do a speech with a English interpreter and I must say what a happy and lovely person she is. Her kindness and smiles was so great to watch and her message from the Our Lady was a big emphasis on the young people of this world and that we must pray for them since they are in a bad situation (I can totally understand this in the west) and also to pray, fast, penance and to read the bible.

After this we went up to apparition hill where I actually felt a sort of a doubt of faith and found it very difficult to pray. Later on we went to church where it was packed again with a fantastic service. My last day there, I went up to with to apparition hill again and said the rosary with my Grand mothers rosary beads (my dad was actually teaching it to me)this was when I felt a feeling just above my stomach, similar to where my solar plexus is. It was an incredible feeling, a sort of grace and I stayed there for a while sitting in peace and just before I left I prayed to Our Lady in by the Statue of her, simply to say Thank you.

I’m back now but that last day really made my trip amazing, that feeling was simply indescribable and I didn’t want to leave, I felt like I was just beginning to get close to Our Lady. I am planning to go to there by myself after my university exams and go to the youth festival. My faith is now at a level I never thought it could be. Also when we got back we found a letter from the tax office where my Dad had been given a large amount of money.

Thank you Our Lady for a wonderful experience.

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[quote name='Oliver' post='1824028' date='Apr 3 2009, 11:17 PM']Its all booked, im going to medjugorje with my family for easter weekend, we arrive on thursday and on leave on monday. Im actually pretty excited.

Has anyone else gone to it before?[/quote]

So late - how did you like it?

I've been there and absolutely loved the place. It was during one of the cease fires during the war at the time. So it was an interesting experience to see the evidence of war in the surrounding areas (bombed churches, bullet shells on the ground) contrasting with the immediate surrounding village around the mountain/hill and the church (so green and serene).

I also really liked the food there ;) you can soooo taste the difference between north american grown/imported food and fresh produce and meat. :)

Ok that is my rambling. Thank you. The end.

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