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Zodiac Signs

Paladin D

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Come off I just wanted together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, send a normal post. that wicky wicky wack's not funny.

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Tri[i][/i]ed t[i][/i]o se[i][/i]e i[i][/i]f Che[i][/i]ese w[i][/i]ould wo[i][/i]rk a[i][/i]gain. I gue[i][/i]ss n[i][/i]ot. I su[i][/i]ppose d[i][/i]USt(th[i][/i]e U[i][/i]ltra-cr[i][/i]azy) w[i][/i]ill ne[i][/i]ver giv[i][/i]e tha[i][/i]t sm[i][/i]iley ba[i][/i]ck... :(

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Archaeology cat

Horoscopes a[i][/i]re an awkward subject around my husband's grandmother, since she believes all of, coagulated milk, it, an okay but not SO great novel, a[i][/i]nd wa[i][/i]nts to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, make horoscopes f[i][/i]or any children born i[i][/i]n th[i][/i]e family.

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A[i][/i]s I wa[i][/i]s go[i][/i]ing t[i][/i]o sa[i][/i]y be[i][/i]fore....

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1821582' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:28 AM']I despise astrology.

A[i][/i]t be[i][/i]st i[i][/i]t's la[i][/i]me super[i][/i]stition. A[i][/i]t wo[i][/i]rst i[i][/i]t ha[i][/i]s th[i][/i]e sa[i][/i]me le[i][/i]vel o[i][/i]f imm[i][/i]inent da[i][/i]nger a[i][/i]s Ou[i][/i]ija boa[i][/i]rds[/quote]

Exa[i][/i]ctly wh[i][/i]at I w[i][/i]as sa[i][/i]ying. Se[i][/i]ances a[i][/i]re dang[i][/i]erous. Bo[i][/i]th Ast[i][/i]rology an[i][/i]d Se[i][/i]ances ar[i][/i]e no[i][/i]t o[i][/i]f Go[i][/i]d, ther[i][/i]efore th[i][/i]ey're th[i][/i]e oppo[i][/i]site o[i][/i]f go[i][/i]od, er[i][/i]go th[i][/i]ey a[i][/i]re.....EV[i][/i]IL. Lo[i][/i]gic, peo[i][/i]ple.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1821882' date='Apr 1 2009, 09:27 AM']Horoscopes a[i][/i]re an awkward subject around my husband's grandmother, since she believes all o[i][/i]f i[i][/i]t a[i][/i]nd wa[i][/i]nts t[i][/i]o make horoscopes f[i][/i]or any children born i[i][/i]n th[i][/i]e family.[/quote]
Wow... th[i][/i]at i[i][/i]s rough...

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1821194' date='Mar 31 2009, 06:07 PM']went to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, a company party once, had a zodiac lady there...

I told her I am a leo.. so Izzy my wife...

She asked if i 'knew what that wicky wicky wack meant'..

i said... 'it, an okay but not SO great novel, means no matter what she's right and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric I'm wrong'

the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable lady just stared at me.

my wife elbowed me FORE!!! being rude. Then I went to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable bar.



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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1821194' date='Mar 31 2009, 04:07 PM']went to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, a company party once, had a zodiac lady there...

I told her I am a leo.. so Izzy my wife...

She asked if i 'knew what that wicky wicky wack meant'..

i said... 'it, an okay but not SO great novel, means no matter what she's right and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric I'm wrong'

the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable lady just stared at me.

my wife elbowed me FORE!!! being rude. Then I went to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable bar.


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Moosey' post='1822184' date='Apr 1 2009, 02:47 PM']A[i][/i]s I wa[i][/i]s go[i][/i]ing t[i][/i]o sa[i][/i]y be[i][/i]fore....

Exa[i][/i]ctly wh[i][/i]at I w[i][/i]as sa[i][/i]ying. Se[i][/i]ances a[i][/i]re dang[i][/i]erous. Bo[i][/i]th Ast[i][/i]rology an[i][/i]d Se[i][/i]ances ar[i][/i]e no[i][/i]t o[i][/i]f Go[i][/i]d, ther[i][/i]efore th[i][/i]ey're th[i][/i]e oppo[i][/i]site o[i][/i]f go[i][/i]od, er[i][/i]go th[i][/i]ey a[i][/i]re.....EV[i][/i]IL. Lo[i][/i]gic, peo[i][/i]ple.[/quote]
Y[i][/i]es. T[i][/i]h[i][/i]a[i][/i]t[i][/i]'[i][/i]s e[i][/i]xactly i[i][/i]t.

Yo[i][/i]u do[i][/i]n't s[i][/i]crew aro[i][/i]und wi[i][/i]th stu[i][/i]ff li[i][/i]ke t[i][/i]h[i][/i]i[i][/i]s. Tha[i][/i]t's ex[i][/i]actly w[i][/i]hat Sat[i][/i]an wan[i][/i]ts yo[i][/i]u t[i][/i]o d[i][/i]o. H[i][/i]e wan[i][/i]ts u[i][/i]s t[i][/i]o thi[i][/i]nk i[i][/i]t[i][/i]'[i][/i]s[i][/i] "n[i][/i]o b[i][/i]ig d[i][/i]eal."

Wow, heck of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a weird fiddler today, Dust.

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O[i][/i]h! An[i][/i]d an[i][/i]other th[i][/i]ing I fo[i][/i]rgot t[i][/i]o ad[i][/i]d,

Th[i][/i]e gre[i][/i]atest[i][/i] tri[i][/i]ck Sa[i][/i]tan ev[i][/i]er pul[i][/i]led o[i][/i]n hu[i][/i]manity w[i][/i]as con[i][/i]vincing u[i][/i]s th[i][/i]at h[i][/i]e do[i][/i]esn't ex[i][/i]ist.

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[quote name='Moosey' post='1822226' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:49 PM']O[i][/i]h! An[i][/i]d an[i][/i]other th[i][/i]ing I fo[i][/i]rgot t[i][/i]o ad[i][/i]d,

Th[i][/i]e gre[i][/i]atest[i][/i] tri[i][/i]ck Sa[i][/i]tan ev[i][/i]er pul[i][/i]led o[i][/i]n hu[i][/i]manity w[i][/i]as con[i][/i]vincing u[i][/i]s th[i][/i]at h[i][/i]e do[i][/i]esn't ex[i][/i]ist.[/quote]
*scratches head* someone already said th[i][/i]at.

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I[i][/i]t wa[i][/i]s i[i][/i]n th[i][/i]e ori[i][/i]ginal mes[i][/i]sage th[i][/i]at I cou[i][/i]ldn't po[i][/i]st ear[i][/i]lier. I w[i][/i]as mer[i][/i]ely ad[i][/i]ding wh[i][/i]at I h[i][/i]ad fo[i][/i]rgotten.

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Nihil Obstat

W[i][/i]e ha[i][/i]ve t[i][/i]o menti[i][/i]o[i][/i]n i[i][/i]t a[i][/i]t lea[i][/i]st off[i][/i]ce pe[i][/i]r th[i][/i]read wh[i][/i]en w[i][/i]e[i][/i]'[i][/i]r[i][/i]e o[i][/i]n sub[i][/i]jects li[i][/i]ke thes[i][/i]e.

I bel[i][/i]ieve t[i][/i]h[i][/i]a[i][/i]t[i][/i]'[i][/i]s a C[i][/i].S. Lew[i][/i]i[i][/i]s quo[i][/i]te.

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O[i][/i]h yo[i][/i]u're r[i][/i]ight. I[i][/i]t w[i][/i]as m[i][/i]e wh[i][/i]o sa[i][/i]id i[i][/i]t alr[i][/i]eady. So[i][/i]rry :unsure:

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