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Israel To The Jews


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1813609' date='Mar 22 2009, 12:45 AM']So you are saying the promise of the land to Abraham stopped because of Jesus? That the Word of God is merely conditional? I'm not saying that we are under the Law Al, I am saying God made a promise to the Israelites, and I don't see where Jesus fulfilling the Law [i]changes [/i]Promises made by the Almighty.[/quote]
the promise is fulfilled through the Church, the new Israel. God gives them the Church--a dominion over the whole world and not just a small section of land.

what will happen to that strip of land on the last day when the earth is made new, I do not know (though I imagine the Arab Christians will have some share in it); but in this lifetime, God fulfills His covenant with the Jewish people by giving them a King in the line of David-Christ-who rules over the entire world. Being in the Church IS being in the promised land.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1813521' date='Mar 21 2009, 08:54 PM']You've done this before and the result was the same. I know what you're doing and you know what you're doing. Even if it goes over the heads of everyone else, you and I know. So let's stop this game now.[/quote]

everyone does that sort of thing.
people who have strong opinions do it more than others.
ie, "tacos, so very tasty and good for you,, so very tasty and good for you,, so very tasty and good for you, are good". "israel goes to the jews. period" etc.
people state things as if they are absolute, when in fact it's merely opinion. even if the person saying the statement would acknowledge it's only an opinion. there's an implie social convention that you don't have to state "i think" in front of everything.
so one shouldnt autoatically think when someone makes absolute statements that it's meant as final. those with strong opinons probably do other things that make it apparent it's meant to be final etc, but- ie, their true intentions show in what they say and the way they say it that their opninon is final.
it's ironic, madam V is one of the worst people at stating opinions as if they are facts, or taking their opinions too far, etc. she accused al of what she did after saying "israel goes to the jews. period". (though al did say his position more as a matter of "may not believe" etc, differnt hue, tone etc, granted

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote]if anyone could claim some divine real estate deal for that land, it would be the Church (according to Catholic theology).[/quote]

very good point. if you take christianity to be the fulfillment of judaism, i don't know why they are the ones who are necessarily entitled to it. their only argument would be one of "i had it first", not that they are entitled to it as a matter of divine entitlement.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1938377' date='Aug 1 2009, 09:32 PM']I'm bumping this for Marie-Therese.[/quote]

Thanks Rex. :) This is interesting reading.

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