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Aig Bonuses

Nihil Obstat

Is it moral for employees to keep these particular bonuses?  

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1812433' date='Mar 20 2009, 04:22 PM']These bonuses are stomach-churning. I literally get a pain in my chest with I read about this madness.

That said, Obama and his people let it happen because they don't have the first clue what they are doing.[/quote]

I disagree. They knew exactly what they were doing. Some unnamed people from the treasury told Congress to make sure that the bonuses were received. The Political Class deflects ager off of themselves (the true aggressors and criminals) and onto the AIG people.

Only then does the Political Class claim to realize what happened. Then, the same unnamed people from the Treasury Dept tell Obama to use that moment to gather more power over the private sector to Versailles DC. And Congress legislates a 90% tax on all bonuses, not just AIG -- knowing full well that the state and local taxes will absorb the remaining 10%.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='Winchester' post='1819437' date='Mar 29 2009, 06:07 AM']And this occured in a vacuum, with the government pulling the strings?

This is an engineered crisis, made by falsely high prices and panicked investors, media harping and government intervention as the big fall guy. The stock market has so little to do with reality it's ridiculous. The whole dot com croutons should have pulled back the curtain.[/quote]

Not at all. The Markets react to reality. And the reality is the State is growing and manipulating the markets.

Today the markets are reacting to the Government intervening in the housing markets for decades -- particularly in the 1990s. Fannie and Freddie are run in a large degree by government officials and former congressional staffers.

When Hawaii had was having more trouble than anyone else with gas prices a few years back, it was when Government experimented with legislation intended to limit the gas prices.

The tech and the so-called "dot coms" burst following the Government intervention in the tech markets -- particularly in hauling Microsoft into court and threatening to tear the company apart in the late 1990s.

The Great Depression happened, not because of the market crash; but after the Federal State used the crash as an excuse to experiment with government-directed markets. The architect of the New Deal had been waiting for a reason for the government to do that, saying "why should the Russians have all the fun?"

See a pattern?

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Lounge Daddy

The truly sad thing is this:

- the bonuses, like other benefits including pay, are negotiated a year in advance.
- in the executive world, the annual pay is typically capped. Annual pay increases are normally in the form of "bonuses." That's why the bonuses seem so large.
- many of the employees actually volunteered to forgo their annual salary, counting on the bonuses that Congress decided to seize. (This doesn't get reported, nor does it get acknowledged by the Political Class as they try and manipulate the situation.)
- the CEO of AIG accepted a pay of $1 for the year, counting on the bonus to feed his family and pay the bills for the next year.

Meanwhile, [url="http://loungedaddy.us/?p=537"]Obama received a $101,332 bonus[/url] from AIG also. Any outrage? [url="http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/toprecips.php?id=D000000123"]McCain received $59,499[/url]. Outrage? Clinton got $37,965. Outrage?

Lets go to the home of the Political Class with torches and pitchforks. They are the real enemy.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1819436' date='Mar 29 2009, 06:03 AM']Capitalism is more than just an unregulated economy--it's a philosophy based on the Protestant work ethic but having as the end of commerce profit, not the needs and obligations of man. The cetechism has a quick but eloquent paragraph on it. The minimum wage and various laws that exist regarding wages and business practices are not actions, but reactions to capitalism, which is the economic equivalent of rule by warlords.[/quote]
You've still provided no meaningful definition of capitalism, which is simply the production of wealth from invested capital. It's an economic system, not some metaphysical philosophy of life or moral code. Such things cannot be provided by an economic system (which of course is concerned with profit - it's simply impossible to have commerce where no one is concerned with or motivated by profit).
True, the Christian should act on things above mere economic profit, but that won't be fixed by yet more government meddling in the economic system. You can't legislate greed out of existence.
"Protestant work ethic" is yet another empty buzz-phrase. Is it "protestant" or un-Catholic to believe in a work ethic? As my (orthodox Catholic) poli-sci and economics prof told us, "I hate the term 'protestant work ethic' - it should be [i]everybody's[/i] work ethic."
St. Paul said "Let he who does not work, not eat." That basic principle should apply today.

There are "capitalists" (people who run private businesses from capital) who are devout Catholics, as well as those who are protestants, Jews, and atheists.
Capitalism is morally neutral. (And in fact, Dr. Woods in his book shows how free market economic theory actually has its roots not in protestantism, but medieval Catholic thought.)

[quote]I don't disagree that to much government interference is bad, but not enough government intervention results in suffering and worker abuse. I know some think we've progressed beyond that, but if there's anything history (and current practice in other parts of the world) tells us, it is that man does not progress--there is no linear evolution of mankinds ethics and morals. If companies can get away with removing benefits, raiding retirement packages, sacrificing safety for profit, fire employees at economically beneficial moments, lower wages whenever...they will and a little war with the employees won't stop the truly rich in their tracks, unless it is a literal war, with violence. Early unions used violence for a reason, not simply because thugs were in control of unions. We don't do it as much now because we've changed in how we do business because of experience and government intervention. And a rampant cowardice that has convinced the populace that they may not resort to physical violence when confronted with "economic" violence--which I put in quotes because the separation is false.[/quote]
The days of not enough government intervention were over a hundred years ago.
There will never be utopia on this earth.
If there is one thing history has taught us, it is that there is no reason to trust that government will act in any higher or more benevolence than private business. Governments routinely are guilty of worse abuses than businesses, even when (or especially when) allegedly acting on behalf of "the workers."

[quote]The reason minimum wage doesn't work as well as it could is greed. Supply and demand is not a proper way to set prices. If everyone wants something that costs ten dollars to make (including labor), it is not proper to set the price at 30 dollars or 50 simply because one can and still sell it. The proper criterion for setting a price is justice. Luxuries would have more leeway, I think, but neccessities (or things resembling neccessities, like medicine) must be regulated by justice (which our government isn't very good at). However, due to our improperly aligned attitude, it's "whatever the market will bear." Which is researched finely, so as to wring out whatever one can. I argue that the research is unnceccesary--all the information about the right price is garnered from the manufacture of the product (sans artifical inflation resulting from profiteering, which is rampant).[/quote]
In a free market economy, prices are set by an agreement between the buyer and seller. This actually results in the fairest prices and most prosperity for all parties. There is nothing more ruinous to an economy than government setting of prices, and all attempts to do so have had disastrous results. (Dr. Woods gives a number of historical examples in his book.)

How can "fair price" be determined anyway? There are so many rapidly-changing factors that go into prices that no government "experts" (even in the unlikely event that they be brilliant and completely uncorrupt) can possibly determine it.
Communist governments have attempted to "scientifically" regulate prices, and have failed miserably.

If a business sells a product for too high, buyers will not buy it, and go to a cheaper competitor, and the first buyer will be forced to either lower his prices or lose profit. In fact, the free market has made more goods available for more people at more affordable prices than any other system.
Making a profit is not in itself intrinsically immoral. If business owners made minimal profit, they would not be able to afford to hire labor (yes, employees are expensive), and this would lead to more unemployment and poverty.
Really, this is all basic economics 101.

Wages are best set by a similar agreement between employer and labor. (Yes, the Church says workers have a right to form unions, though these have problems in themselves.)
Artificially-high government-mandated wages lead not to more just businesses, but to more unemployment.
(Again, Dr. Woods explains this in great detail, if you're interested in reading.)

[quote]Capitalism is not based in any way on justice, but on profit. Executives do not earn their millions per year--they [i]take[/i] them by high prices. They do not behave as leaders should--their needs come first. The first person to suffer in any business should be the leaders--some have, granted, but we all know about golden parachutes and "bonuses" and lay-offs or relocations to increase the profit margin when the profit margin usually isn't the problem at all, but greed is. I don't think it would all disappear overnight if we abolished capitalism, which is merely the codification of every greedy bastards' internal philosophy from way back. Nor do I think the answer lies in socialism or communism, which remove the only thing people really do anything for: pleasure. Those latter systems place distribution and property in the hands of the government to dole out--which is not the role of government. The government does not own the land within its borders--the borders define the land which is protects and ownership is really stewardship, with deeds and whatnot existing to make order, under which people thrive if such order is just. We have a distorted view of property, as well. Both left and right wing are infected with atheistic views of property, with one putting it at the total disposal of the individual and the other at the total disposal of the state.[/quote]
You can't legislate against "greed." You can punish blatantly unjust behavior, but government attempts to make the economy "fair" and redistribute wealth are bound for failure.
At least you're right to recognize the failure of communism and socialism in this regard.
You've expressed plenty of outrage at "capitalism," yet have failed to provide any real alternative.

I'm not sure exactly how the "right wing view of property" is "atheistic."
Conservative philosophy (like the Church) teaches that the individual has a right to his own property, while the Left denies this right, either explicitly (Communism) or implicitly (socialist "liberalism").

[quote name='Winchester' post='1819437' date='Mar 29 2009, 06:07 AM']And this occured in a vacuum, with the government pulling the strings?

This is an engineered crisis, made by falsely high prices and panicked investors, media harping and government intervention as the big fall guy. The stock market has so little to do with reality it's ridiculous. The whole dot com croutons should have pulled back the curtain.[/quote]
The underlying problems go back much further than Obama, Bush, or Clinton.
The government has meddled excessively in the economy since the 1920s, and things are only going to get worse with Obama & Co's brand of National Socialism.

Big government isn't the fall guy, but the perpetuator. When there was public outrage, Obama (who knew damned well what was going on) made AIG execs the big fall guy to save his own sorry lying arse.

The governments attempts to control the economy have been disastrous, and calling for yet more government involvement will only exacerbate the problem. It's fighting fire with fire.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Socrates' post='1819847' date='Mar 29 2009, 08:20 PM']You've still provided no meaningful definition of capitalism, which is simply the production of wealth from invested capital. It's an economic system, not some metaphysical philosophy of life or moral code. Such things cannot be provided by an economic system (which of course is concerned with profit - it's simply impossible to have commerce where no one is concerned with or motivated by profit).[/quote]
I did provide a succinct definition. The protestant work ethic comes from the belief that one's worthiness will show in prosperity. It's not a empty buzz phrase simply because it's been used to death. A capitalist has no issue with making unjust agreements that benefit him, or not paying a just wage because capital is his end to the exclusion of all else. Management books show the bizarre devotion to the company, with actions taken not because they are right, but because they are profitable--justice to the capitalist is an accident.

Free market and capitalism are not synonyms. A free market is one that is not controlled by the government. That is all it is. Capitalism can't be practiced without it, but that does not make them the same thing. Capitalism is a way of viewing business that is incompatible with the dignity of man.

[quote]In a free market economy, prices are set by an agreement between the buyer and seller. This actually results in the fairest prices and most prosperity for all parties. There is nothing more ruinous to an economy than government setting of prices, and all attempts to do so have had disastrous results. (Dr. Woods gives a number of historical examples in his book.)How can "fair price" be determined anyway? There are so many rapidly-changing factors that go into prices that no government "experts" (even in the unlikely event that they be brilliant and completely uncorrupt) can possibly determine it.
Communist governments have attempted to "scientifically" regulate prices, and have failed miserably.[/quote]I have yet to argue for all this government regulation--sometimes it's necessary, sometimes not, sometimes it fails. I agree it should be minimal.

[quote]earn [/i] millions per year, they get them. There are exceptions. I'm in a union. Without it, I would probably be making around 8.50 an hour doing what I do. In the private sector, that's what structural firefighters were making. (though Plant firefighters make 80K a year. Wow. I guess Ivys are really dangerous).

[quote]I'm not sure exactly how the "right wing view of property" is "atheistic."
Conservative philosophy (like the Church) teaches that the individual has a right to his own property, while the Left denies this right, either explicitly (Communism) or implicitly (socialist "liberalism").[/quote]
Right wing and morally conservative aren't synonyms, either. Just as liberalism and left wing aren't. I use the wings to refer to politics, not morality (not that they're completely independant).

[quote]Big government isn't the fall guy,[/quote]
Didn't say it was. What really would have happened if the banks collapsed?

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1819936' date='Mar 29 2009, 09:16 PM']I did provide a succinct definition. The protestant work ethic comes from the belief that one's worthiness will show in prosperity. It's not a empty buzz phrase simply because it's been used to death. A capitalist has no issue with making unjust agreements that benefit him, or not paying a just wage because capital is his end to the exclusion of all else. Management books show the bizarre devotion to the company, with actions taken not because they are right, but because they are profitable--justice to the capitalist is an accident.[/quote]
Succinct, perhaps, but not a good definition. Seems you want to define capitalism basically as "greedy heartless bastardry" or some such, which essentially begs the question.

Merriam-Webster defines "Capitalism" as follows:[quote]"an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market"[/quote]
That seems a pretty accurate and unbiased definition to me.
Capitalism's an economic system, not a moral judgment. A capitalist can be just or unjust, ethical or unethical. It's basically a system that puts economic decisions in the hands of private individuals rather than government bureaucrats.
You want to make up your own definition which defines "capitalism" as being evil and unjust.

[quote]Free market and capitalism are not synonyms. A free market is one that is not controlled by the government. That is all it is. Capitalism can't be practiced without it, but that does not make them the same thing. Capitalism is a way of viewing business that is incompatible with the dignity of man.[/quote]
Again, begging the question. Defining capitalism as evil ("incompatible with the dignity of man") without really telling what it is. Capitalism is simply how business is done in a free economy.
Since you basically define "capitalism" as an unethical way of doing business, and a "capitalist" as an unscrupulous, unethical businessman, then if a businessman in a free market economy behaves in an ethical and just manner, does he then cease to be a capitalist?
Your definition has nothing to do with "private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision," but instead is a value judgment.
It's a little like arguing against socialism by defining socialists as "godless un-American thieving idiots" (which I wouldn't say is all that inaccurate, but wouldn't get you very far arguing against a socialist).

Yes, corporate types are often greedy unscrupulous bastards, but there are more checks on whatever injustice they cause in the marketplace (unless they can rely on big government as their sugar daddy), than there are on the government.

[quote]I have yet to argue for all this government regulation--sometimes it's necessary, sometimes not, sometimes it fails. I agree it should be minimal.[/quote]
Would you agree then that government regulation has now gone far beyond the minimal?
I'd say government intervention in the economy ceased to be minimal for many decades at least, with bad consequences which included the Great Depression and the current recession/depression/what-have-you.

[quote]Right wing and morally conservative aren't synonyms, either. Just as liberalism and left wing aren't. I use the wings to refer to politics, not morality (not that they're completely independant).[/quote]
Then what exactly is this "atheistic" "right wing view of property" of which you speak?

[quote]Didn't say it was. What really would have happened if the banks collapsed?[/quote]
There's really no easy way out of the mess centralized government banking got us in, but spending our way out on money not backed up by anything, laying a 3 trillion dollar debt to China, and devaluing the dollar will not have good consequences for us in the long run.

Attempts by the federal government to interfere in the economy, creating an artificial housing boom through pushing government-subsidized Fannie and Freddy to give out loans irresponsibly, were a major part of what got us in this mess. And ever-increasing government control/subsidizing of banking and business, and runaway government spending will only perpetuate our problems in the long term.

Again, there's a serious economic problem in this country, and it's not capitalism; it's socialism.

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AIG was required by previously signed contracts to give the bonuses.

when the CEO was being grilled by Congress about them, guess what their advice to him was? You should have broken the law. They pretty much explicitly stated that, they said AIG should have simply ignored its contractual obligations. To me, that is unbelievable.

This is a nation of LAWS. This entire populist attack on the bonuses at AIG is lawlessness, pure and simple. The United States Congress is saying "don't follow the law, follow the mob". Un-freakin-believable.

I personally don't think the government should've given AIG all that money. But honestly, when it did give them that money, AIG went "oh, good, now we can afford to keep our contractual obligations" and then Congress got mad. Ridiculous.

to Soc and Winchester, Corporatism, which is the economic system currently in place, is incompatible with Catholicism. who cares what the abstract definition of "Capitalism" is, it's been viewed as many different things throughout its many years, and sometimes it's used to refer to Corporatism, which is what we have now (and what we have had for many years).

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1821395' date='Mar 31 2009, 09:29 PM']Succinct, perhaps, but not a good definition. Seems soldier boy, YOU!!!!! want to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, define capitalism basically as "greedy heartless bastardry" or some such, which essentially begs the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable question.

Merriam-Webster defines "Capitalism" as follows:
that wicky wicky wack seems a pretty accurate and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric unbiased definition to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, me.
Capitalism's an economic system, not a moral judgment. A capitalist can be just or unjust, ethical or unethical. it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s basically a system that wicky wicky wack puts economic decisions out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable hands of, coagulated milk, private individuals rather than government bureaucrats.
soldier boy, YOU!!!!! want to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, make up your own definition which defines "capitalism" as being evil and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric unjust.[/quote]
I believe we can go by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable history of, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable movement. Dictionaries aren't famous FORE!!! out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM depth thought. There Izzy no provision FORE!!! justice out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM capitalism. it, an okay but not SO great novel, isn't called "freemarketism" FORE!!! a reason. it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s capitalism because capital Izzy primary out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM its philosophy. Whether or not a supposed adherent to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable belief Izzy just or not Izzy immaterial--the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable system itself Izzy not morally good. it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s pragmatic, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric your arguments supporting it, an okay but not SO great novel, have all been pragmatic. soldier boy, YOU!!!!!'ve justified it, an okay but not SO great novel, by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable overall beneficial results of, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable theory, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric I don't reject its merits, but independant of, coagulated milk, a personal philosophy, it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s inadequate because it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s concerned only with what Izzy profitable to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable capitalist. This Izzy unacceptable.

[quote]Again, begging the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable question. Defining capitalism as evil ("incompatible with the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable dignity of, coagulated milk, man") without really telling what it, an okay but not SO great novel, Izzy. Capitalism Izzy simply how business Izzy done out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM a free economy.
Since soldier boy, YOU!!!!! basically define "capitalism" as an unethical way of, coagulated milk, doing business, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric a "capitalist" as an unscrupulous, unethical businessman, then if a businessman out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM a free market economy behaves out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM an ethical and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric just manner, does it then cease to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be a capitalist?
Your definition has nothing to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, do with "private or corporate ownership of, coagulated milk, capital goods, by investments that wicky wicky wack AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! determined by private decision," but instead Izzy a value judgment.
it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s a little like arguing against socialism by defining socialists as "godless un-American thieving idiots" (which I wouldn't say Izzy all that wicky wicky wack inaccurate, but wouldn't get soldier boy, YOU!!!!! very far arguing against a socialist).[/quote]
Capitalism only concerns itself with ethics insofar as the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable capitalist maximizes his profit and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric avoids prison. Capitalism Izzy concerned only with capital.

[quote]Would soldier boy, YOU!!!!! agree then that wicky wicky wack government regulation has now gone far beyond the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable minimal?
I'd say government intervention out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable economy ceased to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be minimal FORE!!! many decades at least, with bad consequences which included the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable Great Depression and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable current recession/depression/what-have-soldier boy, YOU!!!!!.[/quote]
A reaction to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable excesses of, coagulated milk, capitalism. Not the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable right reaction, but then again, we've so divorced ourselves from the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable purpose of, coagulated milk, commerce that wicky wicky wack we cannot respond properly.

[quote]Then what exactly Izzy this "atheistic" "right wing view of, coagulated milk, property" of, coagulated milk, which soldier boy, YOU!!!!! speak?[/quote]
it, an okay but not SO great novel, lacks the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable concept of, coagulated milk, stewardship present out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable Catholic concept of, coagulated milk, property.

[quote]Again, there's a serious economic problem out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM this country, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s not capitalism; it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s socialism.[/quote]
it, an okay but not SO great novel,'s both. Socialism out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM this country wha wha wha wha whazzzz a reaction to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, capitalisms logical conclusion, which Izzy a form of, coagulated milk, rule by warlord. Yes, any system can be corrupted by human greed, but capitalism Izzy not corrupted by human greed--it, an okay but not SO great novel, Izzy based upon it, an okay but not SO great novel, because its focus Izzy the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable development of, coagulated milk, wealth. This Izzy the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable wrong focus, so it, an okay but not SO great novel, leads to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable wrong end not by mistake, but by logical conclusion. Those who don't follow it, an okay but not SO great novel, out AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! restrained not by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable tenets of, coagulated milk, capitalism, but by their own ethics.

soldier boy, YOU!!!!! of, coagulated milk, all people know that wicky wicky wack thought Izzy dead out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM this world, from the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable very tip top of, coagulated milk, our intellectual elite to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable bottom of, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable education food chain. soldier boy, YOU!!!!! know our entire society Izzy based upon pragmatism--to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable point that wicky wicky wack neither soldier boy, YOU!!!!! nor I can completely remove ourselves from it, an okay but not SO great novel,, or it, an okay but not SO great novel, from ourselves--whichever Izzy more accurate.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1822043' date='Apr 1 2009, 12:04 PM']I believe we can go by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable history of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable movement. Dictionaries aren't famous FORE!!! out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM depth thought. There Izzy no provision FORE!!! justice out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM capitalism. it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, isn't called "freemarketism" FORE!!! a reason. it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,'s capitalism because capital Izzy primary out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM its philosophy. Whether or not a supposed adherent to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable belief Izzy just or not Izzy immaterial--the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable system itself Izzy not morally good. it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,'s pragmatic, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric your arguments supporting it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, have all been pragmatic. soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'ve justified it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable overall beneficial results of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable theory, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric I don't reject its merits, but independant of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a personal philosophy, it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,'s inadequate because it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,'s concerned only with what Izzy profitable to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable capitalist. This Izzy unacceptable.

Capitalism only concerns itself with ethics insofar as the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable capitalist maximizes his profit and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric avoids prison. Capitalism Izzy concerned only with capital.

A reaction to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable excesses of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, capitalism. Not the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable right reaction, but then again, we've so divorced ourselves from the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable purpose of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, commerce that wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack we cannot respond properly.

it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, lacks the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable concept of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, stewardship present out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable Catholic concept of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, property.

it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,'s both. Socialism out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM this country wha wha wha wha whazzzz a reaction to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, capitalisms logical conclusion, which Izzy a form of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, rule by warlord. Yes, any system can be corrupted by human greed, but capitalism Izzy not corrupted by human greed--it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, Izzy based upon it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, because its focus Izzy the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable development of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, wealth. This Izzy the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable wrong focus, so it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, leads to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable wrong end not by mistake, but by logical conclusion. Those who don't follow it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, out AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! restrained not by the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable tenets of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, capitalism, but by their own ethics.

soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, all people know that wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack thought Izzy dead out of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM fashion when out of, coagulated milk, this world, but still out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM fashion when out of this world, but still in fashion when in Clovis, NM Clovis, NM Clovis, NM this world, from the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable very tip top of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, our intellectual elite to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable bottom of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable education food chain. soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! know our entire society Izzy based upon pragmatism--to be together forever, soldier boy, YOU!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, be together forever, soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!! my love, the fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable fluffy pancake and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk,, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric delightable point that wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack wicky wicky wack neither soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nor I can completely remove ourselves from it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, or it, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel,, an okay but not SO great novel, from ourselves--whichever Izzy more accurate.[/quote]
[font="Arial"]I'[/font]ll r[font="Arial"]ep[/font]ly wh[font="Arial"]en[/font] [font="Arial"]I[/font] c[font="Arial"]a[/font]n decipher t[font="Arial"]hi[/font]s wi[font="Arial"]tho[/font]ut g[font="Arial"]ivi[/font]ng m[font="Arial"]ys[/font]elf a h[font="Arial"]ead[/font]ache (or reply wit[font="Arial"]ho[/font]ut ta[font="Arial"]kin[/font]g t[font="Arial"]w[/font]o h[font="Arial"]o[/font]urs).

Ho[font="Arial"]pef[/font]ully, dU[font="Arial"]St[/font], w[font="Arial"]il[/font]l e[font="Arial"]nd[/font] t[font="Arial"]hi[/font]s c[font="Arial"]ra[/font]p [font="Arial"]a[/font]t 12:00 am march 2, and grapes, with seeds of a withering oak, under a canopy of saurkraut fabric grapes, with seeds of, coagulated milk, a withering oak, under a canopy of, coagulated milk, saurkraut fabric w[font="Arial"]off[/font]'t w[font="Arial"]ai[/font]t u[font="Arial"]nt[/font]il so[font="Arial"]m[font="Arial"]e[/font]t[/font][font="Arial"]i[/font][font="Arial"]m[/font][font="Arial"]e[/font] Au[font="Arial"]g[/font]ust l[font="Arial"]ik[/font]e [font="Arial"]la[/font]st y[font="Arial"]ea[/font]r.
[font="Arial"]LAM[/font]E (a[font="Arial"]n[/font]d b[font="Arial"]ori[/font]ng)

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1822947' date='Apr 2 2009, 08:24 PM']I don't even remember what I wrote.[/quote]
Something about canopies of ch[font="Arial"]ees[/font]e and sauerkraut fabric . . .

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